
  1. dbsar

    BCD396XT P25 decode reset ?

    Scanner-Uniden BCD396XT Monitoring Ohio MARCS Greene County Simulcast from the southwest part of my county. Ok, so Im new to listening to MARCS IP and I don’t know the lingo yet so bear with me. My question is.. IF I mess with the P25 audio decode level adjustments and screw things up, is there...
  2. T

    Uniden BC396 Help

    Hello all I am new to this Forums stuff, here is my problem I just purchased this Scanner and I had Radio Shack Program it for me, what it is doing it will scan for a second then it will find a radio station, pop into a different mode then when I push Lock out it goes back to scanner, I am...
  3. MacGnG

    BCD396XT and Mac OS X

    I just got my BCD396XT in the mail today. After a couple of hours it is set up, programmed, and working on OSX. *** Please note that you need Windows running on Mac to program it. *** I got a NEW scanner with serial cable from Amazon. I bought this Serial to USB adapter: Amazon.com: TRENDnet...
  4. V

    Trade: Brand New Ipad for BCD396XT or BCD996XT

    I got a brand new IPad never removed from the box I will trade it for a like new digi scanner must be a BCD396XT or BCD996XT due to the features I need for my area.. I wanted to put this in the classifieds but it would not let me.. I am a Beta tester for a company and got 8 brand new Ipads So I...
  5. A

    my new bcd396xt

    hi, I'm new on this field of scanning, I bought a bcd396xt and have gotten some frequencies so far by doing search (here in bogota or in colombia we don't have all the things you have to program scanners, basically either we have the frequencies supply by a police or ambulance official...
  6. S

    Bad BCD396XT or bad user?

    I'm picking up this programming pretty well(My 1st digital scanner). I'm scanning a trunked system (CREST Victoria BC CANADA) and the analog is just fine. But of course the P25 is being a bear. When there's a P25 hit the display shows the ID####, as well as the P25/LNK symbals and frequency...
  7. C

    Questions about Albertville, AL

    I recently received a bcd396xt scanner. I have set up Birmingham as a Motorola Type II system in and am able to receive those broadcasts. I work in Albertville, and from my research, Gadsden and Etowah are encrypted. Thus I am no longer expecting to hear any of those transmissions when I pass...
  8. D

    bcd396xt set up

    1.what programs should i DL to program my scanner? free and paid for (best ones?) 2.and how come i cant find the lcal police the RNC on radioref? the freq's for the local RNC anr nt there. and 3.when i went to the local HQ of the RNC and i turned on the Close call it did not decode the RNC.
  9. dbsar

    When do the new models arrive?

    I am planning on purchasing the BCD396XT this year but was wondering…when to the manufactures release the new models? The only thing that gives me pause to purchase is the current model not decoding P25 Phase II. I will be monitoring Ohio MARCS.
  10. R

    Omaha area BCD396XT programming

    I've recently bought a 396xt as an upgrade to my old Pro-43 and SC150. I'm still trying to get my head around programming the beast, but am thoroughly enjoying it. Freescan greatly simplifies they process... I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their Freescan file for the Omaha...
  11. R

    Accessing Systems w/o a quick key - BCD396XT

    I finally made the jump from an old Uniden SC150 and RS Pro-43 to a BCD396XT. It's a pretty amazing jump... So I've programmed a number of systems and groups with quick keys, but I also added a bunch that I didn't assign a quick key to. I haven't quite figured out what my organization strategy...
  12. t0xPro-197

    my own little shack

    not as good as everyone elses but i dont have much room so made it my 3 comps one labtop 2 desktops ones linux thats what runs my stream Ubuntu 10.04 labtop and desk top both are quadecores my big ones got 14.5 gigs the linux ones only got 4 gig but all i need for linux enjoy and if you have...
  13. O

    Collin County 'Custom Trunking Table'

    I downloaded tables for Collin County Motorola Smartnet directly from Radio Reference to a BCD396XT using Freescan software. But, apparently I need to do something more. I don't receive any transmissions at all. I read somewhere about a 'custom trunking table' that might help. How do I locate...
  14. T

    No signal on Undiden BCD396XT

    I am brand new to DMA scanning, and have spent hours reading forums and wikis to no avail. I'd be much obliged for help. I am trying to program my 396XT in Jeffersonville, IN, to listen to local transmissions. I set up a site with control and alternate channel frequencies from Floyds Knobs...
  15. spectr17

    Help with programming & ops on Uniden BCD396XT

    I'm still trying to sort this Uniden BCD396XT out, been using scanners since the crystal days in the 70s but these new ones are intense. I've read the manual and the clarified ops info here and it's still a mess for me. Right now I just need a couple tips on a few ops. 1. I scan San Bernardino...
  16. spectr17

    Help with programming & ops on Uniden BCD396XT

    I'm still trying to sort this Uniden BCD396XT out, been using scanners since the crystal days in the 70s but these new ones are intense. I've read the manual and the clarified ops info here and it's still a mess for me. Right now I just need a couple tips on a few ops. 1. I scan San Bernardino...
  17. phyberoptics

    Headphone audio: HomePatrol vs 996

    I'm considering one of the above scanners, and I'd like to hear from someone who has BOTH models. I have a BCD396XT, and when I listen with headphones, each time a channel becomes active, the audio comes on with a pop; it's really irritating to the point where I can't listen for long. Can...
  18. B

    Anyone in SD update BCD396/996XT firmware lately?

    Anyone in SD update their BCD396XT firmware to 1.10 or their BCD996XT firmware to 1.06 yet? These updates came out in late February and are supposed to make improvements to P25 auto decode, and add the ability to change the auto decode threshold. Looking at the forums, some are reporting...
  19. D

    Help programming 396XT in Pinellas?

    Just got a 396XT and I'm trying to make sure I program it properly for Pinellas County. I downloaded the Pinellas files from RF and uploaded them into the scanner using ARC-XT Pro, but I looked at some frequency information in the local com group on google and they have frequencies listed that I...
  20. Craigmoe

    System Type / BCD396XT

    Question: When uploading a MPSCS system Freescan & RR defaults to Mot Type ll / P25. My unit has always be set to P25 Standard (Digital XT) for MPSCS and has always worked just fine. The saying if it isn’t broke don’t fix it may apply but which system type would be correct? The Indiana SAFE-T...