• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

APX APX non-affiliated scan help

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 15, 2007
Sacramento, CA
OK lets get back to the to the original question of programming a trunk system on a APX 7000. (or a Kenwood, Harris, etc.) You must have a system key and a legitimate radio ID to make any APX \ XTL radio work on a P25 Trunk system. With out the system key you will not be able to program any talk group, and with out the ID if you get the radio on the system it will eventually see the bad ID and send a Kill signal to your radio. At that point you will have to go to the system owner and have them reprogram your radio to make it work again. I have been doing this since before trunking. This is the only way to get it to work correctly on any professional radio, regardless of manufacture.


Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
OK lets get back to the to the original question of programming a trunk system on a APX 7000. (or a Kenwood, Harris, etc.) You must have a system key and a legitimate radio ID to make any APX \ XTL radio work on a P25 Trunk system. With out the system key you will not be able to program any talk group, and with out the ID if you get the radio on the system it will eventually see the bad ID and send a Kill signal to your radio. At that point you will have to go to the system owner and have them reprogram your radio to make it work again. I have been doing this since before trunking. This is the only way to get it to work correctly on any professional radio, regardless of manufacture.
In the APX world if all your TG’s are FDMA you don’t need a system key for non-affiliate scan (the subject of this thread). Neither do you need hacked programming software (CPS) like you do for Harris. You use legitimate CPS that you can get for free from MSI.


Feed Provider
Nov 4, 2004
Sunny SoCal
... with out the ID if you get the radio on the system it will eventually see the bad ID and send a Kill signal to your radio.

I would think you would know that if done properly, a Motorola radio will scan the system just fine, unmute on the talkgroups, and never show an ID to the System. Never. As in not ever. Now, if you're merely trying to scare the OP into not doing it (like the empty prison threats to ne'er-do-wells who monkey around on the air) that's something else. It always fascinates me people who have been doing this for years, sometimes have the least knowledge.

I don't condone this particular solution. If one has a legitimate need, go to the SysAdmin, and they will give you access if they allow it. But to say it cannot be done, is just spreading misinformation.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
As people that run these systems that have spoken the fact is someone being a simple EMT does not need to have access to LAW and other TALKGROUPS as a system user. They may have a TALKGROUP setup for Interoperability that may be used but not hand out LAW TALKGROUPS to NON LAW USERS. Now as far as NON-AFFILIATED SCANNING if done correct you are safe BUT IF DONE WRONG by someone that has no idea what they are doing you are risking having the radio KILLED and losing your investment also you could be interfering with EMERGENY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS if done wrong which could take you down a road you do not want.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
Marcotor, Yes it IS possible to safely scan in trunking mode. However it's so easy to screw it up and end with a live transmitter on a system you have no business transmitting on. If you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing, you WILL end up in a risky situation.

If you lack the knowledge and experience to do it safely, you'd be better off not to do it. MUCH better off.

Even if you did it perfectly and a system administrator decides to ping what happens to be your radio's programmed ID number, it'll respond. (Yes there are exceptions, let's not get that detailed right now.) And then you're in the world where your radio may be remote traced, or inhibited. Right where you don't want to be.

As has been stated, with an APX, as long as you don't require Phase II TDMA talkgroups, safe scanning of a trunked system can be done without system keys or hacks. Whether M did this intentionally or it's just a very lucky oversight in how the CPS was built, I don't know. I also haven't done it myself, lacking an APX at this time to verify it with.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
Marcotor, Yes it IS possible to safely scan in trunking mode. However it's so easy to screw it up and end with a live transmitter on a system you have no business transmitting on. If you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing, you WILL end up in a risky situation.

If you lack the knowledge and experience to do it safely, you'd be better off not to do it. MUCH better off.

Even if you did it perfectly and a system administrator decides to ping what happens to be your radio's programmed ID number, it'll respond. (Yes there are exceptions, let's not get that detailed right now.) And then you're in the world where your radio may be remote traced, or inhibited. Right where you don't want to be.

As has been stated, with an APX, as long as you don't require Phase II TDMA talkgroups, safe scanning of a trunked system can be done without system keys or hacks. Whether M did this intentionally or it's just a very lucky oversight in how the CPS was built, I don't know. I also haven't done it myself, lacking an APX at this time to verify it with.

I wonder instead of repeating this drivel over and over, you would do more good if you repeated the basic instructions. Honestly it's not complicated at all. I mean, it's the same effort. If you're gonna type out all this boogeyman crap, why not type out the instructions?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
It's been repeated ad nauseum so many times and is so easy to find with a search engine, you're welcome to seek it out yourself.
It's out there. Definitely.

Anybody who is competent enough to set up the NAS profile correctly WILL be able to find the instructions via an internet search.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
I'm sick of whackers getting in over their heads and ending up in the news for interfering with a public safety radio system. Which happens often enough that I'm starting to think that most people DON'T have much in the way of common sense.

If I refuse to help you directly, be very sure that the grumpy attitude you're demonstrating certainly isn't going to change my mind in your favor. In fact it makes me think that you're one of those less rational people who probably are far better off to get a scanner or just listen to feeds on spotify.

