I have a fair amount of experience with Linux, and so far absolutely no success with downloading from RR, let alone getting it to the scanner. My last attempt was stopped because I couldn't any driver for the USB cable to work under Wine.
I have a fair amount of experience with Linux, and so far absolutely no success with downloading from RR, let alone getting it to the scanner. My last attempt was stopped because I couldn't any driver for the USB cable to work under Wine.
I've successfully used BCProgTool with my 396XT directly in Debian, Ubuntu, and Knoppix. Be SURE to read the "readme_first_linux.txt", as you'll need to add a user account for the program, and a few other details. You may need to apt-get ver 8.5 of TCL/TK as well. Most modern systems will already support the FTDI and Prolific serial chipsets, although you may have to manually install those for older distributions possibly.