2021 VHF Low Band Logs

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Jan 13, 2004
warren michigan
Paragon Ready Mix located in UTICA MI On Hixon .I A block from my dads house.
Not much left up here on low band a couple of DPW and a Van Transportation a few trucking companies around Detroit area


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
April 2021 Richmond,TX Bearcat BCT8 scanner Sirio GPA 27-45 MHz ground plane antenna.

30.92 Vogel Disposal Svc, Mars, PA
31.20 TBH Concrete Westminster, MD
33.86 Washington Co, MD FD
33.88 Licking Co, OH FD
33.92 W Licking Joint Fire Dist, OH
33.98 Crookesville, OH FD
35.36 Paragon Readymix, Utica,MI
37.10 Morgantown WV Utility Board.
37.72 Sumter Electric, Sumterville ,FL
49.54 Pike Electric nationwide


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2004
Bergen County, New Jersey
First time hearing a Canadian station on the lower VHF!

I heard an amateur VE1PYE calling on 52.525 earlier this evening from a suburb of Halifax NS! Simplex!


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent logs. Great band opening today.
25.0000 AM WWV Ft Collins CO
32.7500 150.0 US MIL Medic Net
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control, Camp Bullis TX
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
38.5000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control, possible Ft Chaffee
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Input is 42.740
39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP
39.4400 146.2 WPPY951 CA HP
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP
41.9500 150.0 US MIL "BEARMAT" - Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms CA
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP
42.5000 127.3 KLM513 CA HP
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP
42.9200 162.2 CA HP
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.6200 186.2 CA HP
44.9400 186.2 CA HP
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP
45.7000 136.5 KMH277 CA HP
48.3600 110.9 KNFC210 Los Angeles, Dept of Water & Power w/ Morse ID
49.4800 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 12 <nationwide contractors>
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 13<nationwide contractors>
49.5200 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 1 <nationwide contractors>
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 2 <nationwide contractors>
49.5800 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 3 <nationwide contractors>

San Antonio TX
BCD996XT Scanner with 10 Meter Dipole


Apr 20, 2009
Central Ky
Log from this week, great band openings almost everyday!
Here are some highlights.
29.620 CSQ male and female hams on repeater
30.000 150 Unid US Military, key ups no voice, another day had weak voice.
30.000 USB Strange USB transmissions "Olah!" Spanish Pos Freebanders/Pirates
30.020 CSQ Canadian POCSAG Pager with Morse ID (I didn't copy the full ID)
30.450 150 US MIL Fort Hood Range Operations
31.300 150 US Military helos and a Range Control reading off numbers
31.415 CSQ strange motorboating carrier
32.600 150 "Archer 4 - Monitor 3, radio check over". US MIL
35.400 136.5 Spanish
36.400 150 Unid US MIL
36.500 150 Unid US MIL Range Control
41.200 150 US Military pos Bangor Maine Army National Guard "Got you at the harbor at zero 6 ? 6.
41.500 150 US Military helos with a base.
41.800 150 US Military Range Operations calling Alpha 1-7-8 Then Alpha 1-7-8 answering with hum in background pos AC.
43.280 77.0 Business base telling truck operator to get river rocks. Probably Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.440 77.0 "Alright 204 - back it up."
48.700 150 Unid US MIL LOTS of traffic copied.
49.900 150 US Military with strange beeps or pips in the background at end of TX.
49.950 150 US MIL Helo
50.000 150 US Mil pos helos.
65.750 CSQ Spanish T.V. broadcast audio.


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2004
Bergen County, New Jersey
Log from this week, great band openings almost everyday!
Here are some highlights.
29.620 CSQ male and female hams on repeater
30.000 150 Unid US Military, key ups no voice, another day had weak voice.
30.000 USB Strange USB transmissions "Olah!" Spanish Pos Freebanders/Pirates
30.020 CSQ Canadian POCSAG Pager with Morse ID (I didn't copy the full ID)
30.450 150 US MIL Fort Hood Range Operations
31.300 150 US Military helos and a Range Control reading off numbers
31.415 CSQ strange motorboating carrier
32.600 150 "Archer 4 - Monitor 3, radio check over". US MIL
35.400 136.5 Spanish
36.400 150 Unid US MIL
36.500 150 Unid US MIL Range Control
41.200 150 US Military pos Bangor Maine Army National Guard "Got you at the harbor at zero 6 ? 6.
41.500 150 US Military helos with a base.
41.800 150 US Military Range Operations calling Alpha 1-7-8 Then Alpha 1-7-8 answering with hum in background pos AC.
43.280 77.0 Business base telling truck operator to get river rocks. Probably Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.440 77.0 "Alright 204 - back it up."
48.700 150 Unid US MIL LOTS of traffic copied.
49.900 150 US Military with strange beeps or pips in the background at end of TX.
49.950 150 US MIL Helo
50.000 150 US Mil pos helos.
65.750 CSQ Spanish T.V. broadcast audio.

