Calgarys 150 Firebird, although plagued early in it's career by a number of problems, it actually gave very good service from about 1990, right up to it's retirement in 1998, in favour of the new Bronto 50M HLA.
The Calgary Firebirds "rear axle" problems, as mentioned, was usually inexperienced drivers, "pinning" on the throttle from a "dead stop", while going up the 8 st hill from the light @ 10th Ave.
The 8V92 would then snap the rear driveshaft U-Joint trying to move the 89,000 lb behemoth.
The rear walking beam bushings, would also wear out prematurely from the turns downtown.
Fought alot of fires from Calgarys Firebird 150.
NO complaints from me, served me well, but VERY cold up there in a Calgary winter spraying water @ -30.
I Actually was the last guy to drive it for disposal/pickup @ Training.
I heard when the new owner was loading it on Trailer, fell off and busted fuel tank.
Went to Missisauga Ontario to be used for elevator cleaning ?
Not sure.