

Nov 13, 2015
Box 500 Slough UK
Having had a chance to test out the pre-release of the latest version of eSPYonARD and being located in the UK I am IMPRESSED !!
The Ofcom** Wireless Telegraphy Register database listing has been adapted by Jeff to run seamlessly with the Q database function.
Being a large listing it takes about 30 seconds to load into the Q database, not bad for the size of the file.
When loaded the entries are in frequency order - like so:
0446.15000 STOREFAST LIMITED [TQ6224073428] Northfleet Kent da118hn AUTO
0446.16250 ODEON LIMITED [TA0940028300] Kingston upon Hull Kingston upon Hull hu12sa AUTO

You will notice that the User Name, NGR and Mode is in upper case, the location is in mixed case and the location postcode is in lower case.
This is useful as you can specify in a search for either a Name = SLOUGH, or a location = Slough. Or you can combine the two (separated by ,)
You can of course search by frequency or part of a full frequency.
The results of your search are displayed on screen and can be saved as your own frequency database files which can be recalled and edited as required.
The AUTO entry tells the AR-DV1 to receive in AUTO Mode.
The entry in brackets is the NGR - National Grid Reference of the radio site, If an entry line is double clicked on and accept the option to go to a map of the location, eSPYonARD opens a web based mapping program in your browser called Mapmate and displays the location on a Google Map style map, which can be zoomed in and out from.
And of course by double clicking the entry tunes the AR-DV1 to the entry frequency..

My thoughts - AMAZING, it takes eSPYonARD to another level and makes Ofcom's cumbersome WTR database file a seamless addition to eSPYonARD' Q-DB function.

Since I first purchased eSPYonARD Jeff has added a host of functions but to me this beats nearly all of them and a first for UK AR-DV1 users.

Ofcom** is the UK's communications regulator like the FCC in the USA.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Quick update

The program now uses Google Maps direct, but obviously your P.C. must be connected to the Net for this to work.

The program (next update) recognises the Post Code in 'Q' lines in the new 'Q' Frequency Database File/List, and offers you the option of viewing a Map of where the frequency entry is situated.

The appropriate Google Maps page opens in Map view, but you can switch to a Satellite view if you wish.

In addition many of the Google pages will show a picture of the location too.

The first version I mentioned today used a National Grid Reference to display a Map, but I am sure using a Post Code is a better function.

This also really opens up the possibilities of Users being able to add their own Map calling to any line in a 'Q' List they already have created, not only in the UK but in other Countries too.

I know 'unique' is a BIG word to use about anything.

The AR-DV1 / eSPYonARD ' 'Q' were a unique combination a year ago. With each program update the 'unique' factor has increased, but for UK Users the availability of a significantly enhanced OfCom Database 'Q-DB' text file, ready for immediate use in a filter enabled 'Q-DB' inter-active list, and the Map viewing capability will re-define 'unique' upwards once again.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
One ,ore feature for the new update 007E (not yet released)

Again this will be of most interest to UK Users.

The new update will also be able to use the Google Map function in the 'UK LIST 2017-AUTO-SORTED' Q-DB file which accompanies eSPYonARD's 007D update of last month.

The program examines a line when it is double-clicked and tries to identify location information. If it does, if you elect to do so, it sends that info to Google Maps.

eSPYonARD Users who have downloaded and installed 007D will see that the UK LIST 2017-AUTO-SORTED 'Q' file does not contain a National Grid References or Post Codes in the entries, so the ability to still find many Goggle maps is quite a feat of programming.

It can never be 100% accurate, but very impressive. The results will fall into these categories:-

If a selected line contains

a. sufficient identifiable information, the correct MAP is automatically displayed, which seems to happen on most occasions

b. some location information, but Goggle Maps are unable to find a direct match, the Google page displays the address searched, and in many cases a User may be able to manually alter the line so that the correct Map appears

c. no location information at all, it is ignored and the Google page does not open.

NOTE the above is in ADDITION to the Map function for the new UK BUSINESS LICENCES-SORTED 'Q' file previously mentioned. Most lines in that file do contain a Post Code, and although I cannot verify the accuracy of that for each of the many thousand entries, the majority seem to be fine.

eSPYonARD has been modified so User's can elect to turn the MAPPING function on or off.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
v.6.0007-007E with Google Mapping function

v.6.0007-007E is ready - with Google Mapping and 2 UK Frequency Database files containing over 138,000 entries, plus a small US 'Q' file example.

Users can use the 'Q' filters to find frequencies in their area, and save them as a new 'Q-DB' file for immediate use as an interactive list. i.e just double click on a line and the Frequency is transferred to the AR-DV1.

