Thanks and good luck with your vision.
All good.
You can look at a list of what talkgroups were captured on the entire system by clicking the "All Captured Talkgroups" link from any node.
You also still have the capability to view all calls received (and listen live) on the entire system by clicking the "Systewide Live Calls" link. The "loophole" is even still there.
But hear me out... everyone should read and take note.
I respect your feedback and listen intently to it, but if you roll in here and proclaim "I know this and I'm premium and this sucks and etc" I'm not going to be inclined to listen to you. And this happens often around here. People here HATE change. It's a cancer how bad people hate it and I have to fight the urge all the time to give up in frustration. But look around. We are doing things right. And we always have. We also provide a very rare ability to let customers come in "our house" and discuss in public things they don't like, so there's going to be feedback on my end that is going to be pushback. And I will be unapologetic about it. Anyone who has worked with me knows that I can have a sharp tongue.
Everyone needs to fundementally understand the way that I operate. I will bend over backwards to help my customers, partners, everyone here, but I won't bend over forwards. The customer isn't always right, and your individual use case isn't as special as you think it is. It just isn't.
I designed and implemented this system from the ground up. We have a lot of work to do, but there is nothing else like it. My vision is clear on how this system operates and will operate going forward, and people are going to get on board or not (99% of the time you'll eventually "get it"). I can tell you that your method of listening to the system via individual nodes is woefully inadequate, not efficient, will cause you to miss significant traffic, and will strain resources on our end. I know this, because I wrote the entire codebase and I know where you're going to come up short. I'm telling you, with no doubt in my mind, that the method and process that I've put together is the right way. You're just going to have to get on board.
I will listen intently to your feedback, and use cases, as I do often miss some of the special details. But the second that you throw around that you're a premium subscriber, or a feed provider, or you've referred 1000 customers to us, I'm going to roll my eyes and discount less what you're telling me. You pay for a premium subscription or provide a feed here because you get value out of that - end of story. No value to you? Bye. Value to you? Welcome aboard the train. Got feedback? I am all ears.
Someone is going to invariably read this and say "I caNoT bElIeVe tHe CEO tAlkS tO hIs cuStoMerS LiKe this." That's fine. But I'm going to tell you like it is. Never forget my mantra:
I will bend over backwards to help my customers, partners, everyone here, but I won't bend over forwards. It's the only thing that keeps me sane running this business. So please, no lectures on customer service, or language, or whatever. If you feel like you need to type something out and lecture me, just stop.
Ok, back to our regularly scheduled playlists....