DSD+ Decoding Polarity Auto Detect


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
Was the command removed from DSD+ to enable Polarity Detect at startup? cant find anything in the notes file

I have a streaming pc running dsd+ on a dmr system and the pc reboots once a week. I dont hear any voice coming over the stream unless decoding polarity auto detect is enabled is enabled.
With the latest updates when i boot dsd its not checked and have to manually click the tab to enable it, i think on the older version there was a command line option of -P or -p to enable this at startup but that dont seem to be working now. Anyone know what the new command is to fix that?


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
If you read my post i did mention i have to click that each time the program starts. I was sure in the older versions they had a command to type in that it would auto turn that on once DSD loaded. I dont want to have to go to that computer and click the tab once a week

Older notes says adding -P or -p to the command line would enable it but that dont seem to work on the current version


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
@GTR8000 pointed out all the keyboard shortcuts that got axed and -P toggle signal polarity was one of them.

And it is not listed DSDplus help.

DSD+ 2.448
Current working directory is "C:\Users\Preferred Customer\OneDrive\SDR\Dsdplus New"

DSDPlus [options] Decode from audio stream
DSDPlus [options] ? file Decode from .wav file
DSDPlus -h Show help

Options ( [...] = initial default value; overridden by menu selections):

Logging options:
>file Create log file
>>file Append to log file
-t Time stamp console log file entries
-T Time stamp console log file entries and console screen data
-E Add frequency/NAC/RAN/DCC/RAS data to event log file entries
-F<num> Filename modifier; use to avoid filename collisions [F0]

Input/Output options:
-i<spec> Input audio device (1-255) and channel (M/L/R)
-i<linkID> FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 direct link ID (256-65535) [20001]
-iT<[addr:]port> FMPA/FMPP/FMP24 TCP link IPv4 address and port number (256-65535)

-o<spec> Output audio device (1-255; 0=none) and channel (M/L/R) [-o1]
in/out channels are optional; default=in:mono, out:mode based

-Och <file> Output audio file channel count and name/type [-O DSDPlus.wav]
ch: M=mono,S=stereo,blank=auto; file: .wav or .mp3 (NUL=none)

-I<num> Create new wav/mp3 file every <num> minutes (1440=daily) [-I0]

Decoder options:
-r1 role is single-receiver control/rest/traffic channel decoder [-r1]
-rc role is dedicated control/rest channel decoder
-rv role is dedicated voice channel decoder
-rp role is passive digital decoder

-fa Auto-detect all protocols / frame types except dPMR [-fa]
-fd Decode D-STAR
-ff Decode Fusion
-fn Decode NXDN4800 (Kenwood NEXEDGE and Icom IDAS)
-fN Decode NXDN9600 (Kenwood NEXEDGE)
-fr Decode DMR/MotoTRBO (TDMA inputs + both output slots)
-f1 Decode P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2
-fx Decode X2-TDMA
-fp Decode ProVoice
-fm Enable dPMR

Advanced decoder options:
-ds<num> Scaling factor (55-75; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-ds64]
-dd<num> Damping level (1-100; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-dd10]
-dv<num> Viewport size (1-30; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-dv20]

Active keys:
? Display active keys list in event log window
^/v Adjust synthesized audio volume level
| Toggle symbol phase display
D Discard current system information
R Start/stop recording of raw source audio to wav file
Spacebar Hold on current call / Release hold
Esc End program


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
If you read my post i did mention i have to click that each time the program starts. I was sure in the older versions they had a command to type in that it would auto turn that on once DSD loaded. I dont want to have to go to that computer and click the tab once a week

Older notes says adding -P or -p to the command line would enable it but that dont seem to work on the current version

I received an response from DSDPlus to the email I sent them the other day concerning this --

Screenshot - 12_22_2023 , 12_19_28 PM.png


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
It sure isnt working on my setup then using a rtl dongle. Ill just go back to a older version for that computer then and problem solved


Jul 4, 2003
Ottawa Canada
Decoding polarity auto detect is not checked on startup for me also.
I manually select it myself now at each startup.


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
Rather then making a new topic on this same issue ill just toss the AED on this one and revive it

With the latest release of DSD+ V509 i still cant get the auto polarity detect to stay enabled. EVERY time i close out dsd and reopen it i have to click that dame setting before it will start decoding anything.

Here is my bat file. All i would like it to do it enable auto polarity detect, and combined cc/vc monitor on startup


Start FMP24 -i1 -o20002 -g36.4 -b-12.5 -T1 -P0.1 -f858.6375
timeout /t 3


Start DSDPlus -rc -i20002 -P -o2 >>CC.log


Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
I'm curious - why do you need auto polarity detection? FMP24 will never feed DSD+ an inverted signal, so why the need? How are you getting FMP24 to feed DSD+ an inverted signal?


