Duke Energy P25 System


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Raleigh site has begun to have activity on it, and as expected it is AES encryption. Four TGs logged (while I was at work) two were encrypted.


Also, number of neighbors listed for Garner NC site has grown, revealing new control channels.

Last edited:


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Raleigh site has begun to have activity on it, and as expected it is AES encryption. Four TGs logged (while I was at work) two were encrypted.

View attachment 148512

Nobody likes to hear about the dreaded ENC. But it was probably expected by most, based upon people have observed in some other Duke territories.

Also, number of neighbors listed for Garner NC site has grown, revealing new control channels.

View attachment 148513

Pure speculation (would need someone to confirm):

397-8.8 Four Oaks / Bentonville Rptr Site NC (Johnston) - WRUV406
397-23.23 Dunn / Erwin Radio Bldg NC (Harnett) - WRWY933
397-28.28 Raleigh / Garner Fuquay Ops Center NC (Wake) - WRWD402


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Nobody likes to hear about the dreaded ENC. But it was probably expected by most, based upon people have observed in some other Duke territories.

Pure speculation (would need someone to confirm):

397-8.8 Four Oaks / Bentonville Rptr Site NC (Johnston) - WRUV406
397-23.23 Dunn / Erwin Radio Bldg NC (Harnett) - WRWY933
397-28.28 Raleigh / Garner Fuquay Ops Center NC (Wake) - WRWD402

And this afternoon we have added 397-91.91 with control channel of 855.5375


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
For everyone monitoring Duke sites in NC/SC, you might want to periodically monitor those sites to see if new neighbors (peers) pop up. Seems like they are building out pretty quickly and that some sites previously not reporting any peers or just a few peers have been showing more peers.

NOTE: Be careful about what you find in the DSDPlus.P25data file. It will only get added to, and DSDPlus will never remove anything from it [to my knowledge]. And that means that for new systems being built out, some data reported by control channels is not correct or is only temporary but DSDPlus.P25data will keep it forever. So if you do some DSDPlus sleuthing specifically for Duke sites, it might be beneficial to back up your DSDPlus.P25data file, then remove/rename it, restart DSDPlus so that you know that whatever populates in there is the most current information.



OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
A few sites west of Charlotte, NC online...

WNPW331 - Shelby, NC (Cleveland)
35.27339 -81.49506
3D7 Site 67.67
(Couldn't get a NAC and site had faded out)

854.2375 CC
854.4875 SCC
856.0875 SCC
858.0875 SCC

Shows 3 Neighbors:

3D4-73.73 856.350


WNPW330 - Dallas, NC (Gaston)
35.34706 -81.17061
3D4 Site 23.23
NAC 017

854.0625 CC
854.4375 SCC
856.1625 SCC
859.5625 SCC


3D4-40.40 857.2875
397-30.30 (no CC)
3D4-67.67 854.2375
3D4-3.3 854.4875
2D7-85.85 (no CC)


I am also seeing a site 3D4-11.11 (NAC 00B)

854.5625 CC
856.0875 SCC
859.2875 SCC

Not showing any neighbors and at a quick glance I don't see a matching license.

I had to edit the post as 23.23 showed 2 additional neighbors when I went back to it 10 minutes after I first read it.

Any chance you could post [verbatim] the info from your DSDPlus.P25data file for 3D4-67.67 and 3D4-23.23. copying/pasting straight from the P25data file without massaging is avoids any possibility of a transposition mistake. Each site has its own stanza in the P25data file.

And were these picked up during a tropo event or are you able to pick them up regularly? I ask because if you are able to pick them up regularly, they might have some changes/additions since the last time you copied them.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Duke filed an FCC notification on 9/27 for "Annual Certification for Extended Implementation Period" on a slew of licenses in NC/SC. If you look at one of the filings (which I will link below), it indicates that they had forecasted installing 50 repeaters this first year (by Dec 1 2023) and in fact have installed 178+ thus far.

