truth to be told theres alot of GMRS repeaters that are just abandon like the 675, 550 (NY), 700, 625 of (NJ). problem is that most owners will never respond to your email request if your just an average Joe.
Abandoned repeaters? A lot? On what tones?
462.675, with a tone of 141.3, is used by Westchester REACT. The Manhattan Community Repeater group maintains a repeater on this frequency as well, but it's (thanks in no small part to the FCC's Enfarcement Bureau) plauged by jammers.
462.550, with a tone of 114.8, is used by the Long Island GMRS Community Radio Alliance. See
Long Island GMRS Alliance for details (and he does respond to e-mails).
462.700, with a tone of 141.3, was used by the Orange County GMRS Repeater Group before they changed frequencies. RELI REACT uses the frequency as well, with a PL of 151.4. There is a repeater in Oakland, NJ that's very lightly used by a group of families around that area of Bergen County.
462.625, with a couple of different PLs (97.4, 192.8, 206.5, 107.2), last I heard, was used by affiliates of the Tri-State Emergency Communications Consortium, a REACT based organization.
I'm not sure of what repeaters you are hearing get keyed, and with which PLs/DPLs, that aren't connected with any active groups. Let us know what tones you are copying on the above frequencies. Maybe we can figure out who's it is.