
  1. scanphreak

    DSD picking up audio when no signal present

    I have a strange thing going on recently and I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what's going on. Lately while decoding a local 800mhz P25 system DSD will start to attempt to decode audio and partial words will come through. Only thing is the scanner is in SCAN when this happens. It's not...
  2. Anderegg

    396XT P25 settings for RCS help needed

    Even with a full signal on my 396XT, RCS traffic tends to go digital slightly on me most of the time. The units and dispatchers sound too muffled rather than bleeping into "digital". I think this may be the threshhold settings or decode options, but I don't have much experience with those...
  3. M

    Determining QT/DQT from PL/DPL

    Okay, I am still very new to all this, so please excuse me if this sounds like one of those "duh" questions. I have a TK-2312, and the necessary software and cabling. What I'm a bit confused about is the QT/DQT section when programming in frequencies. The PL's are fairly easy, as they're at the...
  4. S

    PSR 600 Digital Decode Issue Problem

    My local PD (Cranston, RI) shows "RM" for mode in the database at RR. It also shows "DEF NAC" in the code column. I believe (I'm not sure) that CPD uses P5. I have a new GRE PSR 600 and I cannot get CPD to decode; I can see the signal strength display toggling on and off so I know they are...
  5. F

    S.a.m.e. header

    Is there a way for me to decode the AFSK S.A.M.E Headers with a program for ASCII decoding such as the ZCZC-WXR,Etc for manual reading. Thank you.
  6. martidav

    Data Decode Thresholds - Seattle Pub Saftey

    Good day, I'm seeking a sampling of what folks have for set for their Data Decode Thresholds of the Seattle-KC Pub Safety trunk and it's various sites. Based on my homebase and my travels, my preference is the main Seattle and/or Cap Hill sites, but of course it annoyingly picks up some weaker...
  7. martidav

    Pro-107 - Threshold Settings

    Pro-107 - Data Decode Threshold Settings Good morning, A few scattered thoughts here so bear with me. I *think* I understand the Data Decode Threshold settings, but I could be wrong. I live and roam in metro area Seattle/King county's Similcast vicinity. Besides the main Seattle Site, I'm...
  8. J


    Does anyone know if there is any way to just hear the calls for one particular Fort Worth Fire Station? I know they use automated dispatching and all that stuff, but I just thought there might be some way to maybe decode the signals or something to just monitor one station. Thanks, Jared2295...