LQV appears to be monitoring Phase I. His UT/DSD+ combo won't handle Phase II.Only P25 phase 1
LQV appears to be monitoring Phase I. His UT/DSD+ combo won't handle Phase II.Only P25 phase 1
I need to find a guide on how to setup trunk88 I want to experiment with it and I cannot find anywhere on how to set it up
It does but V2.0.0.73 works fairly decent the latest one has issues - but yes it does decode P25 phase 1 by itself
My use for it is Motorolla type II trunks which DSD+ does not do. Trunk88 does and is the best at it.
P25 trunks P1 & 2 - on Win DSD+ or SDRTrunk
Thats the ticket!
by default it starts up for me using "Monitor Source Audio if no sync or signal present"
DSD-CC has started to produce an annoying chime when it loses the Rest Channel on a Cap+ system. Is there a way to turn that off while it's searching for that? It's really annoying and I have enough other audio going on already.
Why do you have any P25 trunked systems in the DSDPlus.frequencies file? There is absolutely no need for that. The DSDPlus.P25Data file and the mere fact that all of the relevant information needed to trunk the system is sent over the control channel suggest to me that you shouldn't even bother putting anything in the DSDPlus.frequencies for trunked P25 systems. Now, if the system doesn't send a bandplan, I guess you might have to. But I bet all of those P25 systems send a bandplan.
But, if you must, it would probably go like this:
; protocol, networkID, siteNumber, OTAchannelNumber, TXfrequency, RXfrequency, sortOrder
protocol = P25
networkID = BEE00.56D
siteNumber = 1.1
I'm not even sure you have your OTAchannelNumber right. I would expect a P25 OTA channel number to be #-####, not ####.
And if you are going to populate DSDPlus.frequencies, you would want an entry in DSDPlus.sites as well:
P25, BEE00.56D, 1, "Site 1"
Is it correct to assume that you mean this as a reply to Homeboys-scanner's comment, and not mine?
Well, I never liked how DSD+ resets frequently and you keep losing the list of frequencies off the screen.
DSD-CC has started to produce an annoying chime when it loses the Rest Channel on a Cap+ system. Is there a way to turn that off while it's searching for that? It's really annoying and I have enough other audio going on already.
You toss all of the P25 trunking data that you put in the frequencies file. You format network IDs and site numbers exactly the same way as they are shown at the bottom of the event log window.I'm getting this error message and not sure how it's supposed to be formatted:
Anyone know how to correct this? Thanks.