Yes... Apparently it's you and me... Only. I live right on the river at the base of the Burlington-Bristol Bridge.
I've been listening to the one talk group either on the Bordentown Tower or the Westampton Tower for many many years. Since the 500 megahertz smartzone type II system was initiated. But of course I listened before that.
The two Bridges depend on their Simplex 151.01 frequency with a PL tone of 127.3 a lot more than they do they're digital system since its Inception. Kind of tells you something huh?... I have to laugh out loud.
Thanks again as you definitely know already, Marine Channel 81, 83, 16, 22, and CG 121 are your marine frequencies to monitor. It looks like we'll probably lose that digital police frequency but they will always use F2. I love VHF simplex in applications like that. I'm a dinosaur.
Thanks for your collaboration and familiarity.