Capacity Max has been working very well so far. However, I did notice a small bug with the scanner not detecting the late entry messages that Capacity Max sends over the control channel. The 325P2 does not see those messages, making it difficult to monitor talkgroups until the initial voice call grant is sent over the control channel again, especially if your signal fades or you are monitoring multiple talkgroups. This specific CapMax system seems to broadcast those late entry messages for every call. Not a huge issue, but it is very noticeable on busier systems, and I thought I should mention it.You're welcome and it should be there now.
This is what DSDPlus sees during a voice call while holding on the control channel. The 325P2 ignores these:
2024.07.31 12:25:14 +DMR slot1 BS DATA DCC=15 CSBK ECC/RAS Tier III MOT LateEntry Tgt=999944 Ch=866