Canadian invasion! Or, help me program my 396.

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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Hey all,

I am very likely going to be taking a road trip from the Sweetgrass border crossing thru to Great Falls in the month of May. I'm not staying anywhere for any great length of time - literally driving into GF and getting on a plane, if all works out, and the reverse a week later.

Far as I can tell, I'll be going thru Toole, Pondera, Teton, and Glacier counties... at least, my GPS software tells me that's the most direct route. I'd like to have my 396 going while I am driving - I've grabbed the details from the four counties mentioned, plus statewide and federal stuff. I want to know if there's anything else worth plugging in, like:

- the "Statewide Interoperable Public Safety Radio System". Any towers/sites within my range?
- Any other counties I should add that I might be able to hear while passing by them? (Fire/EMS, public safety, etc.)
- Anything else neat? Border patrol, etc?

Anyone had experience crossing the border with a scanner? Should I shut it down and put it away while I cross? For that matter, it didn't occur to me until now - is using a scanner in MT in a vehicle ok? I'm not a ham, so I don't have the "usual" exemption.

Thanks very much in advance, all :)


Apr 17, 2004
While I'm not a lawyer nor a citizen of Montana (I am a US citizen, however) and I don't play either on teevee, I did cross the border several times in both Montana and North Dakota last summer and never had a bit of trouble with either US or Canadian customs. I got a form from US customs prior to my initial crossing into Canada that showed that I had my scanners in my possession prior to my initial crossing but never needed it and was never questioned about my radios. You might want to check with Canadian customs to see if they have a similar declaration form you can complete prior to entering the US. You will probably need the serial numbers off each item for the form and you'll probably have to show each item to the Canadian customs officer. I should add that my receivers were Uniden and Radio Shack brands...definitely nothing exotic and readily available in both countries.

While I didn't hide my scanner when I crossed (the antenna mounted on the roof of my car was a dead give-away anyway), I shut it off as I approached the crossings for the same reason I shut off my Mozart I could hear the officer's questions.

Enjoy your trip! It's beautiful country and the people of Montana are terrific!


Premium Subscriber
Mar 27, 2004
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
I'd plug in the new statewide system, I think only Helena HP are on that system. Most everything else in Conv.

No laws against having a scanner in you car, but I know it was on the table in March.
Hope others will help out.


Jul 19, 2004
Glacier County, Montana
I think your GPS is a little off. Unless you plan on crossing at the Del Bonita Crossing, you will not venture into Glacier County at all. From Sweetgrass to GTF would be Toole,Pondera,Teton, and Cascade.
EMS dispatch for Toole/Pondera/Liberty is the same, so you'll definitely want that.
Even though you wont be in Glacier Co., you can hear traffic from MP 370 to MP 298 on I-15, so pretty good coverage. Pretty much the same with the other counties. By far cascade is the most active, with good reception from Conrad (MP 339) south.
There are no active statewide towers on the highline yet, so you probably wont hear anything. Ive been trying to get the highline area correct in the DB, so all the freq's you should need are in there.
As for feds, 50/50 with P-25 and ENC, but heres some to try:

I would also monitor a few of the Mutual Aid Freq's ie. White,Gold,Silver,Blue, Pink, Grey
Also MHP car-to-car

If i can think of any others ill post them. Or PM me for some specifics
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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
ppems said:
I think your GPS is a little off. Unless you plan on crossing at the Del Bonita Crossing, you will not venture into Glacier County at all.

My bad. I did mean the ones you mentioned later in your reply, as well as thinking that I'd be near enough to Glacier to get some 'hits' from there. Thanks for clarifying. :)

I am putting all this into my 396 profile and will give it a shot when I head down. Thanks again! :)
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