BCD536HP First Firmware Update v1.03.03 Available

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
You may be correct, I hope so. But I remember UPMan saying that was not possible with the x36 and sentinel.

I did it last night and it works exactly as the HP1 did.
Only problem was I only had 1.02.03 so I only did it as a test.
But it did work just fine. I don't recommend going back but the most recent version as something could have changed enough to where some things may end up broken especially if a new FW update changed the contents or format of the HPD files. Going back may not recognize those files in that example.
Uniden's info page for the 536HP and its firmware states that 1.02.07 was the initial production release but when I bought my first 536HP, I did a FW update first thing and was given 1.02.03, not .07.
I was never offered the 1.02.07 version even when checked just before 1.03.03 was released. Maybe the 536HP info page for updates is incorrect and it should read that 1.02.03 is the initial version. After I downgraded to 1.02.03, I looked in Scanner Info and the FW was indeed listed as 1.02.03. I wanted to make sure thinking maybe they had named the FW incorrectly when Sentinel downloaded it to the radio.

I did let 1.02.03 run for quite a while and everything worked fine with the exception of some of the things the release notes say that 1.03.03 fixes.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
BCD536HP First Maintenance Release v1.03.03 Available

The 1.02.07 firmware version was/is ONLY for the 436HP. So until recently, you had the most recent for the 536HP.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
BCD536HP First Maintenance Release v1.03.03 Available

And I see what you mean about the possible typo on Uniden's 536HP web page.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
And I see what you mean about the possible typo on Uniden's 536HP web page.

So 1.02.03 was likely the first production release then and not 1.02.07 like the 536 page says.
That makes me feel better as I've always kept every version of FW for my HP-1 and I'm doing the same with these new x36HP models.

One just never knows when a new FW will break something and Uniden takes months to fix it. I don't recall them ever pushing an older firmware back out for the HP based models. Some of the older XT models that used the older updater stored the actual FW images in a folder on your drive. Then they changed the updater to the newer version and it would no longer read from your local drive, it would only read from Uniden's server which did not contain any of the older FW revisions so you had to use the old updater if you wanted to roll back a 396 or 996XT.
For some of those models, Paul did place some of the older firmware images on the server so you could use the new updater to perform a downgrade.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
While 1.02.03 was installed at the factory, it was never a supported version. The first supported version is 1.02.07 (the initial factory version had a number of features still not implemented, which we fixed during the month the hardware was floating over here from Asia).


Mar 21, 2011
Cleveland TN
How do I go back 1 firmware revision? This new firmware revision has made my reception of my local P25 Phase II system, Camden County Public Safety Trunking System, Camden County, New Jersey - Scanner Frequencies, poor to just OK at best. Before this revision I had made the NFM to FM change, I remove any frequency that was not transmitted by the closest site - Lindenwold, set the ATT on for the system and my P25 Phase II was almost 99%.

I would like to echo nr2d's thoughts on the new 1.03.03 firmware update. I am monitoring Tennessee Advanced Communications Network (TACN) Trunking System, Varies, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies Chattanooga simulcast. I got one of the first 536 units from Universal and have been blown away with the scanner. In fact reception has been so good I have been using the telescoping antenna instead of the rigged up antenna system I used with my HP. Now after applying the 1.03.03 firmware update the reception of this system has gone from great to unreadable / poor at best. Before the update I was receiving 3-4 signal strength bars with 4-5 in some cases. Now the signal bars wildly fluctuate from 0-5 and 5-0 with unreadable distorted audio. Either the radio techs are tweaking the system currently OR the recent firmware update has severely affected the reception of the scanner. Just wondering if anyone else is noticing degraded P25 performance after the firmware update.



Dec 14, 2006
I did it last night and it works exactly as the HP1 did.
Only problem was I only had 1.02.03 so I only did it as a test.
But it did work just fine. I don't recommend going back but the most recent version as something could have changed enough to where some things may end up broken especially if a new FW update changed the contents or format of the HPD files. Going back may not recognize those files in that example.
Uniden's info page for the 536HP and its firmware states that 1.02.07 was the initial production release but when I bought my first 536HP, I did a FW update first thing and was given 1.02.03, not .07.
I was never offered the 1.02.07 version even when checked just before 1.03.03 was released. Maybe the 536HP info page for updates is incorrect and it should read that 1.02.03 is the initial version. After I downgraded to 1.02.03, I looked in Scanner Info and the FW was indeed listed as 1.02.03. I wanted to make sure thinking maybe they had named the FW incorrectly when Sentinel downloaded it to the radio.

I did let 1.02.03 run for quite a while and everything worked fine with the exception of some of the things the release notes say that 1.03.03 fixes.

Not working om my 436.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
While 1.02.03 was installed at the factory, it was never a supported version. The first supported version is 1.02.07 (the initial factory version had a number of features still not implemented, which we fixed during the month the hardware was floating over here from Asia).

That's odd Paul. When I received my 1st 536HP, I ran the FW updater from Sentinel and it updated my 536 to 1.02.03 never saw a 1.02.07 ever.
That was just two days before 1.03.03 was released on the 28th.
I know 1.02.07 is the latest for the 436 but 1.02.03 seemed to be the latest for the 536 models on that day (Feb 26).


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
That's odd Paul. When I received my 1st 536HP, I ran the FW updater from Sentinel and it updated my 536 to 1.02.03 never saw a 1.02.07 ever.
That was just two days before 1.03.03 was released on the 28th.
I know 1.02.07 is the latest for the 436 but 1.02.03 seemed to be the latest for the 536 models on that day (Feb 26).

That was my observation as well. I've been saving the firmware update files as they are released, and I have 1.02.07 for the 436, and the 536 went from 1.02.03 to 1.03.03.



Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
536 will not see the firmware for 436 and the reverse.

The update's ftp did not have firmware 1.02.07 for 536.

That's why I said what I said as I suspect the OP was trying to apply the wrong FW and the reason it did not work.

And the radios will see the incorrect FW if someone simply renames the FW file before unplugging the cable to reflect the scanner model they have. But I'm sure Uniden has some built in error checking that would still stop it from applying even if someone did rename the file.

I do not think there was ever a 1.02.07 for the 536. Many have reported via PM that the latest was 1.02.03 before 1.03.03 was released on the 28th for the 536.
Probably the reason the file is not on the FTP server also!


Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2006
Yeah I was wondering that..

Is there going to be a firmware upgrade for the home patrol?

I was wondering about that as well....I really like the ease of use of the Home Patrol...took it on vacation last year to the Cape took 2 minutes to get it up and running...please don't abandon this scanner! It decodes P25 systems pretty well too!


Jan 20, 2011
Off in a far away place, far from u.......
I was wondering about that as well....I really like the ease of use of the Home Patrol...took it on vacation last year to the Cape took 2 minutes to get it up and running...please don't abandon this scanner! It decodes P25 systems pretty well too!

UPman did say they were going to have at least 1 more update coming. When that will be I am not sure but think it will be after the 436 firmware comes out.
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