CHP frequency use map, corrections needed

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Feb 24, 2001
Thanks Harry,

I'll update and re-post after all of the corrections. Your Humboldt update is exactly the information I was looking for. I was surprised how hard this information is to come by. I have had had to resort to dounut shop interviews on occasion.

here is a zoom in on the LA division.

This map has a different color (blank?) north of East L.A. and west of Baldwin Park, with Temple City in it. What area office is this supposed to be in?

There is no boundary shown in the Valley Division between Oroville and Chico. There is no boundary shown between Hayward and Dublin. There is the same situation between San Jose and West San Jose.

It also looks like you could provide a zoom-in or detailed map in the Sacramento area. I know their is that new area office and it is hard to see that in the area where black is used. I think there was another thread where a different frequency was to be used for this new area office, which I believe was going to cover the eastern portion of Sacramento.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2002
Redwood Coast, N Calif
This map has a different color (blank?) north of East L.A. and west of Baldwin Park, with Temple City in it. What area office is this supposed to be in?
There are only a couple unincorporated pockets in that area any more, and no freeways, so the traffic stuff is all either the local PeeDees' or LASD, who I believe has the traffic contract for within Temple City's city limits. Believe the uninc pieces are handled by Baldwin Park on the Orange. It seems to me that BP comes farther west on I-210 now than that map shows, but I could be wrong. I was once before.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2003
I didn't know who owned that part of LA. It's currently the background map. I'll post Sac, I have never been 100% sure of the Gold boundary.

In areas like Alameda Co, I will break them up by office but I don't currently know the layout. Some like Amador & Calaveras (white) and are easy I'll fix them on general cleanup.

Also does Oakland cover most of CoCo county on I80 (the only map I saw looked like Pinole was the line)?
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2003
"There is no boundary shown in the Valley Division between Oroville and Chico. There is no boundary shown between Hayward and Dublin. There is the same situation between San Jose and West San Jose."

Any suggestion on lines for the above?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2002
Redwood Coast, N Calif
Figuring out area boundaries

CHP HQ and operations people whom I trust, have told us (here and/or on Yahoogroups) that they don't have any statewide maps such as we're trying to cobble together. It seemed odd at first, but then I remembered that when I was at LAPD we didn't either - other than Thomas Guides and some "hand"-drawn maps of beat and division boundaries. When we needed to figure out whom to dispatch to some obscure street or borderline address, we had "reporting district" books which listed every street address range and indicated which RD (and thus beat) a call was in. And now, of course it's all computerized and embedded as part of their Mapstar database. But they also now have maps online, which I've put together somewhere. Oh, here they are.

Anyway, absent anything good popping up here or in our inboxes, perhaps a clumsy old fashioned way to start gathering area boundary info would be by using the CHP's public CAD - "" - and making note of whose units get assigned to incidents in areas we need to look for, making notes and submitting them here from time to time, or when something definitive shows up. We'd need to know what areas are in doubt and need to be watched for. The more I type, the goofier this idea sounds, but this screenshot I just took (at 0245) actually gives us quite a bit of location/area information. Those are all easy ones, but you get the idea. An 0800 or 1730 shot would have a slew more. Just an Idea, FWIW.


  • CHP-CAD-Display.jpg
    73.2 KB · Views: 1,517


Oct 14, 2007
I LIKE IT. The map would be even better with many of Smokey's additions. Then maybe somebody can make the same kind of maps showing the CAL-FIRE and state parks districts...


Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2002
Redwood Coast, N Calif
I LIKE IT. The map would be even better with many of Smokey's additions. Then maybe somebody can make the same kind of maps showing the CAL-FIRE and state parks districts...
I don't know about State Parks, most of which are threatened with closure come Labor Day, but Cal-Fire has a pretty decent set of maps at FRAP Maps


Aug 22, 2006
Big Bear
That blank area near Temple City would include the unincorporated areas of East Pasadena and North San Gabriel. If I recall correctly East Pas was covered out of Altadena and San Gab areas were covered by BPK. I'll try and get a hold of an old partner at Temple Station and see if he knows.


California DB Admin
Database Admin
Oct 31, 2004
San Diego, CA
Pete, first off, I love it!

Second of all, Exsmokey had some good comments (perhaps re-evaluating some colors so it's easier to tell).

Third, I had a Bay Area question. In your map the Marin district (Corte Madera Office, "34") on the Violet seems to extend down and cover a portion of northwestern San Francisco, including the Presidio, Richmond and Sunset neighborhoods. In more than 3 years of listening to them on the Violet I don't recall ever hearing them handle a call anywhere in those areas. From what I can tell, they cover the length of the Golden Gate Bridge down to the Toll Plaza, and then then SF "32" units handle everything south of the toll plaza on the Pink. Similarly, I believe they handle the entire length of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge (580 freeway) to the toll plaza on the richmond side.

I'm not 100% sure either way, so I was just curious how confident you were in the information on the map depicting the Violet extending that far into northwestern SF.




Feb 24, 2001
I LIKE IT. The map would be even better with many of Smokey's additions. Then maybe somebody can make the same kind of maps showing the CAL-FIRE and state parks districts...

I've been putting together a black and white state park map that I've had to shelf for the summer. Time to be outside! This is important in a town at 8,000 feet. I'm not sure that I have the software to make it similar to the great CHP map started here. Having the frequencies colored in would be great, but the range of colors is even wider, with steel and bronze, light green and blue, and some others.

CDF looks pretty good in black and white. It is easy to list the frequency for each ops unit as they are much larger than CHP area offices cover. I also had to shelf some research on installation of permanent repeaters using commands 4-10 and assigning them to one or more ops units. I have a map base built for CDF and just need the time to modify it. When winter comes will be the earliest.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2003
CHP on 19th Ave

Hi Inigo,

Funny you should bring that up...

In the past I had the map as you described, then about four years ago I was in the city and heard a non-injury accident with a school bus on 19th just south of City College.

The SFPD traffic unit immediately requested a CHP unit to respond. (my understanding in that the CHP must respond to all school bus fender benders no matter what the jurisdiction).

I then switched on the Syntor-X (that scans 32, 34 & 91 units) and heard the call go out on Marin's channel. The unit responded from Marin City and the SFPD unit ended up waiting for quite some time.

That night I updated the map.

My guess is that SFPD traffic division would take care of all but "CHP required" items but Marin may actually handle Hwy 1 north of 280. I'll need to find a Marin Donut shop.

I am not sure of Doyle Drive, I don't monitor Marin much since I spend most of my time on the Peninsula now a days. If you are sure I'll move the line up to Park Presidio

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2003
Map Software

I am using Microsoft Map Point 2004. The way I use it is basic (just polygons over the map). If the CHP used zip code or census tracks for borders it would be more "click and fill" but I really just end up free handing it.

As you can see the colors are fixed. Again, I only use the map to "jog my memory" I know that Napa is Grape and Yreka is Purple.

Also the color names look to be meaningless after next year the the frequencies for each color become somewhat division specific.

We may end up with names like "Valley Gold2" (vs "gold 2") or "Marin" this time next year.



California Database Admin
Dec 31, 2006
San Bernardino County
... perhaps a clumsy old fashioned way to start gathering area boundary info would be by using the CHP's public CAD - "" - and making note of whose units get assigned to incidents in areas we need to look for, making notes and submitting them here from time to time, or when something definitive shows up.
...funny, that's exactly what I have been doing for some time trying to figure out the Riverside office's southern and eastern border. It is so hard because the border crosses a ton of unincorporated county area.

I have several comments concerning the San Bernardino Office:
1. The southern portion of the western border runs along Sierra Avenue, so the interchange of SR-210 and I-215 should actually be in Rancho Coucamonga's area.
2. The southeastern portion of the area should extend south to include the city of Yucaipa, all the way to the county boundary.
3. SR-38 from Redlands all the way up to Valley of the Falls Drive and all of the community of Forest Falls is covered by the San Bernardino Office.
4. The northern boundary for the office on I-15 is Oak Hill Road.

For Riverside, the entire southern border is SR-74. The eastern border looks about right the way you have it. The northern and western borders are the county line.

I may be able to post a map of my own sometime soon to show these details.

Here is a map that someone else on this forum shared some time ago showing all transmitter locations for CHP.


Feb 24, 2001
I will verify the National Park exclusive jurisdictions some time this weekend. Right now I can tell you that Lassen, Yosemite, and Sequoia-Kings Canyon are exclusive jurisdictions or federal islands as they are sometimes called. Death Valley National Park, reflecting its decades long status as a National Monument, is a concurrent jurisdiction, so it is not a federal island. I need to check on Joshua Tree, Redwoods, and Pt. Reyes as those are probably the only likely candidates for exclusive jurisdictions. Everything else, to the best of my memory is most likely concurrent.

If you put the remote base sites on the map as well, I think it would get to cluttered, especially if you try to name each one. If you don't name each one the information won't be all that useful. In my opinion the suggestions I made would avoid clutter and improve the readability. The link provided by jlanfn is a great map, showing not only the bases but the microwave paths as well. Putting all of that on your map would render it useless as each layer of information would be covered by another layer. I've seen a couple of dozen CHP radio system products and your map, along with the changes I suggested, in my opinion, would pull the best of all of them into one product.

I have a fair amount of experience developing map products for publication such as wilderness area maps, National Forest maps, ski trail maps, hiking trail maps, fuelwood cutting maps, OHV maps, and similar products. I worked with illustrators and wrote text. I have a feel for how information is received and then field experience seeing the results of how it is presented. Some of the publications were revised every year and we got to make enough changes until we started noting improvements in the types of questions people would ask, and more importantly the questions they no longer had to ask. Clutter or busyness makes a map very hard to read so you have to hit a line between presenting pertinent information and readability.

The map here is for folks who are keenly interested in details and are more map savvy, but do remember that this map is going to be used in a mobile environment and needs to primarily present frequency, tone, area of frequency use, and unit designator prefix. As I'm driving those are the data I need to keep track of the incidents along the highway that may affect my driving plans. That is my opinion on the objective of this map, and others may have a differing opinion. Perhaps a more detailed map with the remote base locations could be provided to use as a programing tool, something that could be viewed intensely at home and other fixed locations.

I plan to take colored pencils and color in the state's CHP radio system map, keeping in mind, however, that without highway information on it keeping track of the geography of the frequency use will be compromised.

Just my 2 bits worth.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 14, 2004
Burbank, CA
Could you give a Zoom in on the border of the Palmdale (tan), Barstow (white) and San Bernardino (Orange) intersections near 138 in the Wrightwood area. We get both Antelope Valley and Barstow units up here and I was wondering exactly where the boundry really is. I always just figured it was the LA/San Bernardino County line on Hwy 2. We also get San Bernardino Units coming off the 15 coming up Lone Pine Canyon into Wrightwood.




California Database Admin
Dec 31, 2006
San Bernardino County
Could you give a Zoom in on the border of the Palmdale (tan), Barstow (white) and San Bernardino (Orange) intersections near 138 in the Wrightwood area. We get both Antelope Valley and Barstow units up here and I was wondering exactly where the boundry really is. I always just figured it was the LA/San Bernardino County line on Hwy 2. We also get San Bernardino Units coming off the 15 coming up Lone Pine Canyon into Wrightwood.


Wrightwood area is served by the Victorville office. Some of the extreme western portion may be served by another office.
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