Go to ULS Application - 0010710823 - DUKE ENERGY BUSINESS SERVICES, LLC - Administration
- scroll down to Attachments and click on the attachment

Part of it says:

DEBS’ original slow growth request anticipated that by December 31, 2023, it would
have installed 50 repeater stations. To date, DEBS has installed 178 repeaters, meaning it has
completed nearly 35% of the project in just one year despite the size and complexity of replacing
its current LMR system

So they apparently are making some good progress and are ahead of schedule with Phase 2 of their plan.

I'll let you all figure out if the attachment is for the whole Duke System (IN/OH/KY/FL/NC/SC) or just NC/SC. And I'll let you all figure out if they truly mean repeaters (one transmitter per freq per site) or if they actually mean sites. There are only about 298 licensed 800 mhz sites for Duke at the FCC currently. I guess we can also wonder if they will use some of their 900 mhz licenses as well. (I don't know if 800/900 dual band radios are available)



DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I was travelling this weekend in the Rock Hill SC/South Charlotte NC area and was able to monitor 3 new sites, which have now been added to the database. Most sites in NC and SC seem to now be broadcasting neighbor site information, which gives clues about other sites that are now, or soon will be, online. I will post those neighbor site details, along with my guess as to where they are, in the appropriate state forum.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I saw a document under one of the Duke NC/SC FCC licenses from Mar 16 2023 that indicated:

IN/OK/KY: 71 RF Sites active
FL: 54 RF Sites active
NC/SC: currently in process of deploying 156 RF Sites

And I think some of us are aware of about 49 NC/SC sites online (some confirmed, some unconfirmed). So they are making progress.



Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
This morning I stumbled upon the AEP Harris P25 sites using Talker Alias on radios.
Guess who else has Harris Talker Alias Opcodes.
I was able to pull "SmartZone_NFE" and "FL-DCC-0" out of an old sample I had from probably last year or something.
I'm partially ashamed that I've never noticed this before :ROFLMAO: considering I've gone out of my way to figure out talker aliases on other system types.

14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: SmartZone_NFE
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   CRC16 ERR L
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 04
  SG: 64868; KEY: 0000; ALG: 80;
  WGID: 427; WGID: 447;
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Adjacent Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [2B] RFSS[043] SITE [043] SYSID [2D7] CHAN-T [8304] SSC [70]
   Up to Date (Correct) Valid RFSS Connection Active
  Frequency [855.837500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 (Harris); Res: 0; Len: 18; Opcode: 81; 81A4120F110DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0x87FD5534B4EB6DCA ESSB
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16428910  Encrypted Group Voice


14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16429309  Encrypted Group Voice
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 05
  SG: 64805; KEY: 0001; ALG: 84;
  WGID: 62775; WGID: 62776;
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 RFSS Status Broadcast - Implicit
  LRA [1A] SYSID [2D7] RFSS ID [026] SITE ID [026] CHAN [82B8] SSC [70]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Network Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [1A] WACN [91F14] SYSID [2D7] NAC [01A] CHAN-T [82B8]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0xCBF82735596463BA ESSB
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: FL-DCC-0

Screenshot from 2023-10-08 14-13-31.png

So, even if we can't listen to them, at least we might know who they are.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
This morning I stumbled upon the AEP Harris P25 sites using Talker Alias on radios.
Guess who else has Harris Talker Alias Opcodes.
I was able to pull "SmartZone_NFE" and "FL-DCC-0" out of an old sample I had from probably last year or something.
I'm partially ashamed that I've never noticed this before :ROFLMAO: considering I've gone out of my way to figure out talker aliases on other system types.

