BTW: This new service is NOT one that will accommodate users that love HT's... And yes, I know how long a 1/4, 1/2, or 5/8 wave antenna at 49 MHz will need to be...
Well, low band needs efficient antennas with a good ground plane to be efficient. That means big antennas.
Consumers don't like big antennas. Sort of why we don't often see people driving around with 102" whips on their cars anymore.
Consumers that are accustomed to iPhones don't want a big hand held radio with a bigger antenna that can ONLY allow voice traffic between users. No Instagram, no Facbook, no text messages, no surfin' the web....
Consumers won't want an efficient low band antenna on top of their car, or their house. They want Mickey Mouse FRS radios with "45 mile range", "Privacy Codes", and a cute little low profile antenna.
Figure out a way to cheat the laws of physics and make a 49MHz radio with a 3" tall antenna and you might have yourself a winner.
Meantime, GMRS with a 6" tall antenna works pretty well.
But getting consumers to do anything other than cell phones is likely to run into challenges.
This radio service seems to be aimed at hobbyists more than anything. Not sure why we need another hobby radio service. I still think adding FM to the CB radio service will solve many of its issues. That, and GMRS and better adoption of MURS. They already exist.