Last bit of testing to do - should be uploaded to very soon.

Just double click on a 'Q-DB' frequency line to view MAP.

Impossible to include Frequency Databases for all Countries, however existing or new 'Q'-DB' files can be created or modified to utilise Google Maps quite simply - full description in eSPYonARD Manual

Screen shot attached


  • MAP.jpg
    68.3 KB · Views: 736
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
User request function additions

I have added somethings to the next update '007E' regarding searching for Digital Scramble codes. The speed can be increased, and now the User can select from a list of several pre-programed increments. 10, 100, 200, and 300.


The SEARCH ON/OFF button activates an automatic search. The values are displayed in the adjacent box. The UP / DOWN buttons increment or decrement the value by 1 in non-auto mode. The slider can be used to adjust the value.

(NEW) Right-click The SEARCH button to select FAST or SLOW search speed, and then select the desired increment value from the diplayed Menu.

Users may enter a different 2 number value at the end of the search number line to search for different codes.

e.g. If the search value is 3200, then selecting an increment of 10 will increase the value by that amount each time, 3210, 3220, 3230 etc.

If you change the increment to 100 and the line value to 3268, then the search will look for 3368, 3468, 3568 etc.

Any changes to the last 2 numbers are remembered, and at the end of the search it will start again using those values.
e.g. 68, 168, 268 etc.

I doubt very much whether there are many who provide such quick and extensive service to Customers. A few of you have been kind enough to respond to my previous request to take a couple of minutes and add a positive public comment to my YouTube page, but not many.

I keep the cost of the program low by not paying for advertising, so comments on the YouTube page are important.

Perhaps after the last 24 hours effort there will be at least one more?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK


Someone asked me today if one has to enter anything on the Google Map page for the new eSPYonARD function to work.

The answer is 'no'. If there is location information in the 'Q-DB' line (as there is in most of the UK files I will be supplying), and it corresponds with the Google Map database, which is quite flexible in its interpretation, the Map showing the location of the line appears automatically, when the program's MAP function is turned 'ON' , and the Q line is double clicked.

On some occasions GOOGLE may be 'thrown' by too much information eSPYonARD's 'Q-DB' file sends, but simply by modifying the line on the Google page, the Map will then be found, but usually this is not needed

e.g. BAA ABERDEEN AIRPORT AIRRADIO MPT1327 SCOTLAND is not found by Google Maps
If you edit the line in Google to BAA ABERDEEN AIRPORT SCOTLAND, the correct map is displayed

The Program 'saves' the line it has sent to the 'Clipboard', so if necessary you can quickly re-enter it using 'paste'.

As interesting as the Google Map feature might be, do not lose sight of the fact that the main functions of Q' and the 'Q-DB' files still revolve around controlling the AR-DV1. Creating unlimited 'Q' Memory Banks, collecting the information from numerous sources, instantly transferring the frequencies etc to the AR-DV1 individually, or by scanning. Simple, wide ranging, effective, and totally unique.

There are still AR-DV1 owners who do not know what 'Q' is, lol, and what they are missing. Lots more positive posts here, at the Web Site, Facebook and YouTube pages. The Trial program is free -
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
v.6.0007.007E available now

Just uploaded 007E to

Google mapping immediately available when using the 'Q-DB' UK frequency lists provided. The 'Q Business' file is derived from the current OfCom Database, but considerably enhanced.

Duplicates have been removed, and where applicable the nearest Town / City, County and Postcode (ZIP) has been added to each entry. This allows Users much improved location 'filtering' options.

There are other new / amended functions too.

Read 'Changes Log' at the end of the updated Manual Also includes details of how to create or amend 'Q' files for Map use in other areas.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Still programming

Many of you will not be surprised to read that there is another update in progress, lol.

I have had a few weeks off, but that gave me time to actually use my AR-DV1 with eSPYonARD mainly for fun. Big mistake of course, because I had some new ideas in the process, which I could not resist.

Whilst listening around the HF Bands, I decided to put the program in Manual mode and use the AR-DV1's Tuning knob. I 'had' previously seen this ability as something quite 'minor', so to be honest paid little attention to the possibilities.

It was something I had rarely done, however I realised it would be useful if the program could detect, and then reflect other changes someone made manually whilst the program was suspended. In effect giving the User the best of both worlds, if from time to time they wanted to quickly switch between operating the AR-DV1 manually and using it under software control.

Under Serial control the firmware only allows the user to adjust the VOLUME of the radio manually, all other features are disabled.