When scanning for TV audio do you scan in FM or WFM?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 1, 2015
Woodlands, Manitoba
I managed a few two-way contacts with Europe on the six meter amateur band on May 19th using the FT8 digital mode. (Seven years on six meters and these are my first ever EU contacts). The times are UTC.

2021-05-19-21:08:00 G4RRA 50.314 Mhz FT8 (England)
2021-05-19-21:09:15 EI3KD 50.313 Mhz FT8 (Ireland)
2021-05-19-21:12:45 EA2XR, 50.314 Mhz FT8 (Spain)

Sporadic E's have been so good lately I'm going to start general coverage listening on low band VHF...


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs Through 2021/05/23
Childersburg, Alabama
Uniden SDS200 with ST2 Antenna

25.0000AMWWVFt Collins CO
30.4500150.0US MIL - Possible Ft Hood Range
31.2000D432Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, WV
33.0400179.9WPMG350EMS Dispatch, Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT, New London
33.0600162.2WYD954Altoona School District, PA
33.1000118.8Chestnut Ridge Transport (School Buses), Spring Valley NY
33.4400179.9KCD346Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tolland County CT
33.4600114.8Fire dispatch - Provincetown MA (voice ID)
33.4800179.9Fire Dispatch - Tolland CT
33.5600D251Fire/EMS Dispatch - Unidentified
33.5800114.8KNCS289Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth Municipalities MA
33.6400114.8KNAW393Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6400131.8Fire Dispatch - Spencer, MA
33.6400136.5Fire Dispatch - Wilton NH
33.6600114.8KCD566Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600179.9KCB979Fire Dispatch - Norwich CT
33.7200179.9WPFI264Fire / EMS Operations, Franklin CT
33.780077.0KCF415Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800114.8KNGE459EMS Dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000179.9KXV431Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.860077.0KGC676Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.8800179.9EMS Dispatch - Possible New London county or Windham county CT
33.9400179.9WNHR373Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600179.9WQF238Fire Dispatch - Lyme/Old Lyme, CT w/ callsign voice ID
35.0400100.0Itinerant frequency - US business - Unidentified
35.0600110.9Ike Brubaker, Lafayette, IN
35.180091.5Unidentified US Business
35.3600123.0Paragon Ready Mix, Utica MI
35.6800CSQDigital paging
35.7600123.0Unidentified US business
35.7800107.2US Business - Unidentified
35.8400192.8Possible Bonded Concrete, West Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co NY
35.9800146.2Unidentified US business
37.0200146.2Police Dispatch - West Milford NJ
37.1000162.2KET358Morgantown Utility Board WV
37.3800114.8Unidentified US Business
37.4600CSQKWG479PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.4600CSQKXD499PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800114.8KCB460Unitil Energy Systems, Concord NH w/ Morse ID
37.5800CSQKGC284PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800CSQKGA859PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800D412KGA845Potomac Electric, Rockville MD w/ Morse ID
37.6000CSQKGA860PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6200CSQKGA862PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6600CSQKGA857PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6600CSQKQX988PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7000CSQKQZ249PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7000CSQKST824PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7400CSQKGA863PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.8200CSQKVA725PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.8600CSQKGE748PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.8600CSQKGD698PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.9400141.3School buses
39.1800107.2Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Oakham MA
39.440097.4WQTF208New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation
39.6000110.9EMS & Police Dispatch - Douglas MA
39.6000146.2EMS Dispatch - Paramus Municipalities NJ
39.6400114.8KNGB789Police Dispatch - Benardsville NJ
39.7800100.0Police Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
39.8600162.2Police Dispatch - Possible Northbridge MA
39.9600114.8Police Dispatch - Unidentified
43.440077.0WNCG835Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.7000131.8Possible Thumb Area Transit, Huron MI
45.4800131.8KNJB860Area Rural Transportation System - Cullman AL
46.1200100.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Nassau Co NY
46.180082.5Fire Dispatch - Possible Jefferson Co NY
46.2400151.4Fire/EMS Dispatch - Danbury CT
46.380077.0Fire Dispatch - Meriden CT
46.5000141.3Fire Dispatch - Possible Yonkers NY


Apr 20, 2009
Central Ky
It's cool you finally got a hit on Fort Hood! I always figured you were a little too far from it to pick it up direct and at the same time too close for skip. Maybe it was tropo or aircraft scatter!
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