CFD Apparatus status discussion (Non-Radio Information)


Sep 17, 2018
It all boils down to what the caller is saying to the call taker, where/what the alarm/sensor is going off in the building, what type of building it is and so on.

That's reassuring.

And depending on what the alarm is or type of building it’s way better to have 12 ff’s responding and on scene then 4 ff’s. Sometimes there’s 6-8 ff’s being used on an alarms call.

But this is the system we have in Calgary, and it’s pretty similar to most cities in North America. Again, I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. It’s just what we have. There’s 270 FF’s on duty at any given time in the city, might as well use them.

I agree, and this resonates with me. You don't want the whole department shining trucks all day.


Apr 14, 2022
This is always tricky one… NFPA has very specific guidelines about response size and types of equipment, the other big one is the insurance industry. Structure fire response is usually 12 firefighters as quickly as possible. Typically two Engines and one Ladder.

Many other cities will send a District Chief to supervise. Now if we go with the logic of 9 out of10 calls are false alarms, or pull stations and you're concerned about wear and tear on taxpayers trucks, then this undermines the unions efforts to add more stations, equipment and staff.

I was listening to Toronto Fire on the old online scanner the other night. They had some individual going around downtown pulling alarms. The dispatcher advised the crews, and they had to pull companies from around town to ensure 2 and 1 resonance to each call. The DC's were running around from call to call ensuring procedures are followed to the letter.

This Charlie and Delta stuff is an adaptation of the medical priority dispatch system. I guess whatever works.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
E4921 & E5021 Do NOT exist. CFD received 9 Spartan/Smeal Engines in 2021 not 11. All 9 are in service at Station: 1,2,6,8,11,14,22,23&24

But E4908 & E5008 will be for first ones replaced on the next batch of Pierce? Engines. I took a photo of a 2010 Rosenbauer Engine body on a CFD trailer last week at the shops - I'll try and post it later. Maybe its E0910's body that being remounted?

MRU 2 is not in service yet


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Well that's some interesting news. 2 engines never existed.

I saw the 2010 body on my friend's story looks like it will be refitted or refurbed.

I don't know about the 08s being replaced by Pierce since their both spares and will probably be retired once a few 2016s are moved into the spare pool (If CFD would even do that)

Is it confirmed that the second MRU is going to Station 2? Or will it be tossed with it's brother at Station 1 and it's getting the number 2?


Dec 6, 2023
There is a Chevy SUV in the bay between HR2 and E49. Don’t know if MRU2 is in service yet, but seems any day now.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Thanks for the update. Better keep an ear on the scanner. Welcome to the thread dhoustonAB!


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
MR0418 is at Station 2, but it doesn't sound like it was in service today, at least I haven't heard it on the air. Maybe tomorrow or later this week. Welcome to the chat dhoustonAB!


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
That is super sad :/ too bad CFD didn't order more Towers or Ladders for that fact sooner. They could have built up the spare pool. I imagine the Towers will be fixed and back in service soon though. Construction on the new Station 38 has supposedly started. 17's is progressing along as well.

So apparently TW25 had a ladder issue and TW19 was hit by another fire truck, so both of them are out of service and in the shop now
Any details about the accident with TW19?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Nice that the new stations are starting to come along. 17 should be completed by the 4th quarter same with 38 so we probably won't hear anything interesting until at least late summer or early fall. Anyone think that 38 might get a secondary or will AHS probably take the 2nd bay?

On another EMS note, I know back in Summer '23 I talked about a rumor that CFD is leaning towards an EMS branch. Could happen, the return of MRU 1 was very successful and I expect the same for MRU 2.

However, I heard another separate rumor from another member of the CFD. They told me that city council is thinking of reestablishing the late agency that once provided medical care to Calgary alongside their CFD partners. I'm sure you guys know what I'm getting at here now.

City council is thinking of brining back Calgary EMS. I'm sure there's a lot of questions. What will it mean for AHS? Is CFD even going to make an EMS branch? How much is this going too cost? I'd love to hear your guy's thoughts. Cheers, lads.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
I was wondering if/when this subject was going to come up again! This is going to be an on going discussion.
So far everything from the government to the city seems very hush hush... from various new articles it seems AHS will run ambulance service in the "interim" until a better system or provider is found - which sparks this conversation - Would the province be better going back to a municipal based EMS system? Would Calgary be better running there own EMS system or a EMS system run as a branch of CFD like: Winnipeg, LAFD, FDNY, Chicago Fire, South Metro fire, etc..?

It is going to be a very political issue within the next 2 years as AHS transitions into it's "new system" and everyone begins to fight about cost and things

What I think makes the most sense, but probably isn't the most cost effective is to make EMS part of FIRE and have ff's/paramedics crossed trained and able to do both fire and medical roles. Is it perfect? NO. But I think its BETTER then what is in place now and better then having separate systems trying to work together. But we will see what plays out
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
I was wondering if/when this subject was going to come up again! This is going to be an on going discussion.
So far everything from the government to the city seems very hush hush... from various new articles it seems AHS will run ambulance service in the "interim" until a better system or provider is found - which sparks this conversation - Would the province be better going back to a municipal based EMS system? Would Calgary be better running there own EMS system or a EMS system run as a branch of CFD like: Winnipeg, LAFD, FDNY, Chicago Fire, South Metro fire, etc..?

It is going to be a very political issue within the next 2 years as AHS transitions into it's "new system" and everyone begins to fight about cost and things

What I think makes the most sense, but probably isn't the most cost effective is to make EMS part of FIRE and have ff's/paramedics crossed trained and able to do both fire and medical roles. Is it perfect? NO. But I think its BETTER then what is in place now and better then having separate systems trying to work together. But we will see what plays out
From discussions I’ve heard, it’s been said that Calgary EMS was the pinnacle of emergency care. Because it was a non-EMS entity, crews on ambulances would often hang out at a specific fire hall, and be attached the same time as CFD.

This also meant they trained, talked, ate and slept in the same station. I feel that is the perfect way to run things. Not only that, but once you get to calls, you know the medics and they know you.

It’s a lot easier to run a call effectively than having two medics you don’t have much experience with. Although it is a massive cost to leave the provincial EMS and go back to localized.


Dec 6, 2023
Does anyone have an update on the status of High Rise 2's primary truck (R0611). They have been in a spare Rescue for quite a bit now.


YYC Filmer
Mar 25, 2017
City's REALLY short on spares it seems... I feel like they pulled some of the retired 08's out of retirement because I've been seeing alot more 08 engines.