For a long time, without having to quit eSPYonARD, one could use the Radio's TUNING KNOB on the receiver to adjust frequencies by left clicking on the picture of the knob. A message being displayed beneath it saying 'MANUAL', and the receiver then temporarily released from computer control.

Until now, reverting back to eSPYonARD after quitting Manual Mode only changed the program's frequency to the one that was last used in VFOA.

In the next update not only will a User be able to manually tune the Radio using its Tuning Knob if they wish, but also returning to P.C. control from Manual has been enhanced, if other changes were made using the AR-DV1 buttons, i.e. Step, Mode, and IF Bandwidth, the program detects them.

Only those changes made in VFO Modes will be reflected by the program once PC control is resumed.

To switch back to serial control by the PC, left click the picture of the knob again.

The program will update to reflect the above VFO manual changes.

Currently there are a few other minor alterations / modifications which are the result of a few suggestions from Users, which I always consider, and incorporate if I believe they have merit.

No date for the next release as yet, probably in the New Year, as the last 2 updates have already added quite a lot of interesting functions, especially to 'Q', the addition of the very extensive U.K.frequency database 'Q' files, and the incorporation of the Google Map facility, which although is immediately available with the UK files can also be used in other Countries where applicable.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
What is in the pipeline

A new version will be available soon at

There is a free Trial of the current edition available at the Site.

Here are a few of the new additions:-

There are times when one may want to quickly switch to Manual control of the AR-DV1, without disconnecting from software control.

Whilst under Serial control the Firmware only allows the user to adjust the VOLUME of the radio manually, all other features are disabled.

Without having to quit eSPYonARD, you can access many of the AR-DV1's functions manually. Click on the picture of the knob. A message is displayed beneath it saying 'MANUAL TUNE', and the receiver is temporarily released from computer control.

Although the above was available in earler versions, they have been enhanced. Not only does this allow you manually tune the Radio using its Tuning Knob. You can now also make some changes using the AR-DV1 buttons, e.g. Change Frequencies, VFO's, Step, Mode, and IF Bandwidth. Those changes made in VFO Mode will be reflected by the program once PC control is resumed.

To switch back to serial control by the PC, just click the picture of the knob again.

The program will then update to the VFO changes that were made manually.

The new MAP button on the Q-DB screen TOGGLES the Google map function 'on' or 'off'.
If the function is 'on' and a frequency line selected, each time the User is invited to decide whether or not to open a Map. Now if CANCEL is selected the Map function is turned 'off'.

This shows all 'Filtered' frequencies in their own window, whilst the main 'full' file is still visible / accessible, and you can switch between them.

The new window is inter-active. As with the main window dbl-clicking on a line transfers the details to the AR-DV1. If SCAN is chosen frequencies may be scanned in either window, and individual lines can be modified, with any changes being automatically saved to the appropriate file.

4. 'Q' sorts are faster, and most of eSPYonARD's control functions are now also available whilst a 'sort' goes on in the background. The User can enter Frequencies, access AR-DV1 Memory channels, and use the Radio's Scan and Search for example. If for any reason you wish to stop a 'Sort' then pressing the 'Esc' key achieves this.

There are quite a few other changes, additions and improvements too.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK

New version now available.

Too many new things to describe here, all documented at the end of the Manual.

I was asked months ago if a Spectrum Analyser addition to eSPYonARD was possible. Watch this space, lol.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
AR-DV1 BAND SCOPE - new update 6.0007-008A

Hopefully the new version will be posted at sometime tomorrow.

The update has a Band Scope. For a long time I thought it would be impossible to do, and at this stage I view it as 'experimental'. It all has to be achieved via software, requiring a tremendous amount of processing and data transfer, so not all systems may be compatible.

So far it has been tested on a variety of P.C.'s and works OK. Try it and see. Those that have tested it seem to view the Scope as a bit of a 'game changer', adding a much needed function to the AR-DV1.

Comparing the Program's Band Scope to receivers with that option built into their hardware would be most unfair, so please if you really need to do that, compare it against any Band Scope for the AR-DV1, (if you can find one).

The Scope has the option of 1 MHZ, 2 MHZ, 4 MHZ and 10 MHZ 'sweeps', with different channel spacing choices. The time a 'sweep' takes to complete is directly proportional to the number of channels that need to be interrogated, however a 1 MHZ sweep with 12.5 KHZ spacing takes only 3 seconds, exactly the same time the AR-DV1 takes to complete a dedicated 'search' between the same frequencies.

It is inter-active, as the Manual explains.

It is quite simple to operate, however has several extra options so it is important to read the Manual regarding it, from Page 47 on-wards.

