So your choice would have been to fix the bugs before the hardware and let more units be released with the existing hardware?
The one thing that has changed is that I am still the "new guy" and do not have as much pull as UPMan did.
Some firmware issues are currently being addressed. Add to that the new TDMA CC issue which may be more important than any other firmware issues.
Why do we have to address one before the other?
Being realistic and honest about it, when the radios came out and then there was an issue with something we got a firmware update. If the update didn't turn out the way Paul wanted it to... we got another update to tweak it. While Paul could still work he tried to fix things as they popped up. We also had beta versions which eventually became permanent. Once Paul was gone, no one addressed anything, including the hum and intelligent users put their heads together and StaticDischarge developed a permanent fix, not Uniden, more issues have popped up as people became more familiar with the radios and the radios age.
Can you really put out one big firmware update to repair all of the different issues? Firmware updates are going to be a long bit by bit piecemeal process, don't you think? I would think they should have started right away? That was possible right? It certainly was before.
When you're talking about hardware issues, let's be reality-based here, you're basically building another version of the radio. Future models will have the hardware updates but all of us... we literally have to get involved in the Uniden repair process. I assume that will be free and you're going to have a massive repair campaign, we're certainly not going to pay for it.
We will be able to figure out where the serial number starts of the new model. What becomes of the old model?, who's going to want them knowing that they will be involved in the massive repair campaign that's going to overload the repair shop?
Forgive me for just thinking out loud here, trying to make sense of it and see some kind of a well-organized, predictable outcome. I realize that you have a huge charlie foxtrot here.