The author seems to be trying to stir up fear but doesn't really supply any details, nor seem to have much understanding of what is going on with the 900MHz band.
This slice of spectrum was already assigned for Location and Monitoring Service back in the last century.
Amateur radio operators have a secondary allocation. That means they don't own it, but get to use it as long as they don't interfere with the primary user (LMS service as well as others). Amateurs often forget this, as they do with the 70cm band and other spectrum they use, and assume it belongs to them.
ISM users are not afforded any protection from interference. That's not new, it's the way it's always been.
For some reason, the author seemed to skip over those facts. I guess they didn't fit in with the direction he was trying to lead readers.
The author then goes on to talk about PNT. He claims that taking the G out of GPS isn't useful. He also claims that we don't need a backup to GPS.
Again, he fails to mention that several other countries have already built out backups to GPS since GPS is easily jammed. Great Britain rebuilt their LORAN system to serve as a back up navigation source. Other countries have done similar things.
NextNav isn't "gobbling up" spectrum. They bought licenses from other companies that were sitting on them unused. At least this way the spectrum will be put to use rather than sitting wasted.
NextNav seems to also want to spin up an LTE service. Wether that is needed or not is up for discussion. Anterix is already doing that on 900MHz, building a 900MHz LTE service aimed at utilities and other specific business users. No doubt NextNav is trying to cash in on this and the machine to machine networks that many are looking for.
The FCC isn't always good at protecting spectrum and the general public. The FCC is always looking to make a buck off spectrum, but in this case, the frequencies are already licensed, from what I can see, so not really any change.
It's certainly up for discussion if another LTE service is needed. But we do absolutely need a backup to GPS. Too much relies on something that is easily jammed.
If anyone really feels strongly against this, and has some time to form a good argument against NextNav being granted this change, there's still 5 days left to file comments with the FCC. Simply follow the directions at the bottom end of this document: