GRE PSR-500 vs. GRE PSR-800 (Help Me Decide On GRE's Top 2))

Which GRE PSR Do You Reccomend For Max Monitoring?

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Active Member
Mar 31, 2006
i voted for neither. the following are my reason's.

psr-800 - don't like the sd card method. does not give me enough flexibility in programing. howerver, this is the only current scanner model to do tdma phase II. not nearly loud enough.

psr-500 - like the scanner fine. have one. does not do tdma phase II. plenty loud.

other compared scanner - while i love the bcd396xt, it does not do tdma phase II.

i would wait !. just one man's opinion

i am not brand loyal. whoever does the job, to my satisfaction, wins.


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Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2008
Just a follow up to the thread above I have the PSR 600 and I love it no problems. I just got the PSR 800 yesterday and it is solid piece of work. I am still learning how to use it and the sound quality is awesome. I did have to get rid of the stock antenna that came with the radio. Huge disappointment.

Also when you spend over 400 bucks for a trunking scanner wouldn't you think that they would provide a good set of decent batteries with the unit. NOPE. No batteries and no power A/C adapter.

Also, I put a set of batteries in it last night and listened to it for not even 2 hours and then woke up this morning and the radio is dead.

I am calling GRE tomorrow because this scanner chews up the batteries and this is a known issue. I might have to return the unit because of this issue. The battery issue is a huge decideding point.

The problem is that this radio is a very nice unit and I would love to keep it but the battery life on this scanner is going to make me angry. My Uniden BCD 396XT can run for over 8 hours and no problems and it only take 3 AA batteries. The PSR 800 takes 4 AA batteries.

Any help out there on RR about the battery issues and how to fix this. I hope there is a way to resolve this problem. I also out of the box installed the software and did all of the firmware and software updates too


Well Known Member
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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
I am calling GRE tomorrow because this scanner chews up the batteries and this is a known issue. I might have to return the unit because of this issue. The battery issue is a huge decideding point.

The problem is that this radio is a very nice unit and I would love to keep it but the battery life on this scanner is going to make me angry. My Uniden BCD 396XT can run for over 8 hours and no problems and it only take 3 AA batteries. The PSR 800 takes 4 AA batteries.

Any help out there on RR about the battery issues and how to fix this. I hope there is a way to resolve this problem. I also out of the box installed the software and did all of the firmware and software updates too

Read through this thread it explains how to adjust the voltage thresholds as the battery life is not nearly as bad as what you found. I suspect you are victim to the wrong settings as is detailed in that thread.
Sorrry I don't have a link to the exact message as it is a long thread but worth reading in its entirety anyway.
My battery life is as good or better than my 396XT is since I tweaked the voltage levels on my PSR800.


Jan 17, 2004
Tallassee, AL
Read through this thread it explains how to adjust the voltage thresholds as the battery life is not nearly as bad as what you found. I suspect you are victim to the wrong settings as is detailed in that thread.
Sorry I don't have a link to the exact message as it is a long thread but worth reading in its entirety anyway.
My battery life is as good or better than my 396XT is since I tweaked the voltage levels on my PSR800.

Check out post #127 in the thread kruser mentions above. I changed my battery settings per this post and now I consistently get 8~10 hrs on the radio. A couple of other things I do is; only have the led on for the display with the keypad LEDs off and I've set the led to only come on when there is a received signal.

Good Luck,


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2013
Hello Radio Reference'rs,

I am somewhat new to the DIGITAL scanning world but not the old.

I have been looking at the GRE PSR-500 and I was sold until I noticed the PSR-800 for just a few more bucks. Even the PSR-900 is coming soon but well skip that for now..

Now besides the obvious cosmetic differences and missing keypad on the 800, what are the differences between the two?

My goal is to have a portable scanner that picks up more of everything than less.

I understand the 500 doesn't pick up certain things that the 800 does, and the 500 picks up a frequency the "New Federal Frequency" that the 800 doesn't? is that correct or misunderstood?

