The great rescue topic! I love all things rescue! CFD is going through a transition, LAFD meets FDNY.
Every firefighter in the city on shift should be trained or have an understanding of what is required of the job. So in theory the rescue technicians should have lots of back up. Same should apply to Haz-Mat, water/dive rescue, and medical. This will require lots of training and souring costs, but the clients, us, we deserve it.
Engine crews carry a combination tool.
Ladders are supposed to replace the Rescues, that means tools
I believe these two resources will be the basis for any response above a medical call. The Engine and truck will be first on scene for almost any event, at a MVC they will handle extrications, fire suppression and overhaul.
At structure fires, the truck will open up and the engine will attack the fire. If a call comes in for some fellow hanging off the Calgary Tower, the Engine and truck should able to start the rescue while the Heavy Rescue makes its way to the scene. In the past we discussed Squads, here is the opportunity. Convert some Engines to enhanced or Rescue Engines, and have a bunch around the city. When you combine a Ladder and a Squad, you could argue they equal a Heavy Rescue, combined crew of eight, combined tools on both rigs, together they could effectively become a heavy rescue. Not bad.
The Heavy Rescues should be big, over stocked, carry every imaginable tool put on this earth, they should carry four firefighters at all times and have good training. The Heavy Rescue should respond to all second alarms, big wrecks, tech rescues, collapse rescue, trench, any PIN jobs even big Hazmat calls. CFD should call them Rescue 1 & Rescue 2. I would like to see two of the current rescues be converted into Collapse Rescues. They would replace the current tech rescue supports, both need replacing. Next convert another two rescuers into ESU's, emergency support units. They have light towers, they can carry lots of bottles, then we load them up with a bunch of tools and big fans. We send them to all workers, haz, high rise, underground,
Water/dive, crew it with an officer and firefighter. The rest of the fleet can become spares.
So we solved the rescue issue, basically every resource on the road should be able to get the ball rolling and make grabs. The heavy rescue crews should be providing guidance to the crews that have things in motion, the engine, ladder and possibly squad should have enough rope gear to setup anchors and basic rigging or possibly use the ladder to make the grab. They may advise dispatch to pick up the rescue, services not required.
Now if we could get city council to buy tractor drawn ladders...