Images in

Please email me via the Web Site if you experience any problems with the Scope. This thread is not a suitable place to answer individual queries.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Wilmington, NC
What can I say?
The addition of the band scope his elevated the usefulness of the DV1 to a level I didnt think possible. Additionally, given the constraints of USB communication, you’ve done an incredible job regarding the sweep speed.
I can’t wait until tomorrow to see what the next incredible function you’ll add to your already unsurpassed software!


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Band scope mk2

I think I can say the Scope is no longer at the experimental stage, however because it demands so much data processing and transfer, not all P.C.'s may be able to run it.

It is included in the Trial program, so easy enough to find out if it is OK on your equipment.

I decided to take a week off, fatal mistake. That involved me 'playing' radio, which quickly led to me adding extras to the Band Scope, and including some nice enhancements, with a 30% increase in speed.

Too many new additions to go in to all of them here. One is a ZOOM function, so instead of just having 1, 2, 4 and 10 MHZ sweeps, you can set smaller ones. e.g 7.0 to 7.2 MHZ. Added 1 and 2 KHZ channel spacing too, so Side Band and CW are catered for as well as AM, FM and AUTO.

The one I am particularly pleased with is that when a sweep is 'paused', running the cursor over lines results in them becoming 'active', and responding to their 'S' signal in real time. Also when a frequency line is selected in the 'Q SWEEP' window, if that frequency lies within the Start and End of the sweep, the relevant line turns red on the Scope, and becomes active (as above). As before running. the Cursor over a line transfers the frequency and mode to the AR-DV1

I always test everything, so I will not be releasing the program update with Band Scope MK2 immediately, but it is all working.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
New update 6.0007-008B - AR-DV1 BAND SCOPE MK2

The latest version has been posted today, which includes the MK2 Band Scope, which I described in the above post.

It can be downloaded from, and as always there is no charge for the upgrade.

The program has grown so much since the first version, all that time ago, incorporating many suggestions from others, and a few flashes of inspiration.

New Users should be aware that the program has many, many functions, quite a few that are not available to the AR-DV1 without it. As such you must be prepared to read the Manual, or you will certainly miss out. I know 'reading a Manual' is a taboo for many, lol, but with so many extras that eSPYonARD offers, 'clicking and hoping' is not the way to go.

The free TRIAL (not a DEMO, a functioning program) is available at the website. So if you have not tried eSPYonARD yet, or downloaded earlier versions, please consider trying the latest version.

I would like to thank the many of you have supported the development of eSPYonARD, especially all those Forum Members who have encouraged me, and of course my BETA testers.

N9EWO has produced an in depth review of the AR-DV1 this month, which makes interesting reading.

He did not do a full review of eSPYonARD which was beyond the scope of his analysis of the Radio's performance, but his brief comments regarding software may also be of interest.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Protecting the ar-dv1 micro usb port

I have been a bit concerned about the Micro USB port on the AR-DV1 re. possible damage due to accidentally knocking the USB Plug, and/or the effects of too many insertions on it and the PCB to which it is attached. These sockets have very tiny solder points, so can never be regarded as robust mechanically.

If the socket is damaged it could be a time consuming and expensive business to get it fixed.

There is a simple and pretty cheap solution. A Magnetic USB Cable. A small magnetic adapter fits into the USB socket on the Radio and can be left there.

From then on the cable end just attaches magnetically, so no more insertion/removal forces. Also if the cable end is 'knocked', then it simply falls off, thus protecting the Radio's connector.

A word of caution. I have two types of these connectors (bought from eBay). One type has silvered coloured plugs. They do NOT work. The other has white coloured plugs. They do work. In both cases the USB insertion sound is heard via the P.C., but only the 'white' type are discovered correctly and connect to the SiLabs driver.

Although the above works, I was SURPRISED to find that there was a definite speed slow down using the magnetic connector I have, when controlling the DV1 via a P.C.

For example the speed of the BAND SCOPE function in eSPYonARD was reduced by approx 40%. That is massive.

The obvious and important conclusion is that the efficiency of USB Comms via the Radio and P.C. is governed by the 'quality' of the USB cable in use.

This i really worth knowing for all of us. I always expected that if the machines connected a thing like Comms speed would be much the same.

Currently I have always used the USB cable supplied with the Radio. Having discovered the above I intend to experiment with different cables, including Magnetic ones, as my original concerns still exist.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Magnetic cable - update

UPDATE - 26/05/18

I found a low loss magnetic USB Cable that seems to work very well, made by PENZO. Currently 'on offer' at £5.99.

