While external packs are getting to a point where carrying them around isn’t cumbersome, they are probably still larger than if you carry spare AA batteries. It’s a personal preference. I’ve tried both and prefer carrying AA spare batteries. I ordered up 4 lithium-ion rechargable batteries, charger included from Amazon. They are called TENAVOLTS 2775mWh. I was curious if they would supply the same length of service as the Everready Lithium-ion disposable batteries (I don’t know how they are rated in mWh) which can be expensive. My results satisfy me, giving me a respectable length of usage before a recharge is necessary-I just haven’t done a scientific time study where I can say they do last as long, or not quite as long, or only half as long, etc. because everyone uses their radios differently and battery consumption will vary from one person to another and from one type of battery to another. (There are 3 rechargeable AA batteries I am familiar with; nickle-cadmium, nickle-metalhydride, and Lithium-Ion. I’m not sure if a Mophie has what’s needed to run the radio as it’s only designed to replenish the charge in a cell phone… it can do that at a lower current drain than the radio may need to run, so the Mophie’s design may be less than what is needed to power the radio. You might try it. It’s doubtful any damage would occur by trying the Mophie… it think the radio would either power up or not.