1. So, since you own a Pro-97 would you recommend this unit for someone like me who is brand new to this hobby? I can get it for $100.
2. Do you know if the local frequencies (Greater Seattle Area) have been rebanded?
I'll answer 2 first.
2. No, and it's at least a few more years out. King County will probably be switching to a shuffled band plan to eliminate hacked radio. Here's how that works: right now when a talkgroup becomes active, the control channel sends out a signal that says "Everyone listening to talkgroup 1616 tune to channel 1". All of the radios tune to 851.0125 (I think that's what channel 1 is, but for this example it doesn't really matter; and the transmitting radio would instead tune to 806.0125). After rebanding the control channel will work the same, but Channel 1 will no longer be the same frequency. For a shuffled band plan, the system technicians will be able to customize which frequency each channel is. Channel 1 might be 853.7625, Channel 4 852.5625, etc. As far as I know, no shuffled systems are currently in operation, so scanner manufacturers can't write software to scan these systems.
1. If you buy a 97, it'll work until the system gets rebanded. That's at least 2 years out. The 97 will still work fine, but you won't be able to listen to Moto systems. It'll still work fine for LTR, EDACS and conventional. I've got 2 and I'll probably keep at least one since they're excellent for tracking LTR.
Of the late model scanners out there, the Pro-97 is one of the easier ones to program. It's daunting at first, but compared to the BR330T, it's super easy. The 330 is a great scanner; I had one for a while but upgraded to the BCD396T because I wanted to be able to listen to P25 systems.
If you're looking to monitor anything that's P25, check out the 396 and the PSR-500. The Radio Shack Pro-106 is the same thing as a PSR-500, but since it's new to the market you're going to find a lot more information about the PSR-500. It's an incredibly complex scanner for a beginner, but you'll be set for a long time if you do choose to go with it. Uniden also has the 396X coming out sometime near the end of the year/beginning of 2009; do a forum search and you'll find some info about it.