My needs? I want a GRE scanner that can hopefully pick up HAM, Analog/Digital Trunking, all traditional frequencies, ALL frequency types, SKYwarn, Repeaters, ALL public safety (sheriff, police, fire, etc.), Aircraft (military as well but don't know if this is possible), FEMA (highly important to monitor them since I cant stand that agency), CB radio (2 way radios) and if im missing any others...wondering if these things pick up AM/FM as well.

Basically i want as much monitoring as possible in a time of crisis or civil collapse and to monitor things as a hobby to stay informed vs. watching the horrible news media.

The PSR-500 or the PSR-800? Which is better? Why? Which offers something the other does not?
Id like the experience of scanner programming (id like to learn that rather than skip it but i also want a better GRE scanner which trumps that preference).

THANK YOU ALL! [Cast A Vote On My PSR Poll]


Littleton, Colorado
I recommend the PSR-500 or the Radio Shack Pro-106. Some of us "old" guys have come to relate Radio Shack with cheap or poor quality.But thats not so with the above mentioned scanners. They are all made in China (including the PSR-800) The Psr-800 has too many chimes and bells for 99 percent of us people.For example, to turn of the attentuator, there are 4 different ways of doing it and beleive it helps to understand ALL 4 ways. The instruction manual for the PSR-800 is 80 plus pages long. And for another example, to turn off the AGC, there are 4 ways (combinations) of doing that. And even if you learn all of those things, Does the PSR-800 receive any better than my PRO-106 or my PSR-500. The answer is NO. I have all 3 scanners and am qualifed to give you this information. The PSR-800 does have functions to "cover all cases" even if you are that person in a "one in a thousand" problem areas,but for 99.9 percent of us, you just don't need it and you have to figure out many of these functions, just to get it to receive as good as a Pro-106 or a Psr-500


Jan 15, 2002
This is an OLD thread, I assume we all know that: 1.GRE is out of business. 2. There is NO model 900, it was apparently vaporware.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2013
WE all know the GRE is out of business, but all their scanners are readily available on ebay. Investors bought up large quanities of them and are now selling them on ebay. They ARE quality scanners (including the PSR-800 even though you have to spend alot of time fine tuning this model due to all the functions).The Radio Shack model Pro-106 and Pro-197 perform just as good as the GREGOM models. You might have to experiment with diffenrent antennas, including the Motorola antennas that require an adaptor. Getting the right antenna can make a big difference. After all, I don't spending extra money if my scanner will RECEIVE better, but buying the PSR-800 did not accomplish that.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2013
I recommend the psr-500 or the radio shack pro-106.You might read my other comments as I own a psr-800,psr-500, and a pro-106 (all 3 scanners).Many people like you have a few extra dollars if they can get something that RECEIVES a little better. But buying a psr-800 will NOT get you better reception that the psr-500 and pro-106.I got a few negative comments about the comment I said about the psr-800, but I have more good thing to say about the psr-800 than negative.But if you want a "workhorse" scanner, but the 500 or pro-106.Some of us relate Radio Shack scanners with less quality, but believe me the PRO-106 is as good of a scanner that you can get.Grecom made it, as they made the psr-500. It's the exact same scanner. Please read my other comments on the psr-800 before you buy a 800. If you buy a psr-800, you will have a lot a trouble to get it to recieve just as good as a pro-106 or psr-500, but it can be done by experimenting with different antennas and dealing with the complicated functions, that in some cases have 4 different ways of adjusting them, such as the AGC and the attenuator.Buying a psr-800 is like buying a cadillac, when a chevrolet will get you the same milage and driving without less complications and less bells and whistles. You just don't need that, at least 99 percent of us don't


