
  1. J

    Motorola XPR6350 Emergency Mode on an Analog Channel

    Hello, I have five Motorola XPR6350's which use a combination of digital and analog. My question is... How do I set the Emergency button to hot mic in analog and not send a MDC tone over the air. It would be okay to send a tone over the repeater only during an emergency... I have tried for...
  2. A

    HT1250 CPS region

    I have program software for CPS R06.09.06 and i am trying to read my radio and it says error 4-1379 invalid region code and wondering what i need to do to fix it and be able to program the radio
  3. R

    ASTRO Spectra Radio Comm Failure

    When attempting to read a Motorola Astro Spectra with Motorola RIB and CPS version 5.0, I am having trouble part way through the device read and get a Communication failure with radio. The read device process starts fine and I get the typical response on the control head "1 CSQ" and the...
  4. Z

    Mototrbo CPS Questions/Problem

    All, I have two Mototrbo radio's that I currently have an issue with. I am using them both in analog mode and while scanning, my radio keeps reverting back to one of my priority channels. The problem is it isn't picking up the radio activity from my county, it is picking briefly reverting back...
  5. D

    XPR8400 Programming

    Hello, I read a lot of posts on the internet, and I can't find any help for what i'm looking for. I try to programm a XPR8400 to using TDMA technology. I don't know how to do it on the CPS :( ! Does anyone can help me ? With screenshot or tutorials ? Thank you in advance ! Regards, Fabrice
  6. Z

    MotoTrbo PL Issue Codeplug Issue

    All, I am having an issue with two of my mototrbo radios in analog mode. They both have PL tones in them but while scanning it interrupts the scan and shows MDC identifiers popping on the screen from a different county that is on the same frequency. I'm not sure what is causing it to do this...
  7. S

    Link to Motorola CPS Website

    Does anyone have a current link to the Motorola CPS Website? Previous links I have found in the forum do not seem to work. Thanks! Scott
  8. A

    ht1250 programming help

    i need some assistance with programming i have a ht1250 vhf i have cps ver R06.09.06 and my radio is ver R05.08.03 when i try to read the radio with the R06.09.06 it gives me a message Error 4-1379 invalid regional code for this cps version any ideas on what i can do to be able to program this...
  9. K

    HT1250 Programming for Ham use help

    I may be able to buy a UHF Motorola HT1250-LS and I have access to the programming CPS system to program it. I have tried to program a HT1250-LS for ham frequencies and the best I could do was get the receive to work. I took the radio out of trunking mode, and I set the tones needed for the...
  10. X

    HT1250LS+ CPS Issue

    Hey all, First off, I currently have a Motorola HT1250LS+ that is fully functionable with TX'ing and communication with Motorola CPS. The current version of my CPS is R06.04.00. Now i have a second portable, the same exact one. Though this one was pre-programmed as i got it from a online group...
  11. X

    CPS Programming Issue With CDM1250

    I am currently having an issue where i get the following on-screen error: "Couldn't open port. Check weather device/RIB are powered on or not, and the device to RIB, and RIB to PC connection is ok." Where i did in fact have the 1250 on, i was trying multiple com ports (1,2) which I'm using a...
  12. O

    Astro25 CPS Portable R20 Windows 8 Problem

    I installed Astro 25 Portable CPS R20.01 on Windows 8.1 and and discovered that lists appear incomplete. I attached an image of my problem. If anyone knows something about please help. I'm working on a Microsoft Surface Pro 128GB and I've installed the software on diferent PC's with windows 8...
  13. A

    APX7500 Programming Help

    Hello. I am having trouble connecting my APX7500 radio to the CPS software. I have the O3 handheld controller, therefore I am connecting the programming cable to the radio itself. On the radio is a typical round twist type connection similar to the xtl1500 mobiles. Also there is a serial...
  14. T

    GP 340 CPS error (1049)

    All, I have a few GP 340 that I am having difficulty in reading or programming, I get the following error message “Radio not supported by this CPS (error 1049). I have tried other versions of the CPS (R03.11.16 being the latest version) and get the same message, also checked the firmware and it...
  15. KK4LQX

    ASTRO 25 CPS Tools

    I was browsing through the CPS directory for the ASTRO 25 CPS and saw that there was a folder named "PocketPCApplication" and "PocketPCApplication_2ndEd". After reading the README file I learned that this is an application for a PocketPC to program XTL-5000s and XTS-5000s (and I'm sure others)...
  16. M

    APX7500 and VIP controls

    I apologize if this runs a bit long. We have an APX7500 connected to our APCO25 trunk and we are trying to configure it to activate VIP1 on Accessory 2 (Pins 3 & 4) when a private call or call alert comes in. Instead of tell you all what I've done already, if I have a radio correctly...
  17. E

    Programming XPR 6380 in Smartnet mode

    I've been asking a few questions here over the past few months as I've been trying to understand and evaluate trunked mobile systems. One neat thing is that I've been able to play with a few Aeroflex test sets and motorola handsets with CPS software. Generally I have to get the settings to match...
  18. J

    Need help: Programming scan in astro spectra

    Good Day Masters! I would like to ask some information and proper method in programming SCAN in ASTRO Spectra using ASTRO SPECTRA CPS. Need to program all my channels and talkback to any channel. Instead of choosing to every channel, this thing will help us a lot in monitoring. Please help...
  19. S

    Motorola XTS 3000 CPS

    I just recently purchased a Motorola XTS 3000 radio online. I can get the programming cable real easy online, but what about the CPS for it? Where and how can I find that?
  20. daugherh

    HT1250 CPS Question

    Hi all, First let me start by saying that if this question has already been asked/answered I apologize. I looked through the forums and searched and didn't get a full answer. I have a HT1250 VHF, Software Version # R05.12.02. I'm looking to purchase a UHF HT1250, Band Split of 403-470 Model #...