Its currently a simple repeater. Gm 300 mobiles the transmiiter is set at 35 watts. Wacom Duplexer, TXRX Bandpass filter, TXRX Pass reject filter, 35 ah AGM battery, 35 amp motorola switcher with, 60' 5/8 hardline, 18' or 22' Stationmaster. Might be a PD455, Scom Controller. and a battery tender.
Its nice and simple, I would like to put the repeater on a proper switchable power supply with a 100 ah deep cycle battery. I think currently the repeater will give us about 3 hrs of talking time in case of power falure.
We do have our original MICOR base repeater and I could push 100 watts, But I only want to transmit enough power to be able to use it in case of emergency. That it can continue working during a black out conditions for a couple days. In a black out 35 watts is better than no watts.
But, I can sure use some help In reaching that goal. I have gone as far as I could with this system.