To request that the Mayor and Commission:
a. Approve Motorola Solutions, Inc. (Motorola) as the designated Vendor providing the
Proposal representing the best value for design and installation services of a digital P25
Phase II Radio System in response to RFP #00678, Proposal A, dated February 21, 2014,
b. Approve Motorola Solutions, Inc. (Motorola) as the designated Vendor providing the
Proposal representing the best value for design and installation services of a Next
Generations 911 (NG911) phone system in response to RFP #00678, Proposal B, dated
February 21, 2014,
c. Authorize staff and the Attorney to negotiate contract agreements with Motorola for a
P25 Phase II Radio System and a NG911 phone system in combined amounts not to
exceed the available Project Budget of $8,212,783,
d. Authorize staff to negotiate and the Manager to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement
with the University of Georgia (UGA) to establish terms for joint participation in
establishing a joint P25 Digital Radio System,
e. Award a change order to the professional services contract with RCC Consultants, Inc. for
Public Safety Communication Systems Improvements (SPLOST 2011 Project #05) Phase
Two in an amount not to exceed $297,543, and
f. Authorize the Mayor and appropriate staff to execute all related documents.