14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: SmartZone_NFE
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   CRC16 ERR L
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 04
  SG: 64868; KEY: 0000; ALG: 80;
  WGID: 427; WGID: 447;
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Adjacent Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [2B] RFSS[043] SITE [043] SYSID [2D7] CHAN-T [8304] SSC [70]
   Up to Date (Correct) Valid RFSS Connection Active
  Frequency [855.837500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 (Harris); Res: 0; Len: 18; Opcode: 81; 81A4120F110DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0x87FD5534B4EB6DCA ESSB
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16428910  Encrypted Group Voice


14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16429309  Encrypted Group Voice
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 05
  SG: 64805; KEY: 0001; ALG: 84;
  WGID: 62775; WGID: 62776;
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 RFSS Status Broadcast - Implicit
  LRA [1A] SYSID [2D7] RFSS ID [026] SITE ID [026] CHAN [82B8] SSC [70]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Network Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [1A] WACN [91F14] SYSID [2D7] NAC [01A] CHAN-T [82B8]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0xCBF82735596463BA ESSB
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: FL-DCC-0

View attachment 149353

So, even if we can't listen to them, at least we might know who they are.
Wow. I didn't realize DSD-FME handled TDMA CCs. Cool. And, considering the DUke system is almost 100% encrypted, those aliases certainly coulid be useful for IDing talkgroups.

Do you think the same thing applies with Motorola P25? Meaning, do you think a lot of systems have aliases and that it's simply a case of nobody coding to read them?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
This morning I stumbled upon the AEP Harris P25 sites using Talker Alias on radios.
Guess who else has Harris Talker Alias Opcodes.
I was able to pull "SmartZone_NFE" and "FL-DCC-0" out of an old sample I had from probably last year or something.
I'm partially ashamed that I've never noticed this before :ROFLMAO: considering I've gone out of my way to figure out talker aliases on other system types.

14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: SmartZone_NFE
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   CRC16 ERR L
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 04
  SG: 64868; KEY: 0000; ALG: 80;
  WGID: 427; WGID: 447;
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Adjacent Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [2B] RFSS[043] SITE [043] SYSID [2D7] CHAN-T [8304] SSC [70]
   Up to Date (Correct) Valid RFSS Connection Active
  Frequency [855.837500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:08:38        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 (Harris); Res: 0; Len: 18; Opcode: 81; 81A4120F110DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
14:08:38        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0x87FD5534B4EB6DCA ESSB
14:08:38 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:08:38        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16428910  Encrypted Group Voice


14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 VCH 1 - TG 64864 SRC 16429309  Encrypted Group Voice
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 MFID A4 Group Regroup Explicit Encryption Command
 Simulselect Active SSN: 05
  SG: 64805; KEY: 0001; ALG: 84;
  WGID: 62775; WGID: 62776;
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 1
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 RFSS Status Broadcast - Implicit
  LRA [1A] SYSID [2D7] RFSS ID [026] SITE ID [026] CHAN [82B8] SSC [70]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 2
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 3
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Network Status Broadcast - Abbreviated
  LRA [1A] WACN [91F14] SYSID [2D7] NAC [01A] CHAN-T [82B8]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  4V 4
14:15:16        P25p2 LCCH   MAC_SIGNAL
 Group Voice Channel Grant Update - Implicit
  Channel 1 [82B9] Group 1 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
  Channel 2 [82B9] Group 2 [64864][FD60]
  Frequency [855.362500] MHz
14:15:16        P25p2 LCH 1  2V
 VCH 1 - ALG ID 0x84 KEY ID 0x0001 MI 0xCBF82735596463BA ESSB
14:15:16 Sync: +P25p2 SISCH  WACN [91F14] SYS [2D7] NAC [01A]
14:15:16        P25p2 SACCH  MAC_ACTIVE
 MFID A4 (Harris); VCH 1 Caller Alias: FL-DCC-0

View attachment 149353

So, even if we can't listen to them, at least we might know who they are.

Being totally unfamiliar with DSD-FME, but using DSD+-FL please help me understand where I can find this or run this, please.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Being totally unfamiliar with DSD-FME, but using DSD+-FL please help me understand where I can find this or run this, please.

If you or anybody else is interested into looking into DSD-FME, the software itself can be found here on github.