There was a time when I was more helpful and willing to share information. I did so. In fact, I am the idiot who developed the NAS methodology back in the 90s. I say IDIOT because while somebody else would have certainly figured it out around the same time frame, I was the idiot who was first to publish it to the internet via a legendary radio enthusiast's forum. Not realizing that there would be too many people (and ONE is too many!!!) who would use it and then get in trouble with a radio, by having done it incorrectly and ended up getting caught and prosecuted for having an unauthorized radio active on a system.

Yeah, somebody else would have figured it out. Like the A-Bomb, it was not a matter of being the ONLY guy to figure it out, just the FIRST guy to figure it out and make it go boom.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
As people that run these systems that have spoken the fact is someone being a simple EMT does not need to have access to LAW and other TALKGROUPS as a system user.
I don't blame the end user. He/she purports to be a bonafide first responder authorized to be dispatched to calls. The real problem with the agency is their command and control not properly clearing scenes, following ICS protocols to allow law to do their thing and declare scene safety. Then you have command staff handing out Bowelturds for IDLH use. Clearly the problem is at the top, not the front lines. Incompetent and inept command staff put their people in harms' way by not properly equipping them and then not leading them in the right way.

The O/P has no desire to transmit, he/she just wants situational awareness. The problem here is it should be coming from command staff filtered through their ECC/PSAP/dispatch center, not leaving it to front line EMT's to have to monitor LAW dispatch to figure out what is going on and if the scene is safe for their crews to work the call. This is more of an operational process failure than a technical one.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 15, 2007
Sacramento, CA
You all are focused on the scanning part for you are just reading just the title. If you read fully, as it reads, the radio is not even programmed with the said trunk system. That is the first hurtle. with out that you can not even scan that system. That is what I was saying as well as the first person that was responding. With out a key or an ID you can not program it into the radio. With out it in the radio you can't scan it.....


Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
You all are focused on the scanning part for you are just reading just the title. If you read fully, as it reads, the radio is not even programmed with the said trunk system. That is the first hurtle. with out that you can not even scan that system. That is what I was saying as well as the first person that was responding. With out a key or an ID you can not program it into the radio. With out it in the radio you can't scan it.....
As I already posted, in the APX world at least, if all the TG’s are FDMA you have no need for a system key at all.


Jul 6, 2013
Ponchatoula, LA
Alright, so I just recently got an APX 7k and was able to program the conventional channels I want without issue. For context, I'm an EMT and being able to scan my local sheriffs office, who's on a p25 phase II trunked system would be extremely helpful. I was able to successfully program a NAS on a harris xg-100p, but I've heard it's significantly harder and riskier to do so on an APX. There doesn't seem to be any concrete instruction on how to do this, and I've only found one youtube video. If anyone's able to help me (and all the people like me in the future) out, and give me a proper tutorial I'd REALLY appreciate that. If someone also just wants to help me program it, or do it for me I'm more than willing to slide some cash in your direction.

I'm currently on CPS version r29.01 and have programmed it using that.

Thank you in advance!
I sent you a DM


Feed Provider
Nov 4, 2004
Sunny SoCal
Marcotor, Yes it IS possible to safely scan in trunking mode. However it's so easy to screw it up and end with a live transmitter on a system you have no business transmitting on. If you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing, you WILL end up in a risky situation.
Not my point at all. To say it CANNOT be done, "You MUST HAVE AN ID) as a hard fact is INCORRECT. Period, no expansion nor explanation needed. And, in typical RR fashion, the OP had already been warned several times. To come out and say something if done correctly, CANNOT be done, is nothing more than spreading misinformation.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
I'm sick of whackers getting in over their heads and ending up in the news for interfering with a public safety radio system. Which happens often enough that I'm starting to think that most people DON'T have much in the way of common sense.

If I refuse to help you directly, be very sure that the grumpy attitude you're demonstrating certainly isn't going to change my mind in your favor. In fact it makes me think that you're one of those less rational people who probably are far better off to get a scanner or just listen to feeds on spotify.

There was a time when I was more helpful and willing to share information. I did so. In fact, I am the idiot who developed the NAS methodology back in the 90s. I say IDIOT because while somebody else would have certainly figured it out around the same time frame, I was the idiot who was first to publish it to the internet via a legendary radio enthusiast's forum. Not realizing that there would be too many people (and ONE is too many!!!) who would use it and then get in trouble with a radio, by having done it incorrectly and ended up getting caught and prosecuted for having an unauthorized radio active on a system.

Yeah, somebody else would have figured it out. Like the A-Bomb, it was not a matter of being the ONLY guy to figure it out, just the FIRST guy to figure it out and make it go boom.

Damn, that cross you bear sure seems heavy. You can lose it anytime, you know. It's self-inflicted.

I like that you think you alone are all that stands between the health and well being of all trunking systems and and complete chaos. That systems will fall apart if not for your efforts on RR telling people to buy scanners. That one rouge ******* can bring a system to its knees. That death will surely ensue if NAS is done improperly. What do you think it is that the real system admins are doing?

That you liken your "invention" of no affiliate scanning to the invention of the atomic bomb! Wow man, the hubris is too much to take.
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