November 2, 2022
On October 17, 2018, the Commission issued callsign WRCJ217 to Anne Arundel
County, Maryland (the County) with slow growth/extended implementation status,
to provide four new 800 MHz frequencies to the County for use in a future Next
Generation APCO-25 Public Safety Trunked Radio system.
Pursuant to 47CFR90.629(c), the County provided its Fourth Anniversary Slow
Growth/Extended Implementation Status Update for WRCJ217 on September 19,
2022. In its September 19, 2022 status update, the County advised that WRCJ217
Locations 1-5 were fully constructed and on the air as of August 31, 2022. The
County further advised that the new public safety trunked radio system associated
with WRCJ217 is undergoing coverage and acceptance testing, and that once this
testing is completed, that the County anticipates completion of the mobile and 6.1
meter control stations associated with Locations 6-7 before the end of 2023.
On October 12, 2022, the County received an email notification from Mr. David
Steinour of the FCC advising that WRCJ217 still shows a buildout deadline of
October 17, 2022 despite the County’s September 19, 2022 construction status
Upon closer examination, the County determined that a four-year slow growth
buildout period was requested by the County’s licensing consultant in the original
application for WRCJ217. The County was operating under the mistaken belief that
a full five-year slow growth buildout period was requested and granted for all the
new sites and frequencies associated with the new 800 MHz trunked public safety
radio system. As stated in the County’s September 19, 2022 letter to the FCC, all of
the fixed locations for WRCJ217 were fully constructed and on the air as of August
31, 2022.
In telephone discussions with Mr. Tracy Simmons of the FCC on 11/1/2022 and
11/2/2022, the County was advised to file a final construction notification for
WRCJ217 Locations 1-5, and to attach a statement to the application that attests to
the actual number of mobiles that are currently in operation on the radio system.
The County certifies that there are currently a total of twenty (20) MO stations
currently operating on the system. Cutover is planned to occur before the end of
2023. At that time the County’s full public safety and local government radio user
fleet will be migrated from the current system to the system. The County will file
an application to modify WRCJ217 to add the remaining mobile stations to the
license in 2023 once all system functional and coverage acceptance testing is