There are several "Regional Interoperable Communications Consortiums" in NYS. These are groups of member counties, independent of any particular technology or system. The Central New York Interoperable Communications Consortium is one of those groups, which includes Broome, Cayuga, Cortland, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence.
Independent of that you have the Central New York Interoperable Communications Consortium (CNYICC) trunked system, a Motorola ASTRO 25 system with a System ID of 2AE. The system core and master site (the main controller for the entire system) is located in Onondaga County. Seven counties share that core, each with their own simulcast cell (6 UHF and 1 VHF). Those cells are inherently interconnected by virtue of them all running off of the same core. So although it's common for people to refer to each cell as the "Onondaga system" or the "Broome system", in fact they are nothing more than multiple sites (simulcast cells comprised of multiple subsites) of the same single system. One system, multiple sites.
Cortland (SysID 4EB) and Lewis (SysID 70D) counties, while being members of the regional CNY consortium group, are not part of the CNYICC P25 system. They both have independent P25 systems which are likely connected to the 2AE core via ISSI. I don't know the status of any ISSI links between the three systems, someone with direct knowledge of that would have to comment.