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Extream noise over the airwaves.

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Dec 4, 2005
Arlington, Nebraska
Anymore there has been a none stop loud noise over the airwaves on every single channel over the CB. Does anyone know why? And when it will stop? It's like the evenings/nights are quiet. But when the sun comes up, the noise starts up again. I mean it has been so bad that I don't even use the CB anymore. End of Line.


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello Allen: The last three answers were non answers, no help there.

You maybe receiving some sort of interference from a local source of something. Try another radio, and drive around see were the intefering signal gets weaker or louder. Could even be a applicance in the house gone nutz oid generating some sort of noise. Sounds like it has something to do with tempture.

Good luck

Jay in the Mojave


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
How were they non answers? The solar cycle is ramping up. Signals in the 30 meg range are being heard over in Ireland. That means that all the CB crap floating around is being reflected back down as well.


Sep 14, 2006
Dallas Texas
Hello Allen: The last three answers were non answers, no help there.

You maybe receiving some sort of interference from a local source of something. Try another radio, and drive around see were the intefering signal gets weaker or louder. Could even be a applicance in the house gone nutz oid generating some sort of noise. Sounds like it has something to do with tempture.

Good luck

Jay in the Mojave

I guess YOU don't know diddly about CBs and the solar cycle [IT can last for 3 to 5 yrs ]. PLUS figure in so many folks alos on the air trying to talk and all you get is noise. SOOOO I gues YOU gave a non answer then. DUH!!!



Aug 25, 2011
Evansville, IN
You know, I hear a bunch of hams talking about 10m propagation like this. It's only good during certain times for a few years, then it cuts off and your screwed for another decade. I think it's just a way of removing themselves from the cb community. I guess folks are afraid of promoting a band so close to cb, because they're afraid of the cb rubbing off in some way. God forbid, you talk on that band too long, you might start talking with an accent and get an urge lounge around the house in your wifebeater watching wwe.

The reality is, I know this because I listen to the band, cb is open every day. Yes, the winter is better, but it's open every day. Ten meters starts to suck during the summer months. It's just a social thing. Hams don't like to admit that you can get good skip on cb, because after all, hams are so much better than those uncouth rogues.

You know I'd love to see a ham sporting a mullet and living in a trailer with a huntin dog and an old beat-up pick-up truck and a bumpersticker saying something about your honor student who works a blue collar job. I would just love it. I'm a ham, and the hobby's fun, but hams hate that stuff. They just think they're so much better.


Mar 27, 2006
Washington DC
KC9CRA wrote above:

"They just think they're so much better."

CBers are, always have been, and will continue to be the best and most likely candidates for "conversion" to hamdom A continuing thread in so many hams' stories is that they started in CB. While I realize that not all CBers become hams the fact is that so many of them do that we owe them respect and should avoid the mullet, gun, dog and wife beater shirt talk. It's pretty easy these days to find people of that description who are hams working 75-meter phone.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
Whats all this about? Who was degrading CB operators in this thread? I mentioned that you start to hear CB crap and that's what it is. It's crap that's a result of AM. Thousands of AM signals mixing together turn into that familiar jet engine type of whine that anyone with any experience around the bands is familiar with. It's not a dig on CB it's a result of physics. Incidentally the AM aircraft unicom freqs sound very similar at altitude on a nice calm spring day. It's just the way it is with AM. Even 10 meter FM has sounded like crap at times lately with tons of signals mixing in from all over.
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Sep 14, 2006
Dallas Texas
You know, I hear a bunch of hams talking about 10m propagation like this. It's only good during certain times for a few years, then it cuts off and your screwed for another decade. I think it's just a way of removing themselves from the cb community. I guess folks are afraid of promoting a band so close to cb, because they're afraid of the cb rubbing off in some way. God forbid, you talk on that band too long, you might start talking with an accent and get an urge lounge around the house in your wifebeater watching wwe.

[I NEVER said ANYTHING about hams being better then CBers. ]

[I've been into CBs since 1976 and YES I've heard the racket from the solar cylce and other crap].