I dare say there are other 'quality' makes out there, but there are a lot that will not 'cut it' re. Data transfer speed.

I really like the connector that plugs into the Radio, as it is just a little longer than that of the cable supplied by AOR, so it fits better and is a lot less likely to slip out.

Interestingly when you attach the new cable magnetically, it only works if the LED faces upwards. Not a problem.

Apart from cutting out insertion and removal forces when plugging a standard cable in and out, using a magnetic connector minimises the chance of the USB socket on the PCB being badly damaged if anyone accidentally 'hits' or applies unwanted force to it in any direction.

I know, another expense, lol, but balanced against the cost of repairing the Radio and all that entails, not a bad little investment.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
New revision update news

I am currently working on a version of the program for the AR-DV10. Since it is very similar to eSPYonARD for the DV1 it has enabled me to revise the AR-DV1 version in several areas.

Consequently I have made quite a few small but significant improvements and additions to eSPYonARD for the AR-DV1.

I will not mention all of them as yet, but one addition should be of particular interest to HF and AM Broadcast Station listeners. I have included an 'RF GAIN' setting in SPYonARD. On the DV1, when AGC was set to 'RF-G', increasing the GAIN as described in the Manual produced unexpected results.

The Manual states it can be set from '0' to '110', however anything over '20' meant that the signals audio dropped alarmingly, although the 'S' reading increased.

HOWEVER, increasing the value does result in a significant S/N improvement. I have added an RF GAIN slider, with a value between '0' and '20', which operates in 'real-time' and should prove very useful when receiving AM, CW or Sideband transmissions.

The AR-DV10 Command Codes have not yet been released by AOR, so that program cannot be completed yet. Once they are available, finishing that program may result in further changes to some of the DV1 functions, so an AR-DV1 program update will not be released yet.

I will post here when the new AR-DV1 update has been published.
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Jun 9, 2016
...The AR-DV10 Command Codes have not yet been released by AOR, so that program cannot be completed yet. Once they are available, finishing that program may result in further changes to some of the DV1 functions, so an AR-DV1 program update will not be released yet.
I will post here when the new AR-DV1 update has been published.

Hi Marlbrook!
As I already explained to you and G7HID in one other thread, better to wait for next DV10 firmware update to get DV10 USB commands usable. But on today, you already can run. DV10 commands will be very similar to DV1. I already told you about this.
So you can, as I did on DV10 Manager since HAMFAIR 2017, prepare your software.
But I know you are aware about this matter as I warn you on.

Please first, keep in mind: ON/OFF physical feature is diffrent between DV1 and DV10, means this very first instruction is not available today on DV10.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
Ar-dv10 firmware

Hi Marlbrook!
As I already explained to you and G7HID in one other thread, better to wait for next DV10 firmware update to get DV10 USB commands usable. But on today, you already can run. DV10 commands will be very similar to DV1. I already told you about this.
So you can, as I did on DV10 Manager since HAMFAIR 2017, prepare your software.
But I know you are aware about this matter as I warn you on.

Please first, keep in mind: ON/OFF physical feature is diffrent between DV1 and DV10, means this very first instruction is not available today on DV10.


Only a relatively small number of the needed Serial Commands are available for the AR-DV10 in the current Firmware release, compared to those released for the AR-DV1. Some of the basic commands are incorporated, but many are not, as yet. The ON/OFF command is just one of the many not yet available.

In addition to the command functions that are the same as those required by the DV1, the DV10 has others that are unique to it, so Serial Commands for them will be needed to.

In the absence of any information being forthcoming from AOR I wrote a program some days ago which interrogates the DV10 sending all possible combinations of codes, and reporting on them.

It quickly became obvious that many important ones just do not currently exist, which is I think a bit 'naughty' considering the Manual states the Radio can be controlled externally, but on release, even with their latest Firmware, the DV10 is far from being able to do this now.

Perhaps AOR should have written 'at some stage' that will actually be the case. Yes it is capable of being controlled, but far from efficiently at this time, solely due to the current Firmware.

When the DV1 was released all the Codes had been incorporated, as they should have been, and eventually added to as new Functions became available.

This means that until 'a' Firmware is released with all the functions covered, full control of the DV10 will not be possible.

Nevertheless I can control a lot of things on the AR-DV10 as the program now stands, including the Band Scope, which is nice.

Once the Codes have actually arrived in Firmware, and their details made known I have every reason to expect all the basic, advanced and additional Functions made available for the DV1 by eSPYonARD will also be available to the AR-DV10.

Just a 'waiting game' now, albeit a frustrating one, lol.