
  1. alabamanick

    NAS Assistance on AFRN

    Alrighty, allow me to explain this mess. I have an XTS5k model II capable of 9600 baud trunking. I program it step by step for NAS like I've done on plenty of other systems and to no avail it doesn't work. The display shows the talkgroup but no audio comes through, the speaker isn't an issue as...
  2. G

    EFJ5100 UHF1 380-470mhz FPP, AES, DES, Accessories and Programming! FOR SALE

    $200 Hello everyone, I have 2 sets of EFJ5100s for sale with accessories, price includes everything shown. Both have all options enabled and 512 channels. I have 2 sets of everything and will do a package deal if buying both. I'll also include 16 channels of programming for free and with FPP...
  3. N

    New radio, what channels to program?

    Greetings! I am a new, unlicensed owner of a Baofeng UV82HP. I have downloaded the CHIRP software and am overwhelmed with programming options. I would like to use the radio for talking to family in the same geographical area, for use while offroading or hiking, possibly talking to family in...
  4. M

    MCS2000 strange issue...

    Just finished programming the MCS2000 with a ribless connector. The radio will only transmit & receive on the first channel that was programmed. Even in scan mode the radio doesn't transmit or receive the other frequencies. Anybody able to help with this?
  5. J

    TRX-1: Efficient Programming

    I've had the TRX-1 for eight months now and what I thought about it early on still stands. It takes minutes to learn but you'll never master it. What I've found difficult is programming the scanner so that it scans efficiently. Here is what I'm trying to do. 1. I'm setting up scan lists by...
  6. firechaser97

    Motorola programming.

    Im a firefighter at a volunteer company in a rural area. we are lowband on a single channel frequency. I’m looking into buying a two way radio for my pov n I’ve done just a little bit of research on Motorola. 2 way radios in general. I’ve read u would need a system key for p25 but what about...
  7. C

    PRO 668 Question

    Hi All - Is it possible to set the Trunking site threshold on the scanner? I know how to do it on the programming software on the computer. Thanks!
  8. F

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: New Owner - Returning to Scanning

    I want some advice. I am a new owner of the BCD436 as I wanted a portable handheld unit and the SDS is out of my price range for my current knowledge level. I used to be into scanning back in the day with my father and grandfather, using an old crystal scanner and listening to Glendale, AZ fire...
  9. M

    Berkeley County WV pager tone outs

    Hello. I'm trying to find a list of fire station pager tone outs for the stations in Berkeley County, WV. I have looked everywhere on the internet and was unable to find them. Does anyone have a list of tones for the fire stations for programming my monitor V?
  10. J


    Hello, I am fairly new to the whole scanner scene and I am having some problems programming my Uniden BCT15X. I would like to my local police agency in and they use the Motorola Type II Smartzone so I'm assuming it's 800 mghz but all the system frequencies given are in the 400 mghz range so I am...
  11. W

    Confusion over frequencies in Wiki

    Hi. I'm confused about the frequencies at They are federal frequencies for Virginia, listed in the Wiki but they are not in the RR database. I can't figure out how to get them into my 436 HP using Sentinel, Proscan or anything else. I can get a...
  12. F

    NX-5200 Programming

    Our department has received 6 NX-5200 radios on a grant, traditionally we have utilized Motorola's so I'm not too familiar with these radios. They continuously break squelch and all throughout the night our firefighters are woken up by the station identifier beeping away in Morse code. None of...
  13. K9ROD

    DualBand Astro Spectras

    I know about the SIU way, but I have come across a "Y" cable that is for two Astro Spectra's. In the software under the "Advanced II" tab you check the box for a dual band unit and designate one radio as primary and the other as secondary. This is usually also referred to as the green radio and...
  14. R

    HELP w/ NXDN on BCD436HP

    Owned a mix of approx. 10 scanners over my lifetime - even back in the day when you had to punch everything in manually.... NOW, have a BCD436HP that I am trying to get an NXDN trunk on and it will not happen no matter what I try. Yes, I HAVE...
  15. B

    Astro Spectra Plus W4 Reprogramming

    My fire department has an old Astro Spectra Plus W4 built into its main vehicle. The radio still has frequencies programmed into it from the department we bought it from and we wanted to program it to function on the Provincial Fire frequency. I was wondering what it would take to reprogram it...
  16. K

    GE Orion - SC4 Files?

    Hello! I am a little late to the game and noticed a wealth of info on creating SC4 files for GE / MA/COM Orion radios. Unfortunately there seemed to be a PDF guide on how to do this that is no longer a valid link on site. I have also seen reference to SC4 files that have already...
  17. C

    Talkgroup - site programming near Columbus

    Hi all. This is a novice question but I can't seem to find the answer in the forums. How do I determine what site to program for a particular talk group? Is there a list that correlates talkgroups with sites? I don't think all talk groups are available on all sites, so how do I determine...
  18. K

    Entering out of band receive frequencies in RT Systems programming software

    In the past I've been able to program my IC-5100 with Receive Frequencies that are outside the amateur band, so long as they are divisible by 5000. I recently re-installed the WCS-5100 software from RT Systems, and I find that it will not accept a RECEIVE frequency out of the amateur band. Is...
  19. N

    TK-810 reverse engineering programming...

    It seems this particular old model was some sort of either low production or an OEM for something, so there seems to be so little information on the web about it. Anyway I ended up acquiring the base of one and now wonder how to program it. After painstaking googling, one result I saw is that...
  20. K

    Baofeng GT-5TP Programming Help

    Ive purchased a GT-5TP Baofeng but i cant seem to be able to program it with chirp, has anyone managed to program it using chirp. It doesn't give me an option to upload to radio and when i select download from radio it say 'Incorrect 'Model selected' when Using UV-82HP which is what chirp...