Hi, I belong to a volunteer fire department and we have a private channel that we use that is connected to a repeater system, which we are able to talk on county wide with no problems. We are dispatched by our local 911 center, and then once a unit responds were placed onto an operations channels. My fire chief asked me the other day if it is possible to do a simulcast transmission with the operations channel broadcasting over our private channel and our private channel broadcasting over the operations channels. The only reason why we would like to do this is due to poor radio coverage with the operations channels and not being able to efficiently communicate with the local 911 center. Not sure if you could connect the two repeaters together or what you would do. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this, if so what equipment would you need. We tried to have an authorized Motorola/Kenwood radio dealer do this for us, but they kinda were hesitant on the idea.