• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

APX APX non-affiliated scan help

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I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
No idea how the subscriber would react since it’s not implemented…yet.

Kenwood NexEdge systems can do ESN validation. I use it.
The radio UID and the ESN have to be in the system and -must- match, or the radio will not affiliate. Enter the ESN wrong, it won't work. Enter the UID wrong, it won't work.


Feb 14, 2022
HOTCOG with a little CTCOG & CAPCOG
Thats a smart design. Then if it auto detects but I guess if a SYS uses Genwatch but if it auto detects a dup it just says no or inhibits it.
This is great and all but when you have certain priviledged agencies running around with a bunch of radios on radio ID 1 or similar generic numbers because so-and-so at agency X “needs access to the system” but doesn’t want to coordinate progrmming RIDs because all they normally use on their APX8500s are VHF conventional P25 so it’s “unnecessary”.. reallyy annoying.


Based in the US, always nationwide
Jan 28, 2021
This is great and all but when you have certain priviledged agencies running around with a bunch of radios on radio ID 1 or similar generic numbers because so-and-so at agency X “needs access to the system” but doesn’t want to coordinate progrmming RIDs because all they normally use on their APX8500s are VHF conventional P25 so it’s “unnecessary”.. reallyy annoying.
it's not that annoying. It also protects the officers/system. That's up to the SYS Admin to program. all you do is add a ESN and a RID


Based in the US, always nationwide
Jan 28, 2021
This is great and all but when you have certain priviledged agencies running around with a bunch of radios on radio ID 1 or similar generic numbers because so-and-so at agency X “needs access to the system” but doesn’t want to coordinate progrmming RIDs because all they normally use on their APX8500s are VHF conventional P25 so it’s “unnecessary”.. reallyy annoying.
and again it uses the ESN so the ID can probably be duped. I don't get those privileges to play with the system yet. to me, it makes sense they enter ESN, and then duped ID just get limited uses. say 6 can be registered in total and any more require verification.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
However, some seem to gravitate towards Motorola.

Because Motorola made it stupid easy with their piss-poor security-through-obscurity implementations combined with their absolute and arrogant refusal to implement a revive-only configuration which would literally be a few lines of code.

By the time they fix it all, LMR will be dead. In the meantime, they'll charge system owners up the ass for LLA, encryption, and whatever else to "protect" what could have easily been secure in the first place.

As you've pointed out, other manufacturers have fixed this. It's a solved problem. For Motorola, it's a revenue stream. When you're barking at whackers, you should be barking at Motorola, too.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
Okay, so, I should clarify. This is not my issued radio. My agency issues us baofengs, but strongly encourages us to purchase our own radios. The guy who programs the baofengs is just our chief. We're a pretty small rural agency covering about 3400 square miles. I used a harris xg100p for a while, but the RX and TX power are worse than the baofengs, so I got my moto. Been using it on our VHF conventional net without issues. I'm looking to be able to scan SO so I can tell what's going on when we're responding to calls where, either they requested us, or we're on a stage away/psych call. This is a want, not a need, I can live without having a NAS for sheriffs, it'd just be convenient

Again, this is a personally owned radio, NOT issued equipment
You will get all kinds of answers here, some will piss you off. I'm not a radio tech but I have plenty. Good kuck


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
I'm sick of whackers getting in over their heads and ending up in the news for interfering with a public safety radio system. Which happens often enough that I'm starting to think that most people DON'T have much in the way of common sense.

If I refuse to help you directly, be very sure that the grumpy attitude you're demonstrating certainly isn't going to change my mind in your favor. In fact it makes me think that you're one of those less rational people who probably are far better off to get a scanner or just listen to feeds on spotify.

There was a time when I was more helpful and willing to share information. I did so. In fact, I am the idiot who developed the NAS methodology back in the 90s. I say IDIOT because while somebody else would have certainly figured it out around the same time frame, I was the idiot who was first to publish it to the internet via a legendary radio enthusiast's forum. Not realizing that there would be too many people (and ONE is too many!!!) who would use it and then get in trouble with a radio, by having done it incorrectly and ended up getting caught and prosecuted for having an unauthorized radio active on a system.

