Help needed on trunking

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 12, 2009
Oregon, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio recently went to digital and I have been trying desperately to separate the police from the fire.I would like to have the Fire and medical grouped together, that way I can lock out the Police when I feel like it. I have the Radio Shack Pro-2096 using Win96 software to program it. Also if anyone knows of any books or reading material that explains trunking I would appreciate the info. I have read most of the stuff on this site but would like to get more in depth.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
Toledo, Ohio recently went to digital and I have been trying desperately to separate the police from the fire.I would like to have the Fire and medical grouped together, that way I can lock out the Police when I feel like it. I have the Radio Shack Pro-2096 using Win96 software to program it. Also if anyone knows of any books or reading material that explains trunking I would appreciate the info. I have read most of the stuff on this site but would like to get more in depth.

Hey, Mike. Simple solution------Bank 0- CC's for the county, TGID's for FD/EMS, Bank 1- CC's for the county, TGID's for PD. This way you can turn the bank on and off at will. Or, whatever banks on the scanner you wish to use. See if there is anyone in the Toledo area that can help you understand. It took me months to figure out all the different types of trunking, and that was in 1998 when it was new and just happening in the Greater Cleveland area. I wanted to be able to hear my different ham friends who were cops and firefighters in different areas of Cuyahoga, Lake, and other counties. Going from analog to digital was an easy transformation here in N GA. Then learning how my 106 functioned waaayyyy different than my 96 did:) Good people here in the Ohio forum, and I actually know some of them.
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Dec 28, 2005
Martin, Ohio
N8IAA hit the nail on the head. The best way to program the Lucas County System is in at least two banks on your scanner. If you only want to listen to Toledo fire and police then I would program the system in let's say bank 0 and only import the talkgroups for Toledo Fire. Then program the system in bank 1 and only import the talkgroups for Toledo Police. I would also suggest programing the system in bank 3 and importing all the talkgroups.

You will then need to set banks 0 and 1 in closed mode, that way you will only hear the talkgroups you have in the scanner. I would leave bank 3 in open mode, then you can hear everything on the system execpt I-Calls and encrypted comms.

Hope this helps and as always feel free to ask any questions you have, somebody around hear will have an answer for you.
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