A new thought in the various firmware updates.
If possible, remove 862.0000-869.0000 from the service search as rebanding is completed (or all but done).
Isn't that part of the band still used in Canada?
A new thought in the various firmware updates.
If possible, remove 862.0000-869.0000 from the service search as rebanding is completed (or all but done).
With all due respect, I find that comment to be more than a bit strange coming from an official Uniden Rep. Especially in a "Help Me Help You" thread.
Repair turnaround times are certainly a concern for anyone buying a $700 USD radio. Storms and other "acts of God" notwithstanding.
I have to respectfully disagree with that Chris. I personally would never ask for any existing frequency coverage to be removed from any radio under any circumstance. I know a lot of folks that love to search, scan and close-call on non-allocated frequencies listening for "pirate" activity. If it's not doing any harm being there, then let it be.
If anything, I want MORE frequency coverage, not less.
Yup. Still used quite heavily by public safety.
(Snipped for brevity......)
I didn't say they were not important. I am merely pointing out
that I am not in charge of the service department. That is a fact.
While I will help when I can, I cannot take any action other than letting
management know about the long wait times (which I have already done).
That is the only power I have in this situation.
I appreciate that you have more clearly defined your parameters, and at least Uniden can never say they weren't told. I see that other thread(s) have started to pop up mentioning the inordinate wait times that some are facing getting their units back from repair. Storms, blackouts, and other issues notwithstanding.
Thank you for taking note.
I hate to break it to you, but I sent a radio in around 12/15. It had an expected return date of 1/14. I called the other day to follow-up and they said that they do not have the needed board and there is no estimate of when it will be available. I asked them what is next, or if there anything that they can do to expedite the process. They said there is nothing that can be done.
In the repair delay thread it was posted
Joe, do you think it might be reasonable in a case like this to ask management to replace the scanner from new stock?
Responses from who? The wish list (feature requests) will not be addressed until the bugs are addressed which won't be addressed until the software issues are addressed (few if any) which won't be addressed until the hardware issues are addressed (that is where we are now). That part is almost complete. I expect the software issues to be pretty quick. Then it's on to major bugs.
What is possible? That depends on how much the bug fixes cost in resources. (read engineering time and money)
But having the baseline to work with is what is being gathered.
Engineering for one. 30 pages of suggestions for improvements and I see "its on the list". That's understandable, but has this list been presented to anyone who would be able to perform the resolution to the issues? Would any of the resolutions be resolvable with the current scanner/firmware or will certain issues have to wait until a potential future model?
Would that include getting the functionality of the micro USB ports on the SDS models working?@ werinshades, read my last post. We are in the hardware phase. Yes, when applicable recommendations have been made to engineering. No requests for features have been made yet because fixing bugs, hardware and software is more important than adding features. Let's get what is there working right before adding to it.
Would that include getting the functionality of the micro USB ports on the SDS models working?![]()
@ werinshades, read my last post. We are in the hardware phase. Yes, when applicable recommendations have been made to engineering. No requests for features have been made yet because fixing bugs, hardware and software is more important than adding features. Let's get what is there working right before adding to it.