
  1. AngWay

    SDS100/SDS200: Just bought a SDS100 got a couple questions.

    My first question and most important one is With the sds100 how does it work with P25 control channels and scanning, so lets say i have 10 freqs i want to listen to and three of those freqs are P25 trunking control channels and the rest of the channels are conventional such as a conventional...
  2. AngWay

    DSDPLus Fastlane and setting up scanlist

    I'm wondering if when i scan a set of frequencies with dsdplus fastlane. if i set it to scan only two different freqs will it miss less of the traffic compared to if i set it to scan say 6 different freqs or does the software go to the freqs that is currently active? is their a way to set it up...
  3. L

    Anyone know what frequencies the state patrol uses?

    I do not know how to find Wiscomm state patrol frequencies. What are the frequencies? Are they the red control channel ones? What does a control channel even do? What frequencies do I enter? I do not have a scanner I have a kenwood tk5120 k7 p25 vhf radio. If someone could take a second to...
  4. F


    Anyone know frequencies the stingers could be on while they’re on their way down to Jackson/Chillicothe? Recently got a scanner and would love to listen to them while flying over.
  5. R

    Help finding Philadelphia police radio frequencies.

    Hi there my name is RYAN and I was wondering if I can have help finding some frequencies for the following talk group id numbers. I’m unaware of what the frequency would be for the talk group. They are from the Philadelphia area police departments. 237 0ed D PFD North Fire North Fire...
  6. C

    400 MhZ Frequencies? (Dauphin Countywide Police, Fire, and EMS / Harrisburg Police/Fire)

    Hi, I'm Chloe and I am a supporter. I listen to comms in Cumberland County on Baofeng BF-F8+. Recently, I have been working in Dauphin County and my boss and I would like to hear comms whilist at jobsites. I tried RadioReference but can't seem to find the correct frequencies, or can't seem to...
  7. TeeJayZee

    Radioddity GM-30 - which channel list (DB) is the accurate one -- radio vs. app versions?

    Here is something I came across recently when it comes to the Radioddity GM-30 radio and the dedicated PC radio programming app (v. 2.06) -- see screenshot below for the App's about info... I've noticed that the default channel lists (database) between the radio (reset to default) and the one...
  8. H

    Bearcat SDS100

    I’m looking at getting the Bearcat SDS100. What would be the best antenna would you recommend to pick up the most activity?
  9. L

    Navy Regional Federal Fire and Emergency Services frequencies ?

    Hi My scanner pick up wildcard frequency for the Navy Regional Federal Fire and Emergency Services - San Diego 24018 5dd2 D SD Fire Disp Fire Dispatch Fire Dispatch I was looking to see what other frequencies for the Navy Regional Federal Fire and Emergency Services - San Diego at...
  10. M

    Uniden BCD325P2 Issues grabbing feed from Clinton County

    I ended up buying the listed scanner above. I used Proscan to program the scanner, but I did not get a good signal nor hear anything coming across the scanner. I tested this by using broadcastify. I use the settings that come from the frequencies listed on I did a little...
  11. M

    HT1250 Unknown sound after transmissions?

    I have Police, Fire, and EMS programmed onto my two HT 1250's. After most transmissions on those frequencies, there is this unknown sound that plays. I also have MURS frequencies programmed onto the radios, and after transmitting on them, that sound doesn't happen. I don't have this issue on my...
  12. P


    Hi all! It's been a WHILE since I've been here. I hope you are all doing well. I am trying to put together a comprehensive frequency list, database and - of course - program my scanner with any/all frequencies in the heart of Hollywood, CA (my hood). Police/fire/normal stuff is all covered, but...
  13. M

    Other Frequencies in Windsor-Essex?

    Does anyone know of any other frequencies/systems in the Windsor/Essex region that are not listed in the database?
  14. M

    Cogeco System Frequencies?

    Hey everyone! Was wondering if anyone has any information about any systems used by Cogeco work crews? This is in the Southern Ontario region. Internet's been down for almost the whole day and was wondering if I could program in their frequencies and see what's going on. Thanks :)
  15. djqadira

    Python Scanning/Recording Local South Florida Radio Frequencies

    Has anyone come across code to scan and record radio signals through a laptop USB queryable by an audio index search engine? A recently bought a Baofeng with a USB connector and am seeking until 2021 to apply for a call sign to avoid the COVID-19.
  16. Salvatorejrc

    Frequencies that are not on RR

    What dictates a frequency to be either listed on RR or to display itself on a scanner? I know somebody who owns his own private company and he and the employees communicate via walkie talkies (unknown brand, bought most likely off of amazon) and it is not listed on RR. Is it possible to listen...
  17. Oconee269

    Private Ambulance Services

    Does anyone have any frequencies for private EMS companies in the Upstate? Especially Prisma Health Ambulance Service, formerly Mobile Care, in Greenville. I know they are on digital but that is all.
  18. J

    Texas Military Activity and Frequencies

    With all of the military bases in Texas There should be a lot of activity. I thought I will try to restart the Texas Military Activity and Frequencies thread. Here is some new frequencies for Randolph AFB. 139.575 Randolph Hangover SOF or TEXAN Ops 149.250 Randolph T-1 T-38 Moc PTD 149.875...
  19. K

    Vertex Standard VX160U

    Hi all, I want to program my radio to the frequencies on a Vertex Standard VX160U. I can't find the frequency list for this model anywhere, does anyone have it? I have the following information on the radio: Vertex Standard VX-160 Spec and I have the manual here: Vertex Standard VX-160U...
  20. P

    Baofeng BF-888s

    Purchased the Baofeng BF-888S and can't find much information on the frequencies that the radio came programed with, this was purchased through Amazon and I really would like to know if these radios are license free with the programming that came in them and can be used in the U.S.