The reality is, I know this because I listen to the band, cb is open every day. Yes, the winter is better, but it's open every day. Ten meters starts to suck during the summer months. It's just a social thing. Hams don't like to admit that you can get good skip on cb, because after all, hams are so much better than those uncouth rogues.

[NO not better just more educated].

You know I'd love to see a ham sporting a mullet and living in a trailer with a huntin dog and an old beat-up pick-up truck and a bumpersticker saying something about your honor student who works a blue collar job. I would just love it. I'm a ham, and the hobby's fun, but hams hate that stuff. They just think they're so much better.
You'd like to meet my buddy he's just the way you described.

I have no argument against CBers, just the wackos who feel the need to run X thousands watts for a REAL radio.so they can yack across town and claim they are a big man. Being a ham and saying this aren't you being a bit of a hypocrite? Sounds a lot like it.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2006
Southeastern Michigan
My guess would be that no body asked what sort of "noise" the OP was receiving. Some people just assumed it was enhanced propagation.

Making any assumption as to the source, without at least finding out what type(s) of noise is/are being heard, and the location(s) involved, is doing a disservice to the OP.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2006
Southeastern Michigan
What type of noise are you hearing? Is it a cacophony of different transmissions, or something sounding more man-made? Is the noise different on different channels?

Since you are hearing it across all channels, I would tend to think it is some man made system causing the interference. However, since there has been really good propagation lately, you could "just" be hearing a couple hundred people, all keying up at one time.


Oct 5, 2006
Orange County, California, USA
Thousands of AM signals mixing together turn into that familiar jet engine type of whine that anyone with any experience around the bands is familiar with.

It's easier to spot with a ham transceiver or general coverage receiver. A regular CB is channelized so that you don't notice it as much as when you tune through with a VFO. Then you can hear all those whining AM signals located at the CB "channel" frequencies. If you tune through and it's continuous instead of patterned at the CB channels, then it's probably some other type of interference.


Dec 4, 2005
Arlington, Nebraska
Hello Allen: The last three answers were non answers, no help there.

You maybe receiving some sort of interference from a local source of something. Try another radio, and drive around see were the intefering signal gets weaker or louder. Could even be a applicance in the house gone nutz oid generating some sort of noise. Sounds like it has something to do with tempture.

Good luck

Jay in the Mojave
Even my Hand Held even picks it up. And I never use the darn thing.


May 18, 2011
Sussex County, NJ
99% sure it's the solar cycle. If you have a sideband radio, you'll likely hear people from distant places in the country/world. It makes using your CB difficult, but it can also be fun if you try working the skip.

And yes, CB is the gateway to amateur radio. I became a ham after starting out in CB.


Aug 25, 2011
Evansville, IN
KC9CRA wrote above:

"They just think they're so much better."

CBers are, always have been, and will continue to be the best and most likely candidates for "conversion" to hamdom A continuing thread in so many hams' stories is that they started in CB. While I realize that not all CBers become hams the fact is that so many of them do that we owe them respect and should avoid the mullet, gun, dog and wife beater shirt talk. It's pretty easy these days to find people of that description who are hams working 75-meter phone.

Yes, and let us not forget, Guns, huntin dogs, mullets and wifebeater teashirts aren't bad, assumptions of social superiority are.


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello All:

Yes non answers, or at least very vuage answers. Somehow I deleted a paragrah in my first reply, surly I am skilled in typing...NOT The Solar Cycle needs a little more explanation that a Solar web site.

Like massive numbers of stations skipping their signals off the attmosphere, the solar cycle allowing the signals to bounce off the attmosphere allowing one to hear a ball of buzzing stations at one time when the sun comes up.

Jay in the Mojave


Feb 6, 2007
Wow. This thread sure deteriorated in a hurry.

What's missing is the OP describing just what the noise is. A recording would be better. In my experience, when that part of the spectrum opens up, signals are strong, and there isn't usually a lot of static. Lots of signals would translate to lots of heterodynes and lots of voices.

So, how about the OP give a better description of what's going on. And THEN we can bash CB operators vs. hams. :roll:
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