I tried connecting to 2 other computers in house and no go. I can only connect to the computer that runs proscan and has my radio connected to it.
OK I edited router to what you suggested but there is still a problem where I can only connect to the same computer I am running Proscan on and radio connected to. Can't use any other computers in house or any phones....I tried everything you guys suggested, I know my phone is connected to wifi cause I can see it in phone display. I tried disabling wifi but no matter what I do it wont connect.bobruzzo,
Since you want to use your phone when WiFi out of range. You will need to setup your Router Port Forwarding
Give it these three items. 1) Use TCP Only 2) IP address of computer (local address) 3) Port 5000
I think I mighjt have possibly found problem....in Proscan under web server tab I have "Maximum connections" set to "1"........I changed it to "10" but damn, still wont connect!
Are you entering in the same IP address and port on the computers that don't work?OK I edited router to what you suggested but there is still a problem where I can only connect to the same computer I am running Proscan on and radio connected to. Can't use any other computers in house or any phones....I tried everything you guys suggested, I know my phone is connected to wifi cause I can see it in phone display. I tried disabling wifi but no matter what I do it wont connect.
yes the same exact address/port. Something isnt set right. I can only connect to this computer I am on.Are you entering in the same IP address and port on the computers that don't work?
I am running windows 10 but I dont know how to disable the anti virus. I can find the settings but dont know where you disable it.Perhaps for a test, disable any Internet Security or Antivirus software on the computer running the Web Server.
dont know if this helpsI am running windows 10 but I dont know how to disable the anti virus. I can find the settings but dont know where you disable it.
Great. Now what about your phone WiFi?OK It seemed to be a Windows security part of advanced....inbound rules.....there are 6 lines of "Proscan" and 2 were blocked....I unblocked them and I can connect on everything now.
That's new to me too. I learned something from you and will remember this post in case anyone else has this type of problem.Thank you all for your help. It is hard to figure this stuff out even with manual cause there are many distracting things on either side of the one main thing I needed to focus on. But I have it working on phone and chromebook. Hopefully those 2 things in Windows Defender advanced section "Inbound rules" that I changed from "block" to "unblock" isnt a bad security risk! I dont know what that section of Defender means. Cant decipher it. Some things blocked, somethings arent.
Phone wifi is working too.....on the web server page what is the login section in upper right corner for?Great. Now what about your phone WiFi?
Well the things that screwed me up we the other tabs in Proscan (Source client and remote scanner over IP). I thought things in those places had to be configured and I was bouncing around trying everything. Plus I am unfamiliar with port forwarding, but with peoples help on here I learned a little and was able to set it without grief. My only concern, and maybe a Windows tech nerd can answer, is those 2 things I unblocked in Windows security inbound rules. There were 6 lines with Proscan and other data.....2 of them were blocked. And when I unblocked them everything started working. I just hope I didnt do something unsafe!That's new to me too. I learned something from you and will remember this post in case anyone else has this type of problem.
Phone wifi is working too.....on the web server page what is the login section in upper right corner for?
on the web server page what is the login section in upper right corner for?
OK Thanks I will take a look at that. OK I looked at it but it doesnt make sense to me! What do you do if you want to password protect the stream? If thats what it is for? dont understand it.To protect your server by using passwords if you want to do that....
Look at "Web Server Password Logic" in the Proscan user manual... For your own private use, "Super User" is the easiest.
OK Thanks I will take a look at that. OK I looked at it but it doesnt make sense to me! What do you do if you want to password protect the stream? If thats what it is for? dont understand it.
OK Thanks I probably wont need to do this. I set this up so only I can listen on phone when around yard or if I go out. One thing tho....I turned off metadata but the audio and what displays on screen is waaaaaay off and not calibrated. I played around with different settings (delay) but nothing I tried helps.By entering in a password in the Serve Audio Stream Password box, the stream is password protected.
If just the Super User password is entered and not the Serve Audio Stream Password then the stream is not password protected.
If both the Serve Audio Stream Password and Super User passwords are entered then either password will work to unlock the password protected stream.
When clicking on the Listen Live link or the built in audio player, the password is automatically sent to the audio player so you don't have to manually enter in a password. Provided you are logged in on the web page.
If you're manually entering in the URL in an audio player on a password protect stream. The format is like this.
The "stream" in the URL is the name of your stream configured in the Web Server tab.
The "mypassword" is the password you picked in the Serve Audio Stream Password box.
Without the +mypassword, you shall see a access denied (or similar type depending on the audio player using) message on the audio player.