Thanks Rich, then is sounds like the FG channels will be conventional. Probably either 700 or 800 MHz, since they are using APX 6000 radios.
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I need a few things but I just might put it online. I would also need someone to walk me through it.
If you're still considering the feed what kind of help would you need? I haven't done a feed yet but have read up on it. The PSR-800's that I find that are actually in stock are upwards of $700+ (can't swing that right now) since they're not being made anymore. No other scanner options at this point... had it for $429.00*|*Grecom
And I did see some sites had it for over $700. If you Google it, you could find it for cheap. I got both of my 800's for $375 on Amazon.con in August of last year. I guess the demand was there to raise the prices.
Just watched an open box 800 go for 630$ on the bay..
W-I-L-D !
EFF THAT! I'm sorry, but you have to be an idiot to pay that much for a scanner. I would wait if it were that expensive. Makes me glad I paid $400 for mine a year ago...
EFF THAT! I'm sorry, but you have to be an idiot to pay that much for a scanner. I would wait if it were that expensive. Makes me glad I paid $400 for mine a year ago...
If you wait, it's only gonna get more expensive. Price is going up because supplies are dwindling. Gotta remember...GRE isn't manufacturing anything because of the land issue with the Chinese factory site.
Can't do $600-$700+ so have to wait until GRE resumes manufacturing somewhere or some other company develops a scanner. Bound to happen since more and more Phase II systems are on the drawing board.
Tell that to Paul Opitz from Uniden, aka: UPman...we've all been trying for a year or more.
There may not be as much demand for P25 Phase II TDMA scanners as initially thought if the new systems are all going to be as heavily encrypted as Camden's.