I'm one of those who think the ultimate digital voice mode (for ham radio) doesn't yet exist, or at least hasn't become visible to the ham community.
I have D-Star, DMR, and P25 radios. I decided I couldn't carry around another radio so Yaesu Fusion got left out. I live in an area where digital voice is pretty much absent, except for one, low level repeater using ... you guessed it ... Fusion.
I'm probably in a minority as far as willingness to carry so many radios around (or stress my vehicle electrical system by installing lots of mobile radios - even though building an automatic antenna switch to move between radios in use was fun).
I use a hotspot when I'm at home, and I've tried mobile hotspots, so I know I can do that if I feel the need. There is definitely a place in the ham world for hotspots. Otherwise folks like me wouldn't be able to join in on the digital fun.
A single digital mode encompassing whatever features were most appreciated of the different modes would be wonderful.
Until then, I'm a D-star guy if I have a choice. Designed by hams for ham use and relatively easy to program a radio, either by software or by radio keypad.
Entirely personal opinion.