If you are looking for the ability to decode the talker aliases on Harris though, I literally just wrote that up this morning, its still baking in the oven, and it probably won't be up for a little while, need to work out a few kinks in a few areas, not just the talker alias.
Screenshot from 2023-10-08 16-20-05.png

Its primary focus is Linux Desktop usage, but there is a Windows build, but it may or may not have...quirks. Its not very beginner friendly, so if you're used to FL, or SDRTrunk, you might be in a bit of a rut. If you are comfortable with bat/sh files, CLI, ncurses terminals, or OP25, then it might be more up your alley. Its also a bit limited in terms of logging and storing data on sites, etc. It'll decode them as they come in, but its not going to maintain a log of call history, last heard, neighbor sites, etc. outside of the current session. It also can't do LSM/Simulcast, so that's a thing. Luckily, Duke Energy isn't simulcast. The examples folder is the main place to start reading up, if you can make it through my incoherent blabbering.

There is also the forum thread found here for help/discussion/support, etc. I try to help everybody I can get going on it. I'd probably just skip to the last page or so, the beginning of that thread is woefully out of date.

Wow. I didn't realize DSD-FME handled TDMA CCs. Cool. And, considering the DUke system is almost 100% encrypted, those aliases certainly coulid be useful for IDing talkgroups.

Indeed it does, it helps that I have Duke Energy sites close enough to receive. Actually, I started working on TDMA-CC last year sometime, and had it working before I even wrote any code to do Phase 1 TSBK/MBF for trunking, so in essence, I had Phase 2 CCs before I had phase 1 CCs.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
If you or anybody else is interested into looking into DSD-FME, the software itself can be found here on github.

If you are looking for the ability to decode the talker aliases on Harris though, I literally just wrote that up this morning, its still baking in the oven, and it probably won't be up for a little while, need to work out a few kinks in a few areas, not just the talker alias.
View attachment 149358

Its primary focus is Linux Desktop usage, but there is a Windows build, but it may or may not have...quirks. Its not very beginner friendly, so if you're used to FL, or SDRTrunk, you might be in a bit of a rut. If you are comfortable with bat/sh files, CLI, ncurses terminals, or OP25, then it might be more up your alley. Its also a bit limited in terms of logging and storing data on sites, etc. It'll decode them as they come in, but its not going to maintain a log of call history, last heard, neighbor sites, etc. outside of the current session. It also can't do LSM/Simulcast, so that's a thing. Luckily, Duke Energy isn't simulcast. The examples folder is the main place to start reading up, if you can make it through my incoherent blabbering.

There is also the forum thread found here for help/discussion/support, etc. I try to help everybody I can get going on it. I'd probably just skip to the last page or so, the beginning of that thread is woefully out of date.

Indeed it does, it helps that I have Duke Energy sites close enough to receive. Actually, I started working on TDMA-CC last year sometime, and had it working before I even wrote any code to do Phase 1 TSBK/MBF for trunking, so in essence, I had Phase 2 CCs before I had phase 1 CCs.

Thanks so much for all your work on this, between my limited knowledge, you and @mtindor I think we can make it happen. I'll wait until later in the week before I get started on it so the updates will be seen. I think 90% of what I'd use it for will be Duke right now.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
I'll wait until later in the week before I get started on it so the updates will be seen. I think 90% of what I'd use it for will be Duke right now.
I'll see if I can get a new precompiled version for Windows with the new Talker Alias stuff in it by next weekend, but I won't make any promises. If I do put one out, it may not get a chance to be thoroughly bug tested, so it'd probably be built off of the experimental 'audio_work' branch, but to be honest, that branch is pretty stable, albeit with unfinished features.


Apr 26, 2020
Lafayette County, FL
Do you think the same thing applies with Motorola P25? Meaning, do you think a lot of systems have aliases and that it's simply a case of nobody coding to read them?

Yeah, I would suspect that to be the case, but not sure how it's delivered. On Moto CapMax systems, I've seen Motorola use a custom Opcode to convey the DMR Embedded Talker Alias. Not entirely sure why they didn't just use the standard opcodes for it, but then again, they seem to like to add 0x20 to every other opcode for some reason. The more I see it, I begin to wonder if they do that to set a bit in the 0x20 position to indicate a manufacturer specific message.