Thanks for your patients in all of this, some answers can be frustrating from some folks. Let me see if I can help just a bit.
Genesee County is a Sub System to the MPSCS. It is designed just like Detroit, Monroe, St.Clair and any other Simulcasted Sub System. The systems are designed to keep their respective signals within their city or county. With that being said it has made it very difficult to monitor these systems. Here is what I recommend, and its only my recommendation:
K8PBX has had very good luck with RG6(75 ohm coax) However many of us have not. This is the greatest part of this hobby, you can try it and if it works for you then great, let it be! The first thing you need to do if you are going to want to monitor Genesee County is get an outdoor antenna. In this case, a yagi(beam) type antenna is definatly needed. Get it up as high as you can and are allowed. Next, know where all the towers are located in the county. Find the closest tower(including the holly tower, if that site is closer to you use that one) Point your yagi to that tower and leave it there.
This is the best way to monitor these sub systems. I know it can get frustrating when you cannot recieve the signals. Remember that Digital technology is way different than analog. Just look for the proper equipment and put it up and see if that works. BTW, you want to get a yagi that has as much gain as you can afford. The more gain the better it pulls the signals in.
I hope this helps you out even a little.....