It has been a while since any comments good or bad have been posted about this receiver. So here is mine after 2 years of heavy usage.
Civilian and Military Air Band. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING better. Beats my Icom IC-R8600 with spurious signal rejection on the same antenna. Lower squelch setting on the 5700D pulls in the weak signals.
Digital Modes - Not to beat a dead horse but DMR DMR DMR. C4FM (Yaesu), D-Star, GM5K (Alinco), NXDN, P25 Phase 1, TETRA. No DMR on the ICOM 8600 was a major FUBAR for Icom, especially for European radio monitors.
S-Meter- Old School Backlight S-Meter
AF Gain / Squelch - No hidden menu access. Simple turning knob access.
AR-IQ III Control Software is easy to set up and utilize and enhances weak signal signal hunting. This software is to be expected from the price point of this receiver.
The memory editing software. The WORST memory editing software I have EVER come in contact with. It really is GARBAGE. The software can read one memory bank at a time. Once the memory bank is read, you can edit only one frequency at a time. However, it takes TEN SECONDS for each frequency to load, then another four or five seconds once your edits have been made. AOR markets their receivers to government and military organizations, using this software is a tactical nightmare when the need exists to program frequencies on the fly.
Firmware Updates - No ability for end users to update firmware. We must send the unit back to AOR Japan at our own expense to update the firmware.
P25 encrypted receive - AOR does not mute encrypted P25 audio. PAINFUL to listen to during a scan. The ICOM IC-R8600 does.
AOR 5700D owners , Let's hear your pros and cons.
Civilian and Military Air Band. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING better. Beats my Icom IC-R8600 with spurious signal rejection on the same antenna. Lower squelch setting on the 5700D pulls in the weak signals.
Digital Modes - Not to beat a dead horse but DMR DMR DMR. C4FM (Yaesu), D-Star, GM5K (Alinco), NXDN, P25 Phase 1, TETRA. No DMR on the ICOM 8600 was a major FUBAR for Icom, especially for European radio monitors.
S-Meter- Old School Backlight S-Meter
AF Gain / Squelch - No hidden menu access. Simple turning knob access.
AR-IQ III Control Software is easy to set up and utilize and enhances weak signal signal hunting. This software is to be expected from the price point of this receiver.
The memory editing software. The WORST memory editing software I have EVER come in contact with. It really is GARBAGE. The software can read one memory bank at a time. Once the memory bank is read, you can edit only one frequency at a time. However, it takes TEN SECONDS for each frequency to load, then another four or five seconds once your edits have been made. AOR markets their receivers to government and military organizations, using this software is a tactical nightmare when the need exists to program frequencies on the fly.
Firmware Updates - No ability for end users to update firmware. We must send the unit back to AOR Japan at our own expense to update the firmware.
P25 encrypted receive - AOR does not mute encrypted P25 audio. PAINFUL to listen to during a scan. The ICOM IC-R8600 does.
AOR 5700D owners , Let's hear your pros and cons.