Mar 29, 2011
Belleville,New Jersey
Well I don't know about that. I have owned three scanners in my 48 years of life so far and the last one is a GRE or Radio Shack(made by GRE) Pro-197 the 106's base model. It is a amazing scanner great receiver ect. But there's only problem, it doesn't have the ability to monitor P25 Phase II which a lot agencies in my area are switching to. So I had a choice....wait until Uniden makes a scanner that does Phase II or get a GRE PSR-800 that does this system NOW. If my 197 had the ability to do Phase II, I suppose we wouldn't be having this conversation. Another point is life is short and if they go to Turbo or another system that no scanner can decrypt?! Then what? I got lucky and was able to grab one or would have been left out. As far as the bells and whistles go,I only wanted the Phase II bell.
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Aug 22, 2008
Fremont NE
) The Psr-800 has too many chimes and bells for 99 percent of us people

seriously, 99 percent?? i think you're waaaay off there. Out of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people that post here, i have never heard anyone complain about a scanner having too many features. In fact, i bet alot of those "chimes and bells" are ideas that were thought of by people on this website while the scanner was in development..

FWIW, from my own personal experience when i owned both scanners at the same time, the psr 800 HANDS DOWN handles digital simulcast much much better then the psr 500 ever could.. (keyword: simulcast)
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2013
Here in Houston,Tx they have a Phase I Patch which makes the pro-106 and prs-500 and the Pro-197 mobile modela all work fine. But your area may or may not have that. Houston PD changed from UHF to trunking (PHase II) in May 2013, so I had to fingure all this trunking business out. I had no need to until they changed. Here in Houston, on radio reference, they has one frequency for MA (mutual aid) and another for DISP. They both say the same thing and it's the same dispacher talking on 2 frequencies. The psr-800 will pick up both, the pro-106 will just pick up the MA. But again, they are the same dispacher talking on 2 frequencies. Your area may be different, however. Thanks for the info


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2013
Even though a system has moved to the Apco Phase II, they very likely will have a System I Patch. This enables people like wrecker drivers and other to still monitor these transmissions without buying the Psr-800. The Pro-106 and psr-500 and pro-197 all work fine. If you are new to digital trunking, it might help to get to know a few wrecker drivers and they are all in the same boat. They can tell you where they buy their radios, and then contact that company to buy one for yourself. Here in Houston,Tx, the Houston Police Dept depends on wrecker drivers for a number of things.So all of them have to be able to monitor thier channels.The Psr-800 is a complicated scanner, and even though I would probably have more good things to say about than bad, you have to do many adjustments (according to the area you are in) just to get it to receive as good as a pro-106,psr-500. If you don't, you have a $600 scanner that does not receive all the transmissions. There are guys out there that are expert programmers for these Psr-800's, but they are hard to find


Jul 22, 2004
Even though a system has moved to the Apco Phase II, they very likely will have a System I Patch. This enables people like wrecker drivers and other to still monitor these transmissions without buying the Psr-800. The Pro-106 and psr-500 and pro-197 all work fine. If you are new to digital trunking, it might help to get to know a few wrecker drivers and they are all in the same boat. They can tell you where they buy their radios, and then contact that company to buy one for yourself. Here in Houston,Tx, the Houston Police Dept depends on wrecker drivers for a number of things.So all of them have to be able to monitor thier channels.The Psr-800 is a complicated scanner, and even though I would probably have more good things to say about than bad, you have to do many adjustments (according to the area you are in) just to get it to receive as good as a pro-106,psr-500. If you don't, you have a $600 scanner that does not receive all the transmissions. There are guys out there that are expert programmers for these Psr-800's, but they are hard to find

You are giving me a headache.
Just stop running on and on and on already.
we get it. You don't like the 800.
Who cares? Sell it if you don't like it.
But stop spreading all the false information.


Aug 22, 2008
Fremont NE
Even though a system has moved to the Apco Phase II, they very likely will have a System I Patch.

You keep repeating this, yet it couldnt be further from the truth. Change "they very likely will" to "theres a small chance they might" and you would be a lot closer to the truth..
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