I just bought a Uniden BCD436HP and I see Oglethorpe County Sheriff dispatch, fire, ems, etc. but I can only pick up EMS. I think they have changed systems and the database is still reflecting the old frequencies.
Does anyone have any information what I need to do to get the radio to pick up...
I am trying to program my Daniels / Codan VR-4R modules and I don’t have the correct programming cable. I believe it is a USB cable that interfaces with an RJ45 connection. I have looked hi and low all over the internet and haven’t been able to locate one.
Does anyone know of where there might...
Is ARC404 the only software that will work with the PRO-650 desktop scanner?
Is the 20-546 the correct cable I will need? I have a feeling this might be a challenge to find.
What’s up everyone, I recently purchased a preprogrammed Uniden bearcat BCD325p2... is there anyway I can put individual frequencies into different banks and scan them at a time??
for example, if I wanted to listen to the one cities police and fire frequencies.. then go to another cities...
Trying to program my XTS-5000 everything’s working but when I type in the frequency it comes up red box and won’t let me write. They are typed in correctly, new to this any help would be great!
WTB a programming cradle for apollo VP200 pagers.
I have tried to make one myself out of a charger and so far have been unsuccessful, if anybody has one they can part with, OR might be able to tell me what i am doing wrong with making it, please let me know.
Thank you
I am traveling across the country from CA to FL next week using the southern route. I am looking for a Chirp file for my BTECH UV-5XR that will have many of the proper emergency, local & repeater channels programmed already. I understand some will overlap from one state to the next, but I was...
We purchased a Whistler 1040 Trunking scanner. I found the user's manual online and 3 or 4 YouTube tutorials. My son and I aren't having much luck. We'd like local police, fire, EMS and a Naval Base nearby. I'd be willing to pay a fee to get some help programming it. Possibly via Zoom or...
Hey everyone, I just bought a Wouxun KG-Uv9 ham radio. Does anyone have experience with programming it? I watched a few videos but can't figure out how to program a repeater into it. I'm trying to program a repeater using Repeater Book. If anyone knows how, can you walk me through a step by step...
I have acquired a Bearcat BC365CRS Scanner, on the back is what appears to be a 1/8" audio jack marked "PC I/F"; the manual says this is used for firmware updates, but I'm hoping it can also be used to program the scanner from a PC. I have an old cable that I used to program my Radio...
Good afternoon,
I feel like I’ve asked a bazillion questions over the past week but these new radios are just giving me a hard time.
First, I cannot get my radio to program over Bluetooth. I went to the com port, changed it to Bluetooth. I found the radio and when I go back and attempt to...
Hi, I work in forestry in BC, Canada and my contractor has in the past always "rented" us these ICOM truck radios. This year we have to provide our own so I bought a Kenwood TM-281a. It seems like a really good radio but I'm very confused.
With the old ICOM, to use repeaters i would just...
There have been changes to the way we are able to hear the Okanogan County Sheriffs office (Washington)over the air since an upgrade. Sometimes we hear everything on car to car 155.715 and other main channels, but they can now block the same channel intermittently so only dispatch and other...
Later today I have to program 2 Kenwood TK-5820's. What is the most current software/firmware?
I have KPG-112D v2.01 and KPG-112DN v2.33
Should either of these work? I am unsure about firmware on radios but they are fairly new.
I deal with Motorola much more often and rarely do I program...
I'm not too familiar with the XTL family, as I am with the XTS family, and I'm trying to discover which band this XTL operates in. Below is the only information I have regarding this without actually looking at the CPS. Is there a way to find out what model this can operate in?
Thank you
I am running into some issues when programming my CP200's. I have 8 frequencies licensed with the FCC and want to take full advantage of the 16 channels on the radios. I have programmed separate CTCSS tones, but I seem to be walking over the channel that has the same frequency (despite...
I tried to program my ht 1000 with a serial port cable with an FTDI USB adapter attached to it on my Mac running Windows 10 via a virtual machine with Dosbox (I have programmed my 750's and 1250's on this VM with CPS, and it works perfectly). When I try to read the radio, I keep getting the...
I am new to programming. I have a GMRS channel, and when I go to "Advanced," in CPS, I get all these settings such as "Compression type," "Expansion type," and
"Emphasis selection." What do all these settings mean?