hey sorry to go off topic here but on the DRPA TRS does anyone know what happen to the Maintenance talkgroups have not heard anything on them at all or did they get new talkgroups thank you 4 any info
Voorhee's Police are NOT encrypted. This was varified by a radio technician, and I was their as a witness. No talkgroup on this system will be using encryption as per the system administrator with Camden County!
Just received this submission:
Based on all the posts in this thread, in particular from camco911 who is actually monitoring the system with a PSR-800, I find this submission dubious.
Before I reject the submission for being inaccurate, can you guys that are able to monitor the system with a PSR-800 (or who are tracking the system in Unitrunker, which will show encrypted traffic as P 4) just reaffirm that Voorhees PD is indeed still encrypted? Thanks!
The only encrypted channels that will be on the Camden County system will be all the police and both FD Hazmat channels. Everything else will be not encrypted at all.
If you're only seeing a single RID on those encrypted TG's, then it's almost certainly a patch.