Alinco DJ x11T dual vfo?

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Feb 6, 2011
Cameron County, Tx
I'm considering this wideband receiver out of the Icom R20 and needed some info. What I'm looking for in the wideband receiver is SW, HF,ham, vhf UHF military and aeronautical civilian air bands but that can also let you hear both frequencies of vfo a and b at the same time and scan those frequencies which comes in good for ham radio repeaters taxi companies airport Etc i.e. program 10 ham frequencies in vfo A transmit and program 10 frequencies receive in vfo B and scan those in both vfos can the x11t do this or only the Icom r20


Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2003
Southern Oregon
I'm considering this wideband receiver out of the Icom R20 and needed some info. What I'm looking for in the wideband receiver is SW, HF,ham, vhf UHF military and aeronautical civilian air bands but that can also let you hear both frequencies of vfo a and b at the same time and scan those frequencies which comes in good for ham radio repeaters taxi companies airport Etc i.e. program 10 ham frequencies in vfo A transmit and program 10 frequencies receive in vfo B and scan those in both vfos can the x11t do this or only the Icom r20

I had both receivers and still have the DJ-X11T. You can scan both VFO's at the same time with independent volume and squelch. Same goes for memory channels. Even though the screen is smaller than the R20 , while scanning A & B you will see the alphanumeric name along with the frequency .
Another nice feature is dual bandcope.

I like the audio and build quality of the Alinco much better .
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