No, you suggested a new radio service in 49.5 - 49.9mhz in this post, and a new system in 38 to 38.9mhz in another post.
Besides your relatively weak local complaints about what we already have in place, you have yet to present a
truly beneficial plan proposal that I see would benefit the populace. If we didn't have the chicken band, MURS, FRS/GMRS then your proposals would be met with something other than passive dismissals, as you would be bringing something to the conversation that isn't already implemented. You don't seem to like what you see in your locale, and are trying to conjure up a groundswell of support to take it to...whomever and pitch it. As
@mmckenna (i believe it was) posted earlier, all your new bright shiny suggestions required reallocation, bidding, rules, studies, implementations etc...
I'm sorry, but your signal to noise ratio is too low.
have a good day.