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
Just have a dongle and a bat file.
Not sure how its inverting the signal at all? Using the commands uptop there and no matter what it wont decode anything at all until i click auto polarity detect. Once i do that it starts to decode the audio. Was never an issue until about 5 updates ago or so whenever that -P command was removed.

Have to do this on P25 trunking and DMR. Computer reboots and comes back on, dsd fires up with auto start and everything is fine and good but no audio is passed until i click that tab back on


Active Member
Jan 17, 2005
NE Wisconsin

Start FMP24 -i1 -o20002 -g36.4 -b-12.5 -T1 -P0.1 -f858.6375
timeout /t 3


Start DSDPlus -rc -i20002 -P -o2 >>CC.log
Just out of curiosity, why do you have the FMP24 bias tee enabled? Do you have a device installed ahead of your SDR that requires power?
If so, what is that device? What is the actual frequency of the DMR system that you're monitoring? Can you post the spectrum display
from FMP24 of the DMR system while the signal is present?


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
Think i fixed the issue
Iv been using the same commands for ages and just happen to look at the dos type window and it was saying such n such command is no longer needed. So started removing stuff then for the hell of it decided to download the base files and look what the default setup is.

Copied that over and poof.. seems to be working now. Think it was specific to the -T -E -Pwav (whatever them things do)
Gave DSD a reboot and now its decoding and im hearing audio without having to go click the auto detect box so.. yay for having an out of date bat file apparently.


Start FMP24 -i1 -o20002 -g36.4 -b-12.5 -T1 -P0.1 -f853.6375
timeout /t 3


Start DSDPlus -rc -T -E -Pwav -i20002 -o2 >>CC.log


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Think i fixed the issue
Iv been using the same commands for ages and just happen to look at the dos type window and it was saying such n such command is no longer needed. So started removing stuff then for the hell of it decided to download the base files and look what the default setup is.

Copied that over and poof.. seems to be working now. Think it was specific to the -T -E -Pwav (whatever them things do)
Gave DSD a reboot and now its decoding and im hearing audio without having to go click the auto detect box so.. yay for having an out of date bat file apparently.


Start FMP24 -i1 -o20002 -g36.4 -b-12.5 -T1 -P0.1 -f853.6375
timeout /t 3


Start DSDPlus -rc -T -E -Pwav -i20002 -o2 >>CC.log

Incidentally, I think FMP24-CC.bat goes along with 1R.bat in a single dongle configuration.

FMP24-CC.bat : CC.bat (first instance in a dual dongle setup)
FMP24-VC.bat : VC.bat (second instance in a dual dongle setup)

If you're running two dongles, great. Otherwise, you likely should be using FMP24-CC.bat and 1R.bat



Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
One setup is a single airspy
couple others (all different PC's) single nootel whatever dongles.
airspy is for a vhf p2 system with voice following (all encrypted so no audio needed)

other 2 setups are for conventional dmr repeaters.

1 is scanning 2 dmr frequencies and a analog channel (fire paging frequency and 2 dmr tac channels sending to a feed)
Been working fine for the past few years other then having to click the auto polarity detect, but since changing the bat file now its working how i want it to. So dont think i need to change anything? If it works it works type deal


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
One setup is a single airspy
couple others (all different PC's) single nootel whatever dongles.
airspy is for a vhf p2 system with voice following (all encrypted so no audio needed)

other 2 setups are for conventional dmr repeaters.

1 is scanning 2 dmr frequencies and a analog channel (fire paging frequency and 2 dmr tac channels sending to a feed)
Been working fine for the past few years other then having to click the auto polarity detect, but since changing the bat file now its working how i want it to. So dont think i need to change anything? If it works it works type deal

Do whatever works for you. They essentially do the same thing. The main difference is that the default CC.bat uses -rc, which sets it as the dedicated control/rest channel decoder. 1R.bat does not. For the next guy or gal who comes along, just starting out, it's just best for them to know/use the proper pairing.

FMP*-CC.bat / 1R.bat (single dongle)
FMP*-CC.bat / CC.bat (dual dongle, control channel monitoring)
FMP*-VC.bat / VC.bat (dual dongle, voice channel following)

Last edited:


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Think it was specific to the -T -E -Pwav (whatever them things do)

DSD+ 2.506
Current working directory is "C:\Users\Preferred Customer\OneDrive\SDR\DSDPlus FastLane"

  DSDPlus [options]            Decode from audio stream
  DSDPlus [options] ? file     Decode from .wav file
  DSDPlus -h                   Show help

Options ( [...] = initial default value; overridden by menu selections):

Logging options:
  >file       Create log file
  >>file      Append to log file
  -t          Time stamp console log file entries
  -T          Time stamp console log file entries and console screen data
  -E          Add frequency/NAC/RAN/DCC/RAS data to event log file entries
  -F<num>     Filename modifier; use to avoid filename collisions [F0]