So is this "system" actually replacing the CSERS/OES (?153.755?) VHF/microwave linked spider web system which I think was originally designed as a literal almost statewide phone patch system?
CRIS is meant and designed to not replace a single thing, but to supplement and support a number of existing resources and entities, and provide solutions that were not feasible before. From a hobbyist's perspective, the only thing I see so far that would be closest to getting "absorbed" is the CMARS users.
CESRS is a much higher-resolution system across the state, reaching far deeper than CRIS for at least 5+ years. However I can see some non-fire travel-net traffic on CESRS easily finding itself on CRIS where available. The thing with CRIS, it provides a very large new toolbox to the supporting roles of a typical CalOES communications mission. Compared to the single slotted and Phillips screwdrivers, a generic claw hammer, and a set of pliers available for a mission, CRIS is like the Snap-On truck arriving and parked outside your job. That tried and true tested hammer will still get most of the job done, but now I have access to a 4 1/2" Angle Die Grinder with variable speed paddle trigger. CRIS runs on the same microwave system as CESRS. The linking of CESRS is rare now and is more done today for practice and testing than actual missions. But should there be a widespread phone/data outage with a disaster tomorrow, you can count on CESRS linking being that trusted claw hammer CalOES pulls to make that crucial logistical link between incident and Sacramento and/or EOC's.