Here's a treat for those that chose to read this far.
This is out of date by at least several years.
Here's a treat for those that chose to read this far.
Lat/Long given for these repeater sites can be pasted into Google Maps, switch to satellite view and zoom in
Ranger Peak (VERIFIED - former AT&T Microwave site) off of Forest Service Road 4S05 33°50'31.4"N 116°49'26.7"W
This site is S/W of highway 243
Pine Cove/Marion Ridge/Rocky Point 33°45'54.0"N 116°43'56.2"W and is located 7.5 miles SSE of Ranger Peak
It is at roughly 24400 Rocky Point Rd, Idyllwild, CA 92549 and is approximately 2300 feet NNE of Riverside County Fire Dept. Station 23 in Pine Cove
CNF is co-located at the same facility with CalFire MVU (San Diego County) in El Cajon I believe?FICC in San Bernardino does not dispatch for the CNF.
I have noticed many units around the state are not even giving the Tone number verbally anymore. Do they in RRU?This is out of date by at least several years.
I would agree fully with Bob on this. The P25 requirement may be for the sole purpose of being able to access local agencies to coordinate calls, officer needs help,,etc..OK Bryan - Paul,
This is not worth arguing about. Two units on simplex in Holcomb Valley, which is an area that you folks in OC cannot hear, does not put you in a position to determine what I heard and what flashed across my radio. I live on the ridge directly above Holcomb Valley.
I understand completely that just because the requirements say that the radio be compliant does not mean it's the operational. However, given the fact that San Bernardino County Sheriff is now 100% encrypted it would not surprise me that Forest Service LE are also beginning to use encryption. Unless one of you actually works in the Comm Center down on Tippecanoe none of you including me are in a position to determine one way or another.
I have a very detailed antenna system half of which cannot be seen in this picture. The other half includes dual phased yagi's on a rotor tuned for the Forest Service. I have a commercial antenna up for each band. I use yagi's when needed. I can hear LAPD rovers on simplex usually full quieting.
What wasted time when we could be communicating in a positive manner about a hobby we share instead of cheap ship pot shots from a handful of you.
Just because you do not know a site known as 'Mountain Center' does not mean it does not exist as users may simply be calling it that because it's the best site to get into that location, or is on a peak nearby. A user identification does not mean its the official mailing address or name on the deed. Use a little flexibilty.Thank you! So there definitely will not be a LEO repeater at Mountain Center.
Orange County, CA
Just because you do not know a site known as 'Mountain Center' does not mean it does not exist as users may simply be calling it that because it's the best site to get into that location, or is on a peak nearby. A user identification does not mean its the official mailing address or name on the deed. Use a little flexibilty.
Note that there are TWO pads at this repeater site.
Note that there are TWO pads at this repeater site.
It might be a good idea to read all of the details to see who said what because it started with Crazy Bob making an incorrect iron-clad blanket statement that "here in the San Bernardino Mountain Forest they have switched over to p25 encrypted for LEOs already". It was only after pointed questioning and comments from several members that his mistaken claim morphed into a story of "...two units on simplex in Holcomb Valley"
Crazy Bob also incorrectly claimed "....LEO repeater on Santiago, Mountain Center, Elsinore Peak and Strawberry Peak"
and that lead to a number of questions about the accuracy of his statement and that only upset him more..
A little "flexibility"?? LOL. I think I was clearly open to correct information when I responded "What site is "Mountain Center"? I am drawing a blank so I either don't know that name or know the mountain peak by a different name. What other repeaters are there?? " I never said it didn't exist to Crazy Bob but later member Z0468 corrected him. Mountain Center is a small urban center of that area near Idyllwild as far as anyone can see and does not host a radio site of its own. As I noted before the physical site is on Rocky Point Road.
I simply asked for clarification and Crazy Bob threw a hissy fit and penned a number of ginormous font diatribes that included more mistakes and offered no flexibility. He went on to completely mix up Pine Cove, Ranger Peak, Marion Ridge, Mountain Center and Thomas Mountain into one fantastic furball, even changing the name to "Mountain Homes".
"Your guess as to what is referred to as Mountain Homes are incorrect. That antenna site is called Idyllwild (Thomas Mtn.p) and is on Rocky Point. The Pine Cove site has a commercial name of Ranger."
I've actually been very flexible and willing to discuss things but Crazy Bob is all about going into a rage and yelling about blocking users, banning them from some Teamspeak server and saying "Your combined arrogance and desire to be abusive and dismissive to me all the time show that you are simply internet bullies."
So please go lecture Crazy Bob about flexibility and for me I would like statements with accuracy and some sort of proof so I will know how to correct any of my information that has mistakes.
It might be a good idea to read all of the details to see who said what...
...for me I would like statements with accuracy and some sort of proof so I will know how to correct any of my information that has mistakes.
Note that there are TWO pads at this repeater site.
Thank You for all of the information that you post including those maps of the repeaters and the tones and everything else. You created this thread and seems to always add good information and you study the forest system and all of those antenna's and radios that you most likely listen to up in the mountains.
33°50'31.4"N 116°49'26.7"W and using the Google Maps distance function the buildings are only 600' apart.
The trick is figuring out who is in the buildings, LOL.
By studying this old AT&T map it can be seen that the site was called already Ranger quite a long time ago. AT&T towers had the classic cornucopia horns that needed those flat steel platforms with the large square holes in them. Ranger used to have paths to Keller, Joshua Tree and downtown San Bernardino.
As AT&T shut down their microwave system the buildings became prime comms sites and many were purchased by American Tower (although Ranger does not seem to be one of them).
However, Ranger Peak was named by the USFS for a fire lookout that once existed there consisting of a 20' open timber tower with an 8' x 8' wood cab (1935) (Source Bob Burd). Here is one of his photos of the remaining concrete piers.
Quite a number of other comms sites have been built at locations from the old Nike Missile system the Army operated. Mount Disappointment is one example.
I have noticed many units around the state are not even giving the Tone number verbally anymore. Do they in RRU?