Yeah, somebody else would have figured it out. Like the A-Bomb, it was not a matter of being the ONLY guy to figure it out, just the FIRST guy to figure it out and make it go boom.
This NAS topic up so much. You all folks have the knowledge here in this forum, I always learn so much. Have a good sir! Jimmy


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
Yes, it WOULD be so easy in principle. Create a listen only version of the CPS, have fun listening to whatever you want.
And the TX capable version requires regular "call the home server" authentication to keep working. Not going to describe how that would work, it's not my specialty, but it's certainly possible. Software as a subscription service.

I think it's all going to be a moot point before too much longer anyway. We're in the last days where an independent whacker can program his own radio to listen to a trunked system. System security will only get tighter in the future. LLA will eventually be standard in all trunked and digital systems. And it'll be rolled into existing systems at a price that's too good to be true. (It's not, read the fine print at the bottom of the second to last page of the amendment. Because NOBODY reads the second to last page of an amendment.)

LLA and Encryption....coming soon to a system near you!


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
When you're barking at whackers, you should be barking at Motorola, too.

Over the years on this site, I've found I have to be very cautious about suggesting Motorola has ever made a mistake, done anything wrong, or otherwise isn't the best, tip-top, supreme, ultimate, super-duper, outstanding, grand exalted, king/prime minister/god of the two way radio industry.

Some guys just love their batwings and feel the need to shield Motorola from any suggestion otherwise.

But absolutely. I ran a Type 2 system for years, and it had flaws/issues that made security an absolute joke. No idea how much revenue I lost due to cloned radios on the system. I celebrated the day I shut that system down.


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
Over the years on this site, I've found I have to be very cautious about suggesting Motorola has ever made a mistake, done anything wrong, or otherwise isn't the best, tip-top, supreme, ultimate, super-duper, outstanding, grand exalted, king/prime minister/god of the two way radio industry.

Some guys just love their batwings and feel the need to shield Motorola from any suggestion otherwise.

But absolutely. I ran a Type 2 system for years, and it had flaws/issues that made security an absolute joke. No idea how much revenue I lost due to cloned radios on the system. I celebrated the day I shut that system down.
I think some of the problem is you bring up that trunked system a lot, a whole lot. That would be like me complaining about all the MHW820 PA modules I had to replace in Kenwood TK-930's back in the early 90's. But then again we sold a lot of TK-930's, a whole lot.

You need to cruise on over to the Uniden forum. Uniden scanners have zero issues according to some members.


Feb 14, 2022
HOTCOG with a little CTCOG & CAPCOG
it's not that annoying. It also protects the officers/system. That's up to the SYS Admin to program. all you do is add a ESN and a RID
Well the SYS admin(s) are not the ones programming everything even though they do have OTAP. Some agencies on the system have their own radio fleet managers and some are programmed by independant contractors… its a bit of a mess to be honest.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States

I reserve the right to be bitter. Get off my lawn.

And to be fair, almost everyone used that PA module in the 90's (Kenwood, Uniden and even.....are you ready??? Motorola).

You forgot about leaky caps.
But, yes, a lot of issues back then. The newer stuff is much more reliable.
MSF5000 "Might Stay on Frequency". Then add in NexTel and their BDA's and it was a fun time.

Back on the NAS thing...
We're working with our county on an RFP for a countywide system. One of the specs for the fire agencies includes P25 capable pagers to allow monitoring as well as page outs. Unication was specifically mentioned. Good enough for public safety off duty. Easier than NAS without any risks.


Feb 14, 2022
HOTCOG with a little CTCOG & CAPCOG
I reserve the right to be bitter. Get off my lawn.

You forgot about leaky caps.
But, yes, a lot of issues back then. The newer stuff is much more reliable.
MSF5000 "Might Stay on Frequency". Then add in NexTel and their BDA's and it was a fun time.

Back on the NAS thing...
We're working with our county on an RFP for a countywide system. One of the specs for the fire agencies includes P25 capable pagers to allow monitoring as well as page outs. Unication was specifically mentioned. Good enough for public safety off duty. Easier than NAS without any risks.
Thats what we’re doing here for VFD. A lot of them (fire departments) went and bought Unication G4s and it seems all sides are pretty happy with them. Minus the users that have driven over them with a 5-ton brush truck, but thats a different story.


May 2, 2024
Hiding in a Shed somewhere
Maybe Motorola should make the inhibit screen a clown emoji with it spinning and playing an audio file "Your radio was inhibited and it being tracked"

Make it this and change the text? lol
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