Drone Swarms / Large UAV’s


911 Dispatcher
Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2015
North Texas
One of my coworkers went to work at an agency that happens to be in the area of the drone sightings and they created the CAD call type "Drone Observation" due to the influx of 911 calls and officer sightings.

They used it as was recommended, get information from the caller/Officer that reported it, however about a week after it was in CAD they took it out and now they are instructed to only write the information on paper and turn it in to their supervisor. Not to use the radio, phone, CAD messages or email to report/document it. If it comes in over 911 they now put it in as an "Information" call and are to only put "Drone Sighting" in the comments and get the callers name and number if offered.

I was thinking maybe they took it out because it wasn't being used enough to warrant it, but that doesn't entirely add up because they created it due to the amount of 911 calls they were and still are getting, he said even after they took it out of CAD they still get about 50~ calls during each "event." - Another thought, since these calls are coming in over 911 and potentially preventing life-threatening emergency calls from reaching their center, maybe the change is just to collect that basic information and get off the phone as quick as possible where as before they were asking many unscripted questions to try and get as much detail as possible, not sure though. Interesting for sure.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Radio Related note NJICS, trying.

The brief (less than 24 hours) grounding then ungrounding of night flight of State Aviation did it for me. Finally after two weeks, the conversation was had. I figure it went something like this. Hypothetically….

#1 (Three Letters) Please understand this is a total misunderstanding.

#2 (State) Misunderstanding? You’re kidding, do you understand what we have seen and are concerned about?

#1 I am here to tell you we have total control, while I can’t reveal the particulars, I can assure you all operations are being conducted in full accordance with appropriate regulations and laws.

#2 So you are saying, as always see and avoid and use caution below ‘400
feet AGL where any UAV flight is permitted. You assure me they will comply with lighting regulations for flight, correct?

1# Yes you have no worries. Can we have an encrypted TG Hotline on NJICS, just use the radio anytime you have a question. Copy that? 🤣


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
In addition to an officer seeing them come in off the ocean, USCG witnessed 13 of them.

The reported sighting in Hillsborough with crash was unfounded. Units have cleared

Yet a fireman wrapping up at that scene was asked about what was going (by male news reporter) on and basically could not say "it was nothing" And that story I linked yesterday is not up on that same link.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
We have now had sightings on Cape Cod, specifically in the Town of Harwich, where apparently both a citizen and a police officer observed activity. At this point, who knows whether it's related to the "main event" or it's just the human race being the human race and joining in on the fun. As this expands, I expect the latter.

As mentioned earlier, I agree as a whole we are failing dismally if we are under scrutiny from others regarding this situation, just as we did during the pandemic.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Just shoot them down and let's move on.....

Along the lines of the "Don't drink bleach" notifications that had to be sent out a few years ago, news stations and law enforcement agencies are already having to remind people that firing at unknown aircraft is a bad idea, and that projectiles shot up in the air will eventually come back down.


Chief of Grammar Police.
Dec 6, 2024
Gloucester, England
Along the lines of the "Don't drink bleach" notifications that had to be sent out a few years ago, news stations and law enforcement agencies are already having to remind people that firing at unknown aircraft is a bad idea, and that projectiles shot up in the air will eventually come back down.

Together with any device that got destroyed. If pot shots are required, I think that should be left to the military and not Buffalo Bill.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
In background briefing this afternoon, both representatives from the FBI and DHS stated all drone sightings match manned aircraft tracks, no suspicious drone activities have been confirmed by any of the agencies.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Together with any device that got destroyed. If pot shots are required, I think that should be left to the military and not Buffalo Bill.

Problem is, as of now, government is doing nothing.

In background briefing this afternoon, both representatives from the FBI and DHS stated all drone sightings match manned aircraft tracks, no suspicious drone activities have been confirmed by any of the agencies.

Yet OCSO and news reporters saw nothing on any of the flight tracking sites when drones were present.

It was said on the news last night that PEOTUS says they should be shot down.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2004
Wallingford PA Villas NJ
Problem is, as of now, government is doing nothing.

Yet OCSO and news reporters saw nothing on any of the flight tracking sites when drones were present.

It was said on the news last night that PEOTUS says they should be shot down.
Not all aircraft show up on flight tracking sites and I am not speaking of military here. General Aviation flights and corporate private flights will not always appear on the sites. 90 percent of the general aviation aircraft that come to my local airport do show on the flight tracking sites. Its the 10 percent that do not is what can cause confusion.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Problem is, as of now, government is doing nothing.

Yet OCSO and news reporters saw nothing on any of the flight tracking sites when drones were present.

It was said on the news last night that PEOTUS says they should be shot down.
To clarify he said if they were not military. I know in his first administration he was entitled to the Daily security briefing as president-elect but it was found out later it was censored, incomplete and deliberately lacked pertinent information.

I think after Inauguration Day then there should be more information and explanation than we are getting now of this situation.

I respect top secret as much as the next guy and I'm not entitled in any way to know what's going on but the president elect?.. the president-elect might even be getting the exact same morning security briefing that the present president is getting LOL. Resulting in his administration knowing nothing.

Dave.. You do know by this time, I'm kidding around, this is all tongue and cheek.😅
Aug 27, 2022
In the epic words of a one Mr. Rod Serling - "submitted for your consideration" :

FAA awards first approval for drone swarm testing

Nuclear Detection and Countermeasures


Hypothesis: With the wide open borders, millions of un-vetted illegals, Iran making
direct threats of retaliation, etc, etc. There is a "credible threat" of a smuggled in
tactical nuke (many went missing from Russia after the collapse of the CCCP) - or
a crude home made "dirty bomb".

Reason the UAV's are hovering around "critical infrastructure" is probably that's
where a threat actor would place such a device. No doubt they have newly
developed sensor payload packages to detect gamma emitters (or other
signatures from gamma interaction with materials).

(when was the last time anyone heard of NEST doing a survey around DC?)

If beryllium is invoved - as Pvt Hudson put it " game over man ! game over!"


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Figures, day after PEOTUS says they should be shot down, now this stuff surfaces. Explains the morphing into something else theory.

But in reality, it can't be those because Kirby specifically said what people are seeing are "manned" aircraft.



Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
"The X-P4 has a wingspan of 13 feet (4 meters) and can lift 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) of payload, with a maximum takeoff weight of 84 pounds (38 kilograms). It can travel up to 69 miles (111 kilometers) at a cruising speed of 1 hour before its battery runs out. It can also reach a maximum speed of 115 mph (185 kph)."

If a variation of these are being tested by USMIL, they probably enjoyed trolling Ocean County Sheriff's drone which "couldn't keep up."


Premium Subscriber
Apr 15, 2020
Pemberton NJ
Problem is, as of now, government is doing nothing.

Yet OCSO and news reporters saw nothing on any of the flight tracking sites when drones were present.

It was said on the news last night that PEOTUS says they should be shot down.
One or two small cheap drones pulling a small net can bring one down by tangling a propeller or two.