Just downloaded the latest fastlane version 2.228 and when I try to run DSD+ I get the following message. Never had it before, anyone have a simple fix?
Message is "DSDPlus.siteloader file not found in working folder"
Sounds like you have not downloaded / unarchived / overwritten older data with new data every time a new version came out. Otherwise I'm pretty sure you would have that file.
But, you can simply make a blank text file called DSDPlus.siteloader (make sure it doesn't save it with the txt extension) and put it in your DSDPlus folder.
Attached is a very basic DSDPlus.siteLoader file (with .txt on the end so that I was allowed to upload it).
1. no examples in it. But instructions are in it
2. rename DSDPlus.siteLoader.txt to DSDPlus.siteLoader
3. put it in your DSDPlus folder
NOTE: I ended up putting examples in it. For example:
P25, BEE00.348, 0, "MARCS-IP"
P25, BEE00.348, 2.63, "Stark County"
Basically, to create trunked system listings in the siteloader you first must make a network entry (that is the first line above). The network entry always has 0 as the site ID. Then you need to make a site entry for each site in the system (that you might want to monitor and can hear). The documentation